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Odysseus's orders were law on the Argos; no one doubted or opposed, but given the situation, the small detour of the Argos to supervise the approach of the Argos to analyze the influence of a supernova on an unimportant comet was taken with caution, but with a certain perplexity for the staff of officers present on the ship. It was not a rebellion, but the need to carry out this scientific work was questioned. Only Odysseus and Eneas knew the importance of that observation.

In a situation of possible war against an unknown enemy that had already shown its claws by attacking another civilized race, choosing to waste time on a scientific mission was something that was difficult to explain.

All the officers wanted to return to Elyssium as soon as possible to communicate the grave news and so that these amazing technological advances could begin to be mass produced. Also, deep down, the success of one part of Argos was the success of all.

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