
Spider Man New Arc

"The Convergence" Arc




Legendary Spider-Man Michael Wilson shares his multiverse adventures with his disciple, Peter Parker. As Peter ponders the mysteries of parallel universes, Michael and Mary Rose Taylor decide to marry, planning a double wedding with friends.



At S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Loe Halloway discovers a stone inside the alien's body and meets Peter Quill, who warns of the Kree warlord Ronan's pursuit of the Power Stone. Meanwhile, Ronan and Nebula hunt for the stone, knowing failure means Thanos' wrath.



Can Michael Wilson and Peter Parker defeat this powerful foe as they always have, or will they be forced to sacrifice something precious to protect their world?




Character List:


Michael Wilson: Main Protagonist; The legendary Spider-Man, a seasoned hero with vast experience, who recently returned from a journey through the Spider-Verse. Balancing his duties as a mentor to Peter Parker and his personal life with Mary Rose Taylor, Michael faces new challenges as he prepares for marriage and confronts cosmic threats.



Peter Parker: Deuteragonist; The Spider-Man Red and disciple of Michael Wilson, Peter is eager to learn about the multiverse while juggling his responsibilities as a hero and his budding romance with Mary Jane.



Mary Rose Taylor: Michael Wilson's wife, who supports him through his adventures and personal decisions. She is a grounding presence in Michael's life, eager to embark on new chapters together..



Loe Halloway: The diligent Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., burdened with endless operational demands. His discovery of an alien stone and interaction with Peter Quill thrust him into a pivotal role in addressing the impending cosmic threat.



Chris Hilton: A friend of Michael Wilson, offering support and aid in their battles against cosmic threats. Chris plays a crucial role in the team dynamics, contributing his skills and insights when needed.



Mark Taylor (Nightwing): Michael Wilson's best friend and a skilled hero in his own right. Mark accompanies Michael into the multiverse, bringing his own set of abilities and experiences to the team. His unwavering loyalty and combat prowess make him a vital ally.



Emily Hawkins (Lady Vamp): A half-vampire, half-human hero and one of Michael's friends. Emily's unique abilities and perspective add depth to the group. She joins Michael and Mark on their multiverse journey, determined to aid in their mission while navigating her dual nature.



Peter Quill (Star-Lord): A hero from another universe, currently detained by S.H.I.E.L.D. He's desperately trying to warn them about Ronan, a dangerous Kree warlord who's relentlessly chasing after the powerful Power Stone. Peter's deep understanding of cosmic threats is crucial as everyone faces the imminent danger posed by Ronan and the consequences of the Convergence.



Gamora: The adopted daughter of Thanos and a deadly assassin, seeking redemption for her past and determined to stop Ronan and Thanos.



Drax the Destroyer: Driven by vengeance for his family's murder, Drax brings immense strength and a fierce determination to the team.



Rocket Raccoon: A genetically modified raccoon with a genius for engineering and a penchant for heavy weaponry.



Groot: A sentient tree-like creature, whose limited vocabulary is offset by his loyalty and strength.



Ronan the Accuser: A powerful Kree warlord with a vendetta, searching relentlessly for the Power Stone to fulfill his own destructive goals. His presence introduces a formidable threat to the protagonists.



Nebula: Ronan's ally, driven by loyalty to her father Thanos, aiding in the quest for the Power Stone and sharing Ronan's determination and intensity.



Korath the Pursuer is a highly skilled and loyal warrior who serves Ronan the Accuser. Known for his relentless pursuit and advanced combat abilities, he relies on cybernetic enhancements to track and engage targets with deadly precision.



Sakaaran Mercenaries: Ruthless soldiers who serve Ronan, aiding him in his quest for the Power Stone and posing a significant threat to the heroes.



Thanos: The overarching villain with a destructive agenda, whose influence looms over the quest for the Power Stone.




The Convergence is a tale of intersecting lives and destinies, where personal milestones and cosmic dangers collide, setting the stage for a new chapter in the Spider-Men's saga.


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