
23 - Unnoficial Match

The atmosphere had calmed down, my father approached me and took me by the head, "Well done son, shall we go?"

But before I could answer him there was a thump and the scream of pain from Sendo's friends.

A calm voice full of venom said "Some insects told me you were looking for me Naniwa Tiger."

Sawamura returned to the scene.

Sendo instantly rushed to fight him.

And I thought to myself, "What the hell do I do now?


Sendo rushed at Sawamura, I could see the smile on his face, he easily dodged the two blows he threw at him, I watched the fight carefully, but Sendo was very slow.

I thought to myself 'But he wasn't that slow when he fought me' Then I realized that he was tired, he was fighting Sawamura without his 100%.

The dragon dodged another hook from the tiger, and this time he landed a punch to his side, Sendo didn't even flinch from the blow, and threw two jabs to his face, but Sawamura, laughing, dodged easily and threw a punch straight to his jaw, Sendo threw his face backward, but before stepping back, he got up and threw a right with all his weight, managing to connect in Sawamura's face.

The whole exchange happened instantly and just before I could even approach or react.

He tries to calm things down by saying "Hey guys, I don't think this is a good time to be fighting".

But at that moment I spoke, Sendo's friends threw themselves together against Sawamura, he blocked all their attacks and dodged some, started to redirect the blows between them, and they all started to step back after such a tremendous display of strength and skill.

Sendo recovered and threw himself at him again, but I could react and positioned myself between Sendo and Sawamura, I raised my hands and held Sendo's punch, but I could not hold it at all and I was thrown backward and the way was free to Sawamura.

Sendo smiled fiercely and threw more punches towards Sawamura, but he didn't stay still, in the time it took me to recover they both hit each other hard in an exchange of blows resulting in a counter punch between them. 

Finally, I could approach at that moment, I placed myself in the middle, looking at both of them I said "Sendo, I think that was enough, you can not be a boxer if you continue fighting in the street with that attitude, and you Sawamura, are you frustrated or something? because you come looking for a fight for no reason?"

Sawamura started laughing and replied, "Hitting weaklings feels so good."

That sentence and his voice gave us all chills.

Sendo looked at Sawamura with hatred but I turned back to face him, and said "His fighting style doesn't benefit you, you are stronger than him, but he has more skill right now".

Sendo shouted at me "HUH? do you think I'm going to lose?"

I calmly replied "Yes"

Sawamura continued laughing and said, "I won't leave until I have a fight".

I looked at both adults and resignedly said "Dad, Kazuhiro-san..." I smiled weakly and continued "Could you pretend you didn't see anything?"

My dad sighed and heavily said, "Right now, I'll pretend I don't know you".

Kazuhiro-san smiled and grabbed Sendo's shoulder.

Sawamura looked at me with disgust, "Guys like you don't fill me up."

"Heh" I laughed sarcastically, "Guys like you disgust me, but what do you expect from an orphan?"

Sawamura's face crackled with hatred "Bastard".

He came towards me with great speed and threw a straight punch, I clearly saw the trajectory and turned my body to the left to dodge it, but the speed of the fist exceeded my reaction time, and hit me in the side of the face.

'Damn, he's faster than me' I thought.

He came towards me with great speed and threw a straight punch, I clearly saw the trajectory and turned my body to the left to dodge it, but the speed of the fist exceeded my reaction time, and hit me in the side of the face.

'Damn, he's faster than me' I thought.

Sawamura continued throwing straight punches in annoyance, instead of dodging them I started to block them with my palm, but some of them were very close to hitting me directly, I could see how he calmed down and his punches became more and more fierce.

"Tch," I said out loud, someone angry is more predictable, but Sawamura can control his emotions quickly.

Sawamura continued attacking, and his speed did not diminish, each time his blows were more accurate, in one of them I managed to block it and jumped back to take distance. One week of training is not enough' I thought.

In that moment that I had to observe Sawamura, a screen opened at the bottom of my eyes, and it said:

[You wish to activate the reward Training X32 Y/N]

Well, they say that a fight is the best place to improve. I accepted the reward and heard another sound.

[Defeat Sawamura in less than 5 minutes.]

[Reward: x64 Training for 5 minutes]

[Fail: Lose four random reward items].

So the reward is double the above, excellent.

Sawamura said, "So you think you can beat me, with that level?"

I smiled at him, one thing that helps, is to know a lot of role models, so I channeled my inner Spider-Man, and followed his advice of "Making someone else angry, makes them more predictable".

"Imagine, being defeated by someone you don't consider at your level, you should ask your father for advice to improve, maybe he will teach you how to talk to people," I told him, but I felt bad because I knew I was hurting him.

Sawamura's face transformed into that of a demon, his eyes narrowed and he lunged at me.

With the reward activated I went back to block and dodge Sawamura's blows, before I was thinking about tiring him, but it didn't seem that he had become slower at all, just faster and faster, now I just had to watch him and learn.


Kazuhiro's view

The dragon boy, rushing towards the young man, threw again his straight punches, those were impressive, few people have the ability to return his jab so easily and quickly.

The young man began to dodge and block, it was a repetition of what had just happened, that right almost caught him, the bully began to feint between punches and I could see the young man's face of concentration, while that was happening, something happened.

Sora's face calmed down and he started to dodge the fists, I could almost see how he moved before the attack.

"It's not possible" I exclaimed

The boy's father looked at me and alarmingly said "What happened?"

"your son, he's instantly improving, I think... I think he can predict the other guy's punches" I said while not taking my eyes off the fight.

We both looked at the young men fighting, the dragon boy started to get impatient and threw a blow perhaps more open than the others, and Sora didn't miss it.

Using his wrist to hit Sawamura's arm, Sora entered the other's body, and with great speed threw a combination.

Hook to the liver, he turned his hip and threw a right to the side, as Sawamura exclaimed for air, he hit them with his shoulder on the forearm, and using the momentum of his legs, he threw an upper to the solar plexus, When Sawamura doubled over in pain, Sora took a side step and positioning himself sideways to the boy, he threw a right straight to the jaw.

Sawamura's body fell to his knees and stopped moving.

As we all sighed in relief, an alarmed cry was heard, "What are you doing to my student?"


Author Notes:

You all can forward also IMG for the MC, something like Sanada I imagine.

I love the comments, please give me some feedback!