
Chapter 80

Chapter 80


Kiyotaka AOV


I laid down on the bed and let out a deep exhale.

Within the guest room I shared with three of the other Class E girls, I stared up into the dark void that enveloped the room.

Contrary to the others, I was unable to sleep. My mind was swarmed with thoughts.

My life at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.

The friends I'd made, the fake relationships I'd forged with those around me.

The frustrations and hardships I'd endured during my week on an island.

But most of all,

The enigmatic boy with brown hair and eyes colder than the iciest winters.

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

I hate him.

I absolutely hate him.

He'd captured me using my weakness and forced me into submission, enslaving me to carrying out his every whim. I was powerless.

I fucking despise Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

That being said, perhaps, it isn't all bad.

Ayanokōji-kun had told me that he would protect me, and swore to assist me going forward.

At first, I just thought he was pitifully trying to reassure me with empty promises, however...

Earlier today, I'd gotten a glimpse into the mind of the terrifyingly cold existence known as Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

It was frightening in a different way to when I encountered him on that rooftop.

His mind, his thought process. The way he takes everything into account, and doesn't miss a single detail. Just knowing that there's an individual like that is scary.

But this person claimed to be on my side. That he intended to help me.

With his ability, it would very well be possible for him to aid me. Knowing that somebody like him is supporting me would be reassuring indeed.

I could use him.

No, that's not it, is it?

It's the other way around – Ayanokōji-kun is using me. There's no way that someone like me could ever make him my pawn.

He reassures me with promises of protection and words of 'trust,' but, in the end, it's all just to make me a better tool for him, isn't it?

It's like sharpening a blade. If he can make me trust him, it'll turn me into a more powerful weapon for him.

He doesn't care about me at all.

There were some similarities between Ayanokōji-kun and I. It was strange. Sometimes, when I looked at him, it was like looking in a mirror.

Both of us go about our lives pretending to be someone other than our true selves.

We both possess a hidden side that is cold and twisted in nature, that nobody else sees.

Oddly, for some reason, I also got the impression that Ayanokōji-kun didn't view anybody as a true ally. Just like me.

And I was the only one that knew this. Not Yagami-kun. Not Sora-kun. Not Lelouch-kun. Me.

Perhaps, even if he is just using me, if this cold boy stays true to his word and backs me to the full extent of his ability in the future, it could bring an unfamiliar warmth to my life.

Yes. I could live with that.


Ichinose AOV


I, Ichinose Honami, leaned against the railing of the luxury liner's deck and gazed over the scene that lay before me.

All of my classmates in Class B, well, I suppose it will be Class C next month, were relaxing and enjoying their vacation after the tiresome deserted island exam.

It had only been a few hours since we'd boarded once more, but it seemed that all the tensions produced by the special examination had vanished within Class B.

Many were clad in swimsuits, relaxing on the chairs or playing in on-deck swimming pool. I was one of the few who remained in their sports clothes that were worn throughout the past week.

Silently observing the atmosphere, I thought about the announcement I wished to make to my classmates.

I didn't have the heart to interrupt them from playing, however, so I instead spent the time watching alone.

"Something bothering you, Ichinose?"

A familiar voice appeared to my right, and I looked over to the boy who'd joined me. Kanzaki-kun.

"Ah, well, I want to say something, but everyone looks like they're having fun."

"I'm sure if it's you, Ichinose, they'd stop and listen without protest."

"I know. That's the reason why I'm hesitant."

Kanzaki-kun looked at me for a moment and sighed, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Sometimes, you're too kind for your own good."

That wasn't the first time I'd been told something to that effect recently.

I thought back to the words that have been etched into my mind for four days now. The words spoken to me by Ryuzaki-kun on the island.

You shouldn't be the main shot-caller. Instead, you should act as the second in command, the one that glues the class together.

That was essentially what he'd told me back then.

I'd become the leader of Class B because I had stepped up and been the one to take the initiative, getting to know my classmates and earning their trust.

That's right. I'd been appointed my position not because of my ability, but because everybody trusted me.

I think that trust is a wonderful thing. It's amazing that people can wholeheartedly place their fate in the hands of another without a hint of protest, purely because they trust in them.

At the same time, though, trust was a supplementary thing; it shouldn't be your primary weapon. It isn't good enough on its own.

The results of this special exam made it all to clear. Class B finished the exam with a measly 40 points, and I am lost as to what happened to bring about the results of not only my class, but the others too.

This is evidence enough that I am not suited to the task of leading Class B.

"Actually, Kanzaki-kun, I... the truth is, I've been thinking of stepping down as Class B's leader."

I told him the honest thoughts that I'd been having recently.

"W-what are you saying, Ichinose?! You shouldn't give up just because of one single failure!"

Kanzaki-kun reassured me, but I shook my head.

"No, that's not it. I'm not giving up. Rather, after reflecting a little, I think there's someone better suited to lead Class B than me. Of course, I'd still happily play the role of second in command, helping the class remain unified, but I don't think I personally have the ability necessary to outmanoeuvre the other classes."

Kanzaki-kun went silent for a short while, pondering over what I'd told him before he spoke once more.

"What's brought this on, Ichinose?"

"There are many amazing leaders in the first year. There's Class D, which is full of excellent students like Lelouch-kun and Yagami-kun, and Ryūen-kun from Class C is powerful too, even if I disagree with his methods. And there's Sakayanagi-san too, who is rumoured to be a force to be reckoned with as well. Their abilities and the strategies they can come up with are far beyond what I can do."

Kanzaki-kun locked eyes with me.

"Ichinose. You have your own way of fighting. There's no need to be ashamed of that."

"There is if it doesn't work."

"You don't know that yet. It's only been one special exam."

"If Class B keep losing in the future as a result of my incompetence, things will change eventually anyway. Isn't it best to change things now, before the damage is done?"

"What if it just makes it worse? What if you're our best option? You stepping down would only harm us even further."

"I don't believe that. I am definitely not the most talented person in Class B."

I denied his words wholeheartedly. I found myself unable to accept that I was our best chance at graduating as Class A. Like Ryuzaki-kun said, I am not suited to the role of leader.

There must be people who are suited to that role in Class B. Class B was evaluated as the best class after Class A, so there surely must be people within it talented enough to fulfil the duty of leader.

"Who were you thinking could be the new leader, anyway?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"Well, I was thinking that you could do it, Kanzaki-kun."

Kanzaki-kun blinked, taking a moment to process what I'd said.

"M-me?! Why on earth would you think I should be the leader?"

"I am too friendly and honourable with my methods, Kanzaki-kun, but I feel like you would be more vigilant and balanced but without stooping to the levels of Ryūen-kun. That's why I think you should do it. Your ability certainly isn't any worse than mine."

He sighed in disbelief, and flickered his eyes over our classmates in silence.

"I still think you're being too hasty. There's no need for you to step down after one setback," he said eventually.

"Well, you could try it. If you act as our main strategist and shot caller for the next special exam, it could act as a trial of sorts without full commitment."

Kanzaki-kun returned his gaze to mine.

"Are you sure about this, Ichinose?"

"Positive." I nodded.

"Fine. If this is really what you want to do, then I guess I'll comply. You will still be satisfied even if it doesn't work out, though, right?"

"Of course! If it doesn't work out and Class B incurs another big loss, then I'll have to accept that being the leader is my sole responsibility."

I clenched my fist resolutely as I spoke. After a brief second of silence, I decided to add on one last bit at the end.

"But that doesn't matter, anyway. I have full faith that you'll do well, Kanzaki-kun."

"I'll certainly do my best."

I shot him a big smile of appreciation in response. "That's all I ask."

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