
Matter of trajectories

To further boost Agamemnon's confidence, he would start out as the attacker. He had five minutes to give that bastard Eneas the beating of his life. He wasn't going to leave anything behind.

Agamemnon lifted his guard, he was a little taller than Eneas but just as big, his arms were tense, prepared to deal the clumsy cadet blows that would hurt for weeks.

Lieutenant Achilles gave the signal to start, Agamemnon's right hand crossed the distance, if he hit him with that blow he would knock him down, however his fist only found air and emptiness, that bastard had dodged by turning to the right.

Agamemnon was left a little unbalanced by the momentum of a blow yet he found no resistance, furthermore Eneas had moved in such a way that he could not connect a combination with his left hand from that position.

He turned quickly trying to reach him with three quick left, right, left blows, but Eneas had moved faster again, making his blows useless and forcing him to rotate his entire body to follow him.

The more desperate Agamemnon became, the stronger and faster his blows were, but at the same time the more predictable, Eneas did not stop moving in that meter of distance left and right, most of the time towards the side of his punch, which It forced him to turn and change his feet, trying to reach him.

Agamemnon launched a vicious hook, but Eneas did not hesitate to throw his body back touching the ground and roll over Agamemnon's own leg, ending up behind him. By the time he turned to follow his attack, Eneas was no longer there, he was still moving in the distance, dancing, ridiculing him, it seemed that he knew in advance how the blows would come.

It could be assumed that Agamemnon no longer controlled the rhythm, he was throwing the blows guided by the movements of Eneas, who slipped, changed, rotated, always out of danger.

Agamenon may not have been the best boxer, but as an applicant he had prepared for months to pass the entrance exam, he was not clumsy, his combinations were powerful, fast and good technically speaking, but what good were they if his opponent was not where he was? ought? How could he achieve power and speed if every time he had to throw his punches from stranger angles or if he had to dance around his own axis?

The cadet was panting, at this rate he wouldn't be able to finish the five minutes at a good pace, and he hadn't managed to hit Eneas even once. Had he been pretending all these days? Was he really a genius who had saved his abilities in order to humiliate him?

He was not willing to let himself be defeated by a deceitful vermin, although it was a fight only with fists, he did not care about that anymore, Eneas dodged to the left, his right fist passed over his head, the left hook to the body passed him by. , but at that moment he jumped with a side kick, he couldn't miss, not at that distance, however his foot brushed Eneas's head. He had fallen to the ground as soon as he saw the impulse of the support foot with the speed that only a trained soldier would be able to achieve if he received that order.

Agamemnon, driven by his impulse, could not control his inertia well, his body became destabilized and he fell to the ground clumsily, but Eneas had already gotten up and was still moving.

He was short of breath, his arms hurt after so many deep blows thrown into the void. And above all his pride was defeated.

This part of the fight came after five minutes, it was time to turn the tables and be the one who had to dodge.

Agamemnon only had to save his honor, Lieutenant Achilles saw fit to give him a minute's rest so he could catch his breath.

The cadet had his eyes fixed on Eneas's shoulders, his trunk, he did not even look at his face, Eneas's left shoulder moved, he would dodge to the right, the movement was small, it was a Jab, however the Eneas's right fist hit his stomach.

That bastard had gotten lucky with his combination, Agamemnon got back into position, Eneas's two shoulders moved minimally, another combination? The cadet moved in anticipation, rotating his head left and right, only to receive a sharp blow to the mouth.

It was not a blow loaded with power, nor could any obvious damage be seen, however Eneas did not stop, he was not hitting him technically, he seemed to anticipate where his body would be, striking quickly, scoring without going deep or missing the foot from the impulse.

His opponent began to move and a shower of blows assaulted him. No matter where he moved, Eneas's fist found him. He even went so far as to get on his back several times, hitting his ribs from behind.

Five minutes, five minutes of blows, five minutes to finish destroying any confidence Agamemnon could have in himself. Several times he was surprised, Eneas could have knocked him down if he had hit hard, he did not have a weak body, he was someone who had made the cut for the officer academy. But he didn't do it, he only submitted it, demonstrating overwhelming superiority. When Agamemnon couldn't take it anymore, he covered himself, blocking it with his arms, he no longer dodged.

Lieutenant Achilles stopped the fight.

"This is when Cadet Agamemnon destroyed a Mecha worth more than a billion Kukris."

That was the end of the fight. All the cadets learned a lot from that demonstration, some more than others, but the issue was a defense in which the trajectories of the enemy attack were forced so that they were more easily dodged and conversely hit not where the enemy was but where he would be. .

Eneas once again had a chance of reaching Argos. At the same time several notifications rang in his head, the first sports bets were beginning to bear fruit, without the rest of the class knowing, not only had he won a match masterfully in both defense and attack, in five minutes he had doubled his fortune.

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