
Issue of female sensitivity

The investigations into the bodies were fruitless; the remains were barely recognizable even in molecular or DNA analysis, and the teeth were deliberately pulled out. It was a dead end, but to that had been added disconcerting news: according to the autopsy data, Jiangshi had committed suicide; that was already known, but the question was how. He had hit his head against the cell wall until he died from massive internal bleeding. What kind of will did he have to continue hitting himself to death?

But Penelope did not consider the mystery closed; she knew that there was something more there, and with the confirmation of the possible intervention of the machines, the whole matter had fallen into her hands.

She was reviewing reports in a room when Hera and Aphrodite entered. Poor Aphrodite had only been able to enjoy a couple of days with Odysseus; a priority mission had returned him to activity, so it made no sense for Aphrodite to stay on the space station.

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