
204, highest damage record over seven hundred thousand, is this achievable by a human?! [First release]_1

"Right? Former Master of Mingde Hall?"

Lin Yi spoke again.

Upon hearing this, Jing Hongchen suddenly stiffened.

Damn, Lin Yi actually knew his identity!

This straight-up became terrifying, considering there's a ten-thousand-year gap between their times!

A junior knowing about the senior could be understood as history stayed put, but how could a senior know about a junior from ten thousand years later? What was going on?

It's like traveling back to the Qin Dynasty, and Ying Zheng immediately spouts out your home address.

Jing Hongchen was already shocked enough, but then Lin Yi's words hit him right in the heart.

"Here's your attack reward, take it."

After speaking, Lin Yi tossed the Silver Moonlight Shield in Jing Hongchen's direction.

My God, that's a Tier-10 Fixed Installation Soul Guidance Device!

People from the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Master Academy panicked in an instant, all thinking about rushing forward to catch the shield, but fortunately, Jing Hongchen steadily caught it with his hand.

He held it in his arms, looking over its luster and patterns, his hands shaking more and more intensely.

This was definitely real, a Tier-10 Fixed Installation Soul Guidance Device personally developed by Kong Deming himself!

He may not have used it, but he had been fortunate enough to see it. The exquisite detail would make any Soul Master unable to resist being entranced.

Jing Hongchen channeled his Soul Power into the shield, feeling it spread over the core magic array inside, and he was so excited he almost cried. This feeling was just too amazing!

Indeed, no Soul Master could remain calm under the temptation of a Tier-10 Fixed Installation Soul Guidance Device.

Behind him, whether teachers or students, all curiously watched the scene before them, including Ju Zi. However, the future Regent Queen's gaze wasn't limited to just this.

Curiously, she asked Lin Yi, "May I ask, Senior, what level of reward is that black weapon?"

Ju Zi was very interested in the Blue Star Weapon, which was more powerful than a soul tool.

"Bullet, Black Advanced Level."

Black Advanced Level?! But the real Silver Moonlight Shield was just a Black Intermediate Level reward!

The people from the Sun-Moon Royal Academy were all astounded as they realized their Tier-10 Fixed Installation Soul Guidance Device was only given a Black Intermediate Level rating by Lin Yi...

It felt rather embarrassing, no, it was extremely embarrassing!

Listening to their conversation, Jing Hongchen, recalling the rules that Ning Fengzhi had briefly introduced to them, muttered to himself:

"Black Intermediate, Advanced, Red Junior... Golden Junior, Intermediate, Advanced, and then..."

Muttering to this point, Jing Hongchen's expression changed subtly, and he quickly looked at Ju Zi, asking, "What did Senior Ning say was the highest level of reward again?"

"Multicolored Gold Rewards, and on top of that, different colors also have additional benefits."

Ju Zi remembered it clearly.

Jing Hongchen was unsettled upon hearing this.

"Wait, the champion reward for the Soul Master competition, I remember it's three Multicolored Gold Rewards, right?!"

"Yes, Grandpa! That's why I want our academy to participate!"

Meng Hongchen folded her arms, speaking displeasedly from behind.

It was as if a bolt from the blue struck Jing Hongchen's heart.

If even a Tier-10 Fixed Installation Soul Guidance Device was just a Black Intermediate Level reward, then the Multicolored Gold Rewards had to be heaven-defying!

Not to participate in the Soul Master competition here would be no different from being a fool!

Jing Hongchen immediately made a bow to Lin Yi, fearing he'd speak too late and lose the opportunity.

"Senior Lin Yi, on behalf of the Imperial Sun Moon Soul Academy, I apply for participation in the Soul Master competition! Please approve!"

Lin Yi looked at him teasingly, "Didn't you say to discuss it further? Have you finished discussing so quickly?"

Jing Hongchen was extremely embarrassed: "No need for further discussion, no need for further discussion. I was just being young and naive just now. Jing Hongchen officially makes the decision on behalf of the academy!"

Lin Yi chuckled inwardly, 'Face-slapping may be delayed, but it comes eventually.' After all, up till now, no one has been able to resist the temptations he offered.

Even someone as proud as Gu Yuena is now queuing up obediently, right?

"I approve," he said. "Make sure to participate in the preliminaries on time, but soul tools cannot be used during the preliminaries."

Lin Yi said indifferently.

Emperor Xueye and Dai Ben frowned upon hearing that they had one more competitor, their faces clearly displeased, but they dared not say anything.

The real person in charge of the Soul Master competition had long become Lin Yi, and at best, they were only "contenders for the championship."

"Thank you, Senior!"

Jing Hongchen was overjoyed.

He lovingly stroked the Silver Moonlight Shield a few more times. If Kong Deming knew that a second Silver Moonlight Shield existed in this world and it was in his possession, his facial expression would probably be as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

Jing Hongchen thought gleefully and carefully put away the Silver Moonlight Shield.

"Senior, do I still have one more opportunity to attack today?"


Jing Hongchen no longer dared to try to prove the might of their soul tools, as what faced him otherwise would be a literal dimensionality reduction strike.

The higher the damage, the better the quality of the reward. So the main goal was to increase the damage. After some thought, Jing Hongchen took out another long-range attack soul tool from his Storage Device.

The Piercing Cannon!

The area damage of this soul tool naturally couldn't compare with the all-terrain self-moving soul artillery battery, but its primary function was to break shields, so it had strong single-target attack power.

Jing Hongchen shouldered the Piercing Cannon, aiming its muzzle at Lin Yi.

Today was unquestionably the most absurd day of his life, and Lin Yi was the most absurd existence he had ever encountered.

Once the academy's seal was lifted, he vowed he would definitely go brag to those old friends he knew!

Soul Power was channeled into the soul tool, the core magic array lit up again, gears rotated at the muzzle, extending it forward.


The conical soul cannonball struck Lin Yi's body but emitted a crisp sound, as if it had hit a mountain. Lin Yi stood firm and unshaken, the cannonball was blasted dozens of meters away.

Indeed, it was the same result as before… Caught in a brief stupor, Jing Hongchen still chose to accept reality.

Lin Yi looked towards the panel.

[Blood Loss: 117463]

[Remaining Blood: 899950757437]

[Damage Grade: Black (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Two-Word Battle Armor: Hongchen (upper body component)]

[Host Reward: Two-Word Battle Armor: Hongchen (full set)]

Here it came, the System's dimensionality reduction strike!

Lin Yi knew this damn System loved to see the attackers' surprised faces even more than he did.

Granting a Douluo Level 2 a piece of technology from Douluo Level 3 was purely a dimensionality reduction strike, even more direct than a Blue Star Weapon, wasn't it?

"Damage 117463, Black Intermediate level, your reward is a Two-Word Battle Armor upper body piece."

Jing Hongchen had never heard of Battle Armor, so the reward didn't attract his attention. Instead, he was completely captivated by a wooden plaque next to Lin Yi.

Oh my god, who is Gu Yuena?!

Is she someone from here?!

Jesus, a record damage of over seven hundred thousand! Could this even be inflicted by a human?!

Jing Hongchen's eyes widened in shock.

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