
A consciousness floating in the cosmos

Death was not as Eneas imagined; it did not end, and that was it; he did not go to the afterlife, nor to any paradise; he was only left wandering in the infinite, wandering without sense of time and space, without body or reality, without anything around him. , sometimes I could hear something similar to a nearby echo without being able to identify it or get closer. He was alone; he was alone for an eternity.

"Surely it's this one…"

"Yes, look at his thread… look at the knots. It has to be him; luckily, he fell asleep before he died.

But what the fuck was happening? He couldn't see who was talking, nor did he know what threads they were talking about... he only knew that he could understand them...?

"Let's prepare the ritual, then. Are you sure about this Lion? "Playing with the past is taboo, you know."

"But I'm not playing with the past Irtrum, I'm building the present; otherwise, what we are experiencing now will never happen. It's our only chance; you already heard the Great Elder. We humans should not have survived."

Eneas could hear how some strange words began to resonate: the shapeless mass without tangible limits that had been his consciousness concentrated; it was like being or feeling a balloon full of air. As the chant continued, he felt a whiplash in his mind.

After that, everything became darkness again... he stopped feeling that nothingness around him. His consciousness was being dragged down a spiral. A spiral and a fall... how long had it been? Been falling?

Suddenly, he could see a light... a strong light. He could see...

His first instinct was to cover his eyes...eyes...how had he moved his hand?

Did he have a body again? He could feel it, every inch of his skin, every little part of his body...

By the time he managed to look around, he had frozen. Wasn't this his small room in the tiny apartment he had lived in Troy City before the academy?

He looked at himself in the mirror on the table. It was him. It was his body...

"Ogmios tell me what day it is"

"Good morning, Eneas. It is 7:25 on the 24th of the Calendas, year 23059. I remind you that there are only 8 hours left for the entrance exam at the officer academy…"

On the 24th of the Calendas 23059, 16 months before his death, the day he failed the entrance exam that had been his dream since he was a child, the same day his mother died, he...

Her mother had three hours left before she suffered the accident. He didn't understand what was happening, but if his life had given him a second chance, he wouldn't waste it.

"Ogmios call my mother"

The ringtone resonated in his head... four rings... Come on, mom, pick it up... Six rings... Surely she was talking to her boss, Shirozuki; he was a real exploitative idiot who did not hesitate to call her at dawn...

Three hours. He still had three hours ahead of her; if he hurried, he could reach the capital, Elysium, on time.

Pressing a button, his black carbon exosuit covered him. The sensation was just as he had remembered it so many times in the void. The door that led to his small balcony and hangar opened automatically, and there was his beautiful Amaru 395, with its bright red colors and its personalized dashboard... He had spent all his savings after working part-time for 5 years to be able to buy it... It was a fast dragon, very fast...

He got into it, and after starting, he heard the purr of the beautiful engine...

"Ogmios, open the hangar and set a timer for two and a half hours."

"As you wish, Eneas, but I remind you again that today is the entrance exam…"

"I know it very well; you don't need to remind me at every step…"

When the double liquid crystal doors blurred into the air, Eneas launched himself into the void from his apartment on the 112th floor of his apartment block, the wind blowing against his helmet and the speed accelerating on the descent, seeing the ground getting closer and closer. , it was not until the last moment that he spread his small wings and managed to get his Amaru upright...

With the speed of the fall, Eneas was thrown into the traffic of the lower city, and with that density, he would not get out of Troy in time. He would have to break the rules and take a risk, but it was either that or let his mother die again.

Reprogramming the height, he went from the permitted traffic level to the intermediate level, flying like a red arrow between the buildings. A bluish flash on the screen of his helmet warned him that the guards had already detected his violation of the urban flight rules and were beginning the persecution.

"Safety violation alert, stop immediately" signs could be seen on the reflective windows of the buildings.

But the guardian vehicles were no match for his Amaru in speed.

"Ogmios seeks an unobstructed and straight route to Elysium"

"Calculating route, vector 32 is clear; it is not recommended to continue committing violations"

"Shut up, Ogmios."

Eneas straightened his course towards vector 32; it was a narrow passage between all the buildings in the city. This would cost him his license and even jail if they caught him, but they wouldn't. Holding on tight to the controls, Eneas activated the turbojet. 

The blue lights of the patrol cars were left behind. Who would be crazy enough to use a turbojet inside a city? The chances of crashing or losing control were too high for the guardians' meager salary; the decision to abandon the chase was the most sensible thing they could do.

If a crazy man wanted to kill himself at that speed in a city, that was his problem. The buildings would not be damaged; they were prepared to receive that type of impact, and if it collided with another descending vehicle, well, they would have to pick up the pieces of the victims and gather testimony. They couldn't do more.

A Red arrow was shot between the buildings of the city of Troy and did not stop until it was well away from its walls. In the free space, the only thing left to do was reach the capital of the kingdom in time.

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