
The space suit

Before getting into his Amaru, Eneas pressed the button to deploy his black exosuit, it was the best way to insulate himself from the cold and to avoid losing his life if he had a fall and survived the blow.

It wasn't the best in the range; far from it, it was the one he could afford after buying the Amaru, but that had to change. This world could offer many things to those with enough money to pay for them, and driving aids were no different.

The Amaru roared as he took the most direct route towards the city of Troy. He could see the training fields for the soldiers, where these uniformed men were also beginning their first day of instruction.

Unlike the progressive immersion that had been experienced today in the officers' academy, the soldiers faced hell from the first day. He remembered the twelve hours of continuous exercises with hardly any rest on his first day at the academy in his previous life, the story had changed a lot to his current situation.

The Elverí Sky Center was the temple for lovers of speed, vehicles, and for all those high-class pilots and officers who could afford the things that were sold there.

The entrance to the shopping center was through the large hangars on the forty-sixth floor of a macro skyscraper, it was really a circle of 7 skyscrapers of 80 floors that from the 30th floor joined together to end up forming a kind of needle or dome as they all converge towards the center at the end.

All types of self-propelled vehicles could be seen, from other versions of Amaru, which gave off the smell of luxury and money, to two-seaters commonly called "couples", to large pleasure craft that could accommodate up to 12 passengers comfortably seated.

Eneas parked the Amaru on the 6th floor of the parking lot, and after deactivating his exosuit he headed to the entrance to the shopping center.

Even though it was a relatively early hour, the shopping center was already full, the luxury goods stores were shining with their shiny windows, on the multiple liquid crystal screens that were everywhere, a real bombardment of advertising encouraged you to come and see the latest offer from this or that business.

Eneas's first stop was at "PhoenixSpaceSuits" the best pilot suit store that existed. It is true that the army would provide him with a good suit, not the best but a decent one, but nothing could beat the special suits that they sold in this store.

With his Cadet uniform from the officers' school, he attracted attention. The clerk was tempted to throw him out when he saw a young boy enter his luxurious establishment, but he remained silent, smiling at him with the best of his smiles when he saw his uniform. , you never knew when a boy born with a silver spoon would arrive.

"Good morning, future officer, can I help you with something?"

"Yes, I'm coming for a Titanium series ThreeChromeSuit please"

"No problem, although I can show you other pretty good ones that are much more affordable"

Eneas knew what he wanted: that space suit, in addition to excellent defense, without loss of sensitivity, offered complete isolation from the cold or space radiation, and the suit also came with two state-of-the-art auxiliary oxygen generators. If in his other life he had worn one and not his humble Sergeant's combat suit, he would have been able to survive up to 10 days. It was also capable of inoculating intravenous food into the body, allowing him to resist and endure if him were stranded in space. Its small-wave drive motors would even allow it to travel long distances and at a moderate speed before depleting its battery. There really wasn't anything better on the market at the time.

"It's not necessary, I would like it in black, the Venom model I think is called"

"Of course"

The clerk pressed a few keys and a drone brought him the order immediately. Eneas looked at the impressive black suit with silver stripes. His exosuit was really a mere toy next to this marvel.

With a gesture he brought his wrist terminal closer to the payment system and after collecting his new acquisition he headed to his next destination "OverlapHelmets", the Wingedhelmet Vimana, the best existing space navigation helmet that also came with a flight auxiliary system capable of generating wings to facilitate maneuverability in the air. In addition, it could be self-reformed and collected in a small, very concealed pendant.

He didn't bother or worry about asking prices; he knew exactly what he wanted, the clerk at the second store tried to sell him two hundred thousand accessories, but of everything he took out, only one caught Eneas's interest, it was an Air gun simulation system, a way to simulate the practices of an entire academy cabin with a simple connection to your neural system and helmet.

For the boots and gloves he had to go to several stores, there were high quality models made by many brands, they all offered the same characteristics, durability, insulation, resistance, as for the gloves he decided on some "Mechanicks" a brand not so luxurious but in terms of performance they far surpassed the most refined ones, especially the possibility of doing laser microwelding with them was a great advantage.

In the war that he lived through, he often had to repair some panel of his old B29 in mid-flight with the basic tools that he had in the cockpit. This was the perfect equipment for someone who had completed aerospace engineering training before entering the academy.

The boots were something a little more whimsical, I looked for those that were compatible with his new exosuit and among these some that allowed him a certain flight autonomy, and what was more important, an autonomous magnetic fastening system.

Eneas sat in a luxurious cafeteria while he thought about what else he could buy, he had already finished with the objects he had in mind, but this shopping center offered him endless possibilities.

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