
At the edge of the abyss

The two fleets were doomed to mutual destruction; only the updated battleships and those that were close to them resisted. The four hundred enemy destroyers were being turned into pulp by the most modern and best-armed ships of humans; however, because the humans, however four hundred destroyers was a too large a number, the battle could last for hours.

The eighty Yokai that had surprised the human rearguard were in turn surprised by the pirate fleet with its twenty ships plus the Acrata. The combats were locked, and the gunners hardly had time to redirect the rail cannons, the plasma lasers, the lightning-type cannons, and the rest of the weapons that were being fired relentlessly.

The fighters flew everywhere, chasing each other, shooting, and circling the ships; some exploded, others remained floating in space with their pilots dead or injured.

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