
An alliance of crazy people

"Wow, the truth is, Admiral Jahve that if I had not experienced something as strange as returning to the past and it were not for that mysterious Lion who was also involved with me, it would be very difficult to believe his story, but it seems that we have two stories that do not. We can tell no one."

"Lion told me that he would send me to someone, someone who would know the hard facts to prove my truth, and I think that's your boy..."

"But if I say something like that, they will call me crazy and expel me from the academy; I am not a hero like you..."

"True, that's why you're not going to do anything; well, you're going to concentrate on being the best cadet in the Officers School; they already call me crazy, so I don't care about my bad reputation, this is my plan... "

Jahve's idea was simple: he would make a dossier with different relevant events that would happen over the following months and until the start of the war, and he would send it to the press along with his story. At first, no one would pay attention to the predictions of a madman, as is normal, until the specific events began to happen exactly one after the other... It is true that when everything became public, it was possible that the story would change, and they could not control it. That is why the things that it would reveal had to be beyond human will.

What interested Jahve most were the different phenomena that occurred very frequently in the empire, and that seemed like an absurd coincidence: acid rain, a plague of locusts, the overpopulation of frogs in its water reserve, and hail in surprising quantities. All of them and many more were things that did not depend on human will, so no matter how much he announced them to the world, absolutely nothing would happen.

Eneas recalled everything he remembered: atmospheric and climatic events, political issues, sporting events, and above all, the events that would mark the beginning of the war. While they were planning, Jahve stopped drinking, put away his glass of liquor, and for once, after many years, resisted the temptation to pour himself another glass.

"jummm... I think this is enough; now let's move on to other practical matters. Did you tell me that you had bought a star cruiser? Well, before they demote me or remove my rank, let's approve the authorization for the armament." "

They completed the procedures and authorizations to be able to install the most special weapons on the ship, both of them had been waiting for many, many years since Jahve had used his grand admiral security signature.

However, nothing strange happened; the authorization continued to work perfectly, and with that problem solved, Eneas felt much more relieved of his burden. Since he returned to the past, he had always wondered what he could do to change history, and the more he thought about it, the smaller and more insignificant he felt.

But now he had an ally in his mission. It is true that all that was said about the passage to another world and the topic of dreams was strange, and he did not quite understand exactly how humanity could go to that other world. But he had to trust the old man, just like the old man is trusting him.

They said goodbye cordially, meeting to report on the situation in the canteen the following week.

It was the first weekend of his life at the officer academy. Eneas went out to the academy parking lot and turned on his Amaru. He was very clear about how he would spend the weekend; he had not saved her mother to now transform her into a secondary axis of her life.

Eneas headed to Elysium City at full speed, and while he was doing that, an old admiral began to write in a very fictional way everything that would happen in the coming months; it was not a novel, just a few pages in which, through data specifics, he would try to support his own story. The old Admiral searched in his closet; he no longer had an Admiral's uniform that would fit that bag of bones that he now had for a body.

Eneas' mother was surprised to have her son have a whole weekend to herself, without interruptions, without events, and without the typical nights out that a young man would have.

While they were eating quietly on Sunday in a nice restaurant in the Hellenic capital, a piece of news caught his attention, especially because of the inconsiderate headline.

"The crazy old admiral is back"

In the images, Jahve could be seen in a new Admiral's uniform talking to a journalist while he owed him some papers.

"You may still not believe me today but I have just given my testimony with things that will happen during the next few months before war and annihilation arrive, only if you believe me can we be saved"

The journalist began to review, stating the events that would occur before, the different plagues that would devastate the Het empire, all very specific and at times in the coming weeks.

"Thank you very much Admiral, we will be attentive to his story, special envoy Moises says goodbye from Troy"

The Admiral came out flat this time; he did not seem angry nor had he shouted to impose his reason; he only gave the information and made the call to believe him, and once the ball was launched, he only had to wait for it to roll on its own and grow.

His mother felt sorry for the crazy old admiral, she told me how many times over the years he had tried to convince the world of his truth, without success, only to end up being ridiculed and having to disappear again amid shows of compassion. For his person.

The weekend was coming to an end, and Eneas was enjoying himself. He had enjoyed himself with his mother, and he was happy. When he started his Amaru again towards the military academy of Troy, he did so smiling.

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