
318. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect arrives at Soul City [Major Chapter]_2

Lin Yi raised his hand and controlled a huge stone pier, reinforced with steel, to hurl towards the car.

Wang Qiu'er inside the car was shocked at the sight, what was Senior Lin Yi doing?!

But the next moment, an even more shocking scene occurred.

"Clang clang" noises sounded as the car's various parts started to transform, becoming larger and larger and rising into midair, a pair of hands made of steel instantly grasped the panicking Wang Qiu'er.

Bumblebee simultaneously raised its left arm, made of assembled parts, and fired a missile at the incoming stone pier.


The stone pier was blown to pieces by the missile.

Bumblebee, holding Wang Qiu'er with both hands, landed steadily, its mechanical eyes curiously and innocently staring at its female owner.

Wang Qiu'er was dumbfounded.

Mounts... have a second form?!

Everyone was also stunned.

It turned out Senior Lin Yi wasn't attacking them just now but was proving to everyone that this mount not only had attack capabilities but also, to everyone's immense astonishment, a second form!

My God, is this the technology of another dimension?

No matter the form, they all look so cool, and it's not only a mode of transportation but can also attack and most importantly, it has intelligence!

Bumblebee put Wang Qiu'er down, and still in shock, she stumbled backward with a look of terror.

Perhaps as a way to express its apology for scaring its master just now, Bumblebee knelt on one knee in front of Wang Qiu'er and yet, unable to contain its hyperactivity, it reached out its large hand and touched Wang Qiu'er's head.

Her powder blue hair was pressed down and then was mischievously ruffled by Bumblebee.

"Stop it!"

Wang Qiu'er shouted.

Bumblebee immediately stood up straight, at attention, its eyes blinked, and it pressed a switch on its body. Suddenly music began to play from it.

"I love you walking alone in the dark alley..."

That's not right, Bumblebee switched again.

"You are my little apple..."


"The way you come at me face to face makes me want to move in such a foolish way..."


"Listen to me say thank you, because of you, the seasons are warmed!"

Bumblebee's eyes lit up, it chose to play this song, then stood in front of Wang Qiu'er and turns in circles like a silly child, the ground thumping as it moved, despite its clumsiness.

"Can't you talk? Can you only play music?"

Wang Qiu'er asked, suddenly finding her "pet" quite adorable.

Everyone was taken aback by the scene before them.

Including Lin Yi.

This Bumblebee, had it actually picked up the broadcast from Lin Yi's home on Blue Planet?

The songs it was playing were all from Lin Yi's hometown!

Bumblebee nodded in response to Wang Qiu'er, indicating that it couldn't speak.

However, it continued to fiddle with the radio, rapidly shifting through several channels and using different voices to form four words, a sentence.

"Love, you, master."

Lin Yi, watching this scene, was actually romanced by a robot.

Wang Qiu'er smiled and nodded, raising her hand for Bumblebee to lower its head for her to pet.

She had witnessed the soul technology that came 10,000 years later but always sneered at such human technology; never did she expect that this technology from another dimension would unexpectedly be so charming.

Wang Qiu'er, along with Bumblebee, walked towards this side, and the onlooking crowd grew even more curious as they moved closer, the brave ones even stepped forward to touch Bumblebee, making it almost socially anxious from the attention.


It transformed back into the form of a car.

"Thank you, Senior Lin Yi, I really like this reward."


Lin Yi was quite envious; to think he got a Transformer as a pet, if this were in the double-yellow reward, it would definitely be considered a secondary pet.

Of course, he currently had another secondary pet whose species he didn't know, still inside an egg.

There were two days left for hatching, and Lin Yi had gradually forgotten that he still had an egg waiting.

Wang Qiu'er eventually put the car into her storage soul tool, stepped down from the platform, and stood happily beside Gu Yuena.

Compared to Wang Qiu'er's current happiness, Gu Yuena seemed a bit uncomfortable.

Facing Lin Yi, Gu Yuena subconsciously touched her buttocks, the scenes from last night flooding back to her, utterly embarrassing.

This was the first time she had been so humble before anyone, and she cried so fiercely that she thought all the tears of her life had been shed in just that one night. Lin Yi hadn't said much on the surface, but she figured that once she left, he surely lay on the bed laughing his head off.

"Master, it's your turn."

"I... I don't feel like attacking today..."

Gu Yuena murmured awkwardly.

But Lin Yi's voice came quickly, filled with an indisputable chill:

"Step forward."


With a sense of grievance, Gu Yuena bowed her head and walked towards the stage.

I warn you, Lin Yi, you... don't push me!

If you press me too hard, I'll just...

I'll burst into tears right here, believe it or not!

You must care about face, right? I'll cry until you lose yours! Bullying a woman, huh? I'll make sure you can't even raise your head in front of everyone else!

Lin Yi was unaware of how childish Gu Yuena's current thoughts were.

Actually, it was beyond everyone's imagination.

Gu Yuena, a mighty Dragon King, vast as a mountain, with incomparably strong powers, could have been said to be the peak of the continent before Lin Yi.

But who could imagine that after encountering the true summit, this once-peak Dragon King's status would plummet sharply.

She couldn't beat him in a fight, her bloodline couldn't match his, nor could her power of elements; facing Lin Yi, Gu Yuena even felt inferior in appearance.

Everything she once had seemed like child's play in front of Lin Yi.

So facing Lin Yi, she could only choose to whimper, either to cry or to present her buttocks, utterly spiritless.

Lin Yi looked at Gu Yuena standing before him: "Do you dislike me a lot?"

"I wouldn't dare."

"But your performance now is even worse than before. I'm very disappointed."

"Ah? I..."

In a panic, Gu Yuena looked up at Lin Yi, her mouth slightly open, but she didn't know how to explain herself.

Under the astonished gaze of the audience, Gu Yuena decisively knelt before Lin Yi, a humble look on her face.

It was a clear display of the gap in their statuses.

Everyone was unaware of what had transpired between Lin Yi and Gu Yuena. It seemed that overnight, Gu Yuena started revering Lin Yi even more than Di Tian and others respected her, fearing Lin Yi.

The Golden Dragon King's bloodline and the Silver Dragon King Bloodline were supposed to be equals, weren't they?

Of course, no one knew at the moment that the blood flowing through Lin Yi's veins had already become that of the Dragon God Ancestor, with only Gu Yuena knowing the truth.

"Instead of kneeling and admitting your mistakes, it's better to stand up and attack. Hurry up, don't make me completely lose faith in you."


Gu Yuena immediately got up.

Her feelings towards Lin Yi were complex; she neither wanted to face him nor wanted him to stop caring about her.

Being ignored by Lin Yi was like torture to her, far more daunting than being directly punished by him.

Just then, as Gu Yuena was preparing to attack, a caravan approached from afar.

The ornate exterior of the carriages, decorated with blue lightning and dragon patterns, was recognized at first sight by Miss Ning below.

It was the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, one of the upper three families alongside her Seven Treasures Glaze Sect!

It must be because of yesterday's events, coincidentally when Gu Yuena was supposed to attack, they went to absorb the dragon-class faith from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Unexpectedly, after just one day, they had hurried to Soul City at breakneck speed.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, their visit did not bode well.

The caravan halted, the curtains lifted, revealing an elderly man with graying hair at the forefront, leading a group of people towards them.

Lin Yi frowned.

It was just yesterday's events, yet the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect reacted so quickly?

Could it be Liu Erlong who urged them to come?

Gu Yuena recognized Yu Yuanzhen, guessing that these humans must be here due to yesterday's incident.

Her heart surged with joy; as long as she didn't take action, they were here to give Lin Yi trouble.

With this in mind, Gu Yuena quietly moved aside, leaving Lin Yi to face these sect members alone.

ps. I tried my best today and failed, I'll continue striving for six thousand words tomorrow, seems like I've taken on this kind of task before... I'm sorry, my bad, tomorrow for sure!

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