
Chapter 642 Accomplishments are insufficient, failures are more than enough

After sorting out the affairs with Huo Yuhao, Luo Qiao finally left, went home to pick up Second Brother Luo Xuyuan, and together they visited the Yipin Fruits and Vegetables Base in Ji City.

Luo Xuyuan felt that his sister was indeed more successful than any of his brothers had been. He hadn't expected that, in addition to the Capital City, the Yipin Fruits and Vegetables Base in Ji City was thriving too.

In his heart, he thought that when he returned home, he would have to work even harder. Fortunately, the research they had undertaken over the past two years was about to yield results. The development phase was complete; they were just waiting for the production of the finished products. Once the products successfully hit the market, the subsequent benefits were expected to be vast.

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