


Enforcer Claudio and Fabian all worked hard in the night assisted by Duchess Lenora, General Erastus, Advisor Fergus, Enforcer guard Jasper, and Prince Ciaran to register all the Elisera people who opted to remain behind and work in Sith.

We left Sith Castle in the afternoon after Maxwell got word from Grandpa that he had cleared the path down the mountain. Lord Niko, Silas, and Talon were behind while Fabian, Maxwell, and I let the people from the front. We marched from Sith to Elisera as the people sang along the way and finally, we arrived at the gates of Elisera before dusk and found the Elisera council standing in waiting as they donned the official regalia of Elisera, long blue jackets, and white shirts and dresses with blue ornaments for the women.

Fabian, Maxwell, and I all spoke up "General Emmet, we have brought back the people of Elisera from Sith Castle "

"Welcome home "The Elisera council yelled, and the people cheered loudly.

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