
333, my lord, which academy do we choose to participate in the competition?_1

"Master, master, wake up!"

"Master, master, wake up!"


The repetitive sound rang in Lin Yi's ears like an alarm clock, yet it was as pleasant as a warbler's song. Instead of feeling annoyed, Lin Yi wished to give the owner of this voice a very romantic good morning kiss.

He smiled as he opened his eyes, and just as he was about to stretch, his lips were suddenly sealed with a sweet kiss, soft as jelly.

This made Lin Yi's stretching halt as if he were frozen in place.

Tang Wutong sat back, moving away from Lin Yi, her face adorned with a radiant smile, "Master, you're awake!"

Lin Yi looked at her in bewilderment, "Why did you kiss me?"

"The best way to wake a man is to kiss him, duh!"

Tang Wutong shook her head, the rabbit ears on top playfully bobbing up and down.

Lin Yi paused, finding this line strangely familiar.

He praised, "Impressive, impressive."

Nothing beats a real person, indeed. Those with emotions are just different.

Take Puppet Poseidon, for instance; she wouldn't even bother to wake Lin Yi up. She would only say, "Master, you need sufficient sleep to maintain good health."

If it weren't for Lin Yi's ability to wake up on his own, Poseidon would definitely cuddle with him until the afternoon.

And judging by the character of the people outside, none of them would dare knock on the door. In the past, Gu Yuena might have actually knocked to give him a wake-up call.

"Master, I want to go out and play, it's so boring in Space."

While helping Lin Yi tidy up his clothes, Tang Wutong looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"That's not possible."

"Ah~ oh well then~"

Tang Wutong pouted in disappointment, but soon, a faint smile crept back onto her face.

She readily accepted any command from Lin Yi, for it was her mission, and the only "program" written by the System embedded within Tang Wutong.

Opening the door.

Lin Yi finally breathed in the "fresh air" that didn't carry the scent of a woman.

He surveyed the scene while walking toward the platform, deliberately observing the women around him.

The Ice Emperor had a sullen face.

Little White looked awkward.

Bi Bidong was still looking at Lin Yi with delight as he took the stage, no different from usual, while Qian Renxue today had vacant eyes and stood rigidly.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth turned up; sure enough, the number two in the chat group was Qian Renxue.

These women went collectively crazy last night, competing to post bear selfies, so they must all be filled with group regret upon waking up.

That's the consequence of making decisions at night.

Looking at the demeanor of the Ice Emperor and Qian Renxue, they probably wished they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

As for Gu Yuena…

Lin Yi looked up and, to his surprise, found the Silver Dragon Princess with reddened corners of her eyes.

Damn, was she really made to cry last night?!

Hilarious, couldn't the online princess handle a bit of keyboard aggression?

Apparently, Ning Rongrong truly had the makings of an internet warrior; aside from her scoffs, Gu Yuena couldn't win an argument against Ning Rongrong in the chat group last night.

No sooner had Lin Yi stepped onto the stage than Tuan Tuan, lying there, rolled over and stood up. It stretched out its small hand to pat off the dust on its belly since this side had been against the floor the previous night.

"Master, I'm clean now, please sit down!"


Lin Yi sat down on it, and upon seeing this scene, Bi Bidong's eyelids twitched almost imperceptibly.

Just wait, Green Tea Tuan.

"Before we attack today, I have something to say," Lin Yi began, and everyone immediately stood up straight, all ears, afraid they might miss some important information.

"The Soul Master contest's preliminaries will be held the day after tomorrow, and the rules for the advancement competition have changed. Many of you below must be planning to participate as invited members, right?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished, everyone below buzzed with shock, looking at each other as if they had almost forgotten about such an important event!

Some among them didn't even know which academy to join up to now, especially naming a few ferocious beasts...

If they're too late, there will be no spots left!

After all, an academy can only have 14 competing team members, and seven of them are the pre-determined young Soul Masters, who are the original team members.

So, for those attackers below, an academy only has seven extra spots for them, which can be quite crowded.

After all, Lin Yi had made a rule that to win prizes, you must compete on behalf of an academy; prizes cannot be won in an individual's name.

Now, there are countless people who want to join academies in hopes of grabbing a prize!

Those with connections to an academy are somewhat better off, but those without connections are like headless flies right now, not even knowing which academy to go to... here, naming a few ferocious beasts once more.

At this moment, looking at the eager faces below, Lin Yi pretty much didn't have to wait for their answers...

Yes, all of them wanted to participate.

He then announced, "I will now unveil the latest reward setup for the advancement competition."

"The first place academy will receive three Platinum Level rewards."

"The second place academy will get two Platinum Level rewards and one Gold-tier advanced reward."

"The third place academy will get one Platinum Level reward and two Gold-tier advanced rewards."

"The fourth place academy, three Gold-tier advanced rewards."

"The fifth place academy, three Gold Intermediate rewards."

"The sixth to tenth place academies, all three Golden Junior rewards."

"The eleventh place to the last place academies will each have three soul bone rewards."

After hearing Lin Yi's reward rules, the whole place was in an uproar.

The whole place was silent.

The whole place was boiling with excitement!

Holy shit, all these rewards being given out together???

If this were translated into damage, how much damage would that be!

Some even started counting on their fingers right there: "Three million, four million, five million eight hundred thousand..."

Even people like Bi Bidong, Thousand Waves, and Gu Yuena, who were typically composed, were now unsettled.

They hadn't even touched a single Platinum Level reward, the stuff of legends!

They didn't even know what a Platinum color tasted like.

If it weren't for their long-term goal of Lottery Shield, people like Gu Yuena would have had a chance to taste Platinum Level rewards first, but one million... it was too terrifying, Gu Yuena wasn't confident that she could consistently do over a million in damage, and even if she did, she might not surpass her previous damage.

If the damage from an attack was lower than the last time, even if it was over a million, it would be downgraded to Gold-tier advanced.

So for long-term planning, they could only adopt a more modest approach to attacking.

But now, they didn't even know what the taste of Gold-tier advanced rewards was like.

In the entire venue, only Gu Yuena had tasted the flavor of Gold Intermediate rewards.

Therefore, for everyone present, the top three Platinum prizes were very tempting indeed!

The most important aspect was that these Platinum rewards wouldn't count towards their own attacking records, so after receiving the Platinum prizes, they could still progressively continue their assaults at Lin Yi's place.

"My lord, which academy should we choose to compete for?" Di Tian turned his head to look at Gu Yuena with an extremely excited expression.

ps. Thank you for following. There were quite a few things today, still a short chapter, tomorrow will return to a longer one...

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