
the end of Acrisius

The sessions of the trial phase continued, after the revelation of the secrets and the testimony of the members of the navy and the witnesses in the form of double agents, infiltrators, and criminals, the scientists who had analyzed the anti-atmospheric gas and the experts who had revealed the route plans of the transport ships and the various cruisers that tried to reach the Hellenic station after the failure of the assault on the mother ship but were intercepted near the Orion belt by the intergalactic patrol gave way.

The accumulation of evidence, testimonies, recordings was such that it was impossible for the defense to ask for or even suggest the dismissal of the trial. The first group of defendants, the traitors who joined the adventure simply to escape but who had had no real participation in the conspiracy, faced sentences whose range, if finally found guilty, ranged from twenty years in prison to lifelong exile.

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