
Arrival at Elyssium

Eneas sent some fast ships ahead as soon as he approached his home planets; arriving by surprise with an enemy ship of that size was not the best. They would also need more ships to guarantee the entry maneuver into the atmosphere. The control that allowed the interface with the enemy ship was precarious, to say the least; such a complex maneuver with so many risks was better approached with reinforcement, beyond the twelve cruisers anchored in the fuselage.

The message sent by Eneas to Alcera was clear: Ship Thanatos approaching Alcea with an enemy ship boarded. The enemy ship does not have an orbital system; the collaboration of twelve cruisers or similar ships is required to achieve stabilization in the approach maneuver. The Enemy ship has a volume of 5300 pexars.

Grand Admiral Hephesto not only sent the requested cruisers, but two battleships and five frigates proceeded to officially and triumphantly escort the Alcaean ship.

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