
The story of Jahve 1

The explosion of the interstellar ship "Oracle" caught the young Admiral Jahve as he attempted to retreat from the impending disaster. The shock wave sent the fighter tumbling through space. At that moment of chaos, it was just a fighter among the rubble, but inertia is something terrible in the vacuum of space; a ship without resistance would continue moving for a long time until it was stopped. By something or attracted by a gravitational field.

But this was not the case; there, near the Orion belt, the void was dense and vast, one could only expect that the fighter would crash into an asteroid. After regaining consciousness after the terrible impact, Grand Admiral Jahve tried to start the ship's engines, without success.

"Damage to the engine system: Impossible restart"

"Damage to the weapons system: Systems blocked"

"Damage to the Communications System: Blocked Systems"

"Damage to the power system. "Energy at 40% Power cancellation is recommended in damaged systems"

The series of messages appeared one after another on the visors. At this rate, he would be left wandering in space; he couldn't avoid it. There was only hope that the navy would locate the fighter's positional beacon in time and rescue him.

"Diversion of energy from defense systems, engines and weapons to the primary system"

"Prioritize the life support module"

The orders to the integrated system of the Jahve fighter were precise and had no hesitation. With the primary system active, it would guarantee the self-repair systems of the ship to at least try to make it watertight, which at least had not been affected; otherwise, it would already be space mush, but above all, now I had to prioritize the life support system to be able to have oxygen for a long wait.

The hours passed, while his hunt continued, floating in the void at a constant speed in an unknown direction. He couldn't use the systems to make the calculations of his current trajectory, but if nothing prevented him, he would enter the gravity radius of the star AP825 in 48 hours.

There were no planets or planetoids with a breathable atmosphere in that empty quadrant of space, although that mattered little. Even reducing oxygen consumption to a minimum, he doubted it could last more than 72 hours.

But Jahve was not a simple admiral; he was the best, the best pilot and tactician who had been born in the Hellenic nation for many generations. His physical and mental condition were the best; he was a true elite soldier.

He closed his eyes and began to control his breathing, lowering his vitals to a minimum and thus avoiding excessive oxygen consumption. For the first time in many years, he depended on others to save himself.

In that state of meditation, time passed strangely quickly while he floated through the cosmos, but no one came to rescue him. Had the radio beacon been damaged? Had their people lost the battle by being left without his commander-in-chief? Anything was possible, but he couldn't fall into these dark thoughts.

He had to resist that mental dynamic and control his pulse and breathing, keeping it as low as possible.

He really didn't know how many hours had passed when various notices began to appear on his helmet again.

"Alert approaching the gravitational field of the star AP825, one hour and 32 minutes for gravitational pull

"Life support alert at 5%: commitment for the oxygen generator: Estimated duration: 2 hours and 5 minutes"

"Alert celestial object cataloged as Comet Yar25 is on collision course with the ship; the time until impact 1 hour and 40 minutes"

Shit, he was completely screwed; even if the ship survived the impact, which he doubted, he would die from hypoxia a few minutes later.

If he were to die, he would at least look death in the face. Jahve opened his eyes, and the blue dot that was AP825 began to be seen in the distance. The old star was a white dwarf, a sight to be seen in space, but a star. That did not favor life in their planetary system.

In the distance, he began to distinguish the trail and the bluish tail left by the comet; undoubtedly, he was going to encounter it head-on.

Jahve left no family, just a handful of companions whom he could call friends. He had lived well and to the fullest, just as he always wanted. He could think that, at least after his death, he would be an example for the rest of future generations of soldiers.

When the fighter entered the gravitational radius of the star, its fighter changed. Sucked in by a new force of attraction, there was no doubt that the comet would cross its path. It was a glorious sight to see; however, something strange was happening. With that comet in front of him, it was as if a green light was forming, distorting the light and space in front of him.

What the hell was that?

A few minutes later, his ship crossed this strange spatial phenomenon by inertia... It was like passing through a curtain of water, Jahve was prepared for the impact that would occur when he really collided with the comet; however, nothing in his life prepared him to pass. Through a hole in space and appear in a world or planet, with its blue sky, its clouds and its sea...

The speed and inertia of the ship were no longer of any use in that new environment, the gravitational attraction took a hit...

Shit, he wasn't going to fall plumb into the sea, he was going to land on a damn island... would the ship withstand the impact? He wasn't going to stay to check it, he changed the little energy the ship had left to eject from the cabin...

While his parachute was in extremis, he could see how his hunt crashed into a dense jungle on the islet...

He had never been a great swimmer, but willing to resist death, he ditched the parachute and began swimming toward the island as soon as he was in the water. Where was he? That was the big question that the great admiral asked himself as he advanced through the waves.

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