

Although the enemy Mothership did not need any escort, it had been taken over by the pirate fleet, which deployed around it as soon as they exited the time tunnel. Only the Thanatos and the Amophis were left behind. The great admirals of several of the nations could not help but send their flagships to the arrival area.

They were not afraid of the viability of the mission; they were afraid of what could really learn on the enemy space station. The first time Eneas took an enemy ship, it was a great celebration, the symbol that humanity could triumph, however facing the truth had transformed the success of the mission into a fear of the future.

Odin, Osiris, Orisha and Zeus were in the throne room of the mother ship. They were amazed by the size and by the different concepts in the design, as that room itself was more typical of a feudal people than of a nation that traveled by for the universes.

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