
347. With Senior Lin Yi joining, we can have more fun [Big Chapter]_1

What's going on?!

The citizens of this city were all dumbfounded. Why would something resembling a meteor, yet far more flamboyant than a meteor, suddenly fall from the sky?

And that wasn't all; a huge rift unexpectedly tore open mid-air, and people actually ran out from it!

First came a child, followed by an incredibly beautiful woman...

It was clear the woman who had just appeared was much more eye-catching than the child. She instantly attracted the attention of all the citizens as soon as she made her entrance!

Dressed in a light and billowy white dress, with smooth silver hair cascading over her shoulders that ended in golden curls, she was surrounded by a faint halo of multicolored light that, to the citizens, looked like the glow only deities could emit.

This was actually a manifestation of elemental overflow, which for someone like Gu Yuena, who often used elements, was quite a normal phenomenon.

"My goodness, is she a deity?"

"Our city, rarely visited by even Soul Masters, has a god descended upon us?"

The ordinary citizens couldn't comprehend space elements.

They couldn't understand why there would be an amusement park dropping from the sky either.

As soon as Gu Yuena stepped into the amusement park, she was immediately stunned by the atmosphere around her.

Colors, music, ambiance, all sorts of strange and unusual amusement rides.

Immersed in it all, she immediately felt both her body and heart relax.

Little Golden Crocodile had already come down from the Pendulum Hammer. As the little guy landed, he seemed to be spinning around; even as an Ultimate Douluo, he had never experienced being bound and swayed to and fro in the sky like that.

It was thrilling above, but he felt dizzy after coming down. However, this didn't make it unpleasant; to him, it was like an upgraded version of a swing, no, a luxurious version of a swing!

Gu Yuena had already set her sights on the Pendulum Hammer. As soon as Little Golden Crocodile got off, she excitedly took the spot where Little Golden Crocodile had just been sitting.

"What...what are all these?"

Gu Yuena looked at the device used to secure the body, utterly confused. She imitated Little Golden Crocodile and lowered the bar that secured the upper body.

Before she could continue looking for Little Golden Crocodile's figure, the Pendulum Hammer suddenly started moving.

From a slow sway at the beginning to gradually picking up speed, the height kept increasing, and as it swung downward, Gu Yuena's eyes suddenly widened as her fair hands tightly grasped the restraint. The mighty Gu Yuena, with off-the-charts strength, also felt nervous due to the accelerating descent. But as it rose to the highest point, she couldn't help but let out a happy shout.

For ordinary people, the first time would absolutely make their legs go weak, but for these individuals accustomed to battles without regard to sky or ground, this "toy" was just perfect!

Seeing Gu Yuena having so much fun, the people from Soul City were completely floored. Meanwhile, the citizens of the city remained too afraid to approach, but many craned their necks, looking more and more infatuated. Was this really not a plot where a deity threw down their own paradise to earth and then came down to enjoy it?

"This feels interesting. I'll give it a try too."

Bi Bidong said with an upturned corner of her mouth, also heading in that direction.

Thousand Waves was taken aback and said, "If anyone is joining in, surely I should be first? That's the second prize!"

He hurriedly chased after her.

Little Golden Crocodile was still trying out the other amusement facilities, and more and more people rushed from Soul City to the amusement park side.

The citizens were scared stiff; they all began retreating backwards, wondering how so many people suddenly burst out when only one or two had emerged at the start?!

Could all these be deities?

Soon, the Pendulum Hammer filled with people, with Tang Chen inviting Poseissi to sit beside him in a gentlemanly manner, inciting the jealous stare of Thousand Waves. He had already chosen his spot, but that damned Tang Chen had been watching every move of Poseissi; it was only when Poseissi came over that he followed suit, damn it!

Finally, when the seats were all filled, Bi Ji hesitantly approached. After all, this was a human reward, and she couldn't command the scene like Gu Yuena did.

Di Tian promptly followed her, and upon seeing this, Wang Qiu'er and Zi Ji called out together, "Wait for me!"

Di Tian thought Bi Ji would go for those spinning horses but was surprised when she too headed towards the Pendulum Hammer.

But there were no seats left on the Pendulum Hammer.

One minute later.

The Pendulum Hammer joyfully swayed into action, and whilst Thousand Waves had a seat, his experience was far from great.

His lips twitched as he turned his head; standing just behind him was not one person, but a group!

Di Tian, Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Wang Qiu'er, and the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor stood very casually on the Pendulum Hammer, their light and airy clothing fluttering in the wind as they enjoyed themselves immensely.

This group had incredible stability, even as the Pendulum Hammer swung to vertical angles, they remained as if glued in place... although Bi Ji still had to grab onto Di Tian's outstretched arm to secure herself.

This time, it was Lin Yi who was stunned.

Well done, folks, standing on the Pendulum Hammer to have fun!

If this were posted online on Blue Planet, surely the netizens would call it out as unbelievable, Photoshopped!

While the group enjoyed the Pendulum Hammer, Little Golden Crocodile had already tried out most of the facilities in the entire amusement park.

Lin Yi watched with a bit of envy, but to maintain his dignity, he could only sit alone in his spot, watching their joy.

When the Pendulum Hammer came to a stop, Bi Bidong looked this way and noticed the lonely Lin Yi sitting by himself.

After pondering for a moment, she turned to Qian Renxue and said, "Please get Senior Lin Yi to come join in the fun, too."

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