
The Forgotten Queen

As Yuri and Julius were locked in their days of conflict on land, Serena Grand Admiral of the Romanus Fleet was still aboard her command ship.

The hundreds of ships who'd made the journey the Transport ships had returned to restock and return bring further supplies while contingent broke off to begin harassing Greecian shipping, the majority of the navy meanwhile had by Serena's command begun sailing their way south leaving the waters around Sparta, the south of the Greecian Penninsula housed harbours of two Greecian Nation states, The Athenians and the __________ Serena's plan was to end the superiority of both these forces here and now.

Her own power was limited and she was in essence just a figurehead leader of this strike force but it mattered little this was a request from Julius, from her King... from her beloved person.

And so qualified or not she must fufill this request.

At first they came across only a few military vessels allowing the men to slake their bloodthirst, taking a few captives and ownership over any slaves aboard, while tossing the dead over the sides to become food for the marine life.

As they neared closed to the first "hostile" port city, their presence had become known as an opposing navy came out to meet them.

While the one side was curious to see why this unknown fleet had appeared in their waters Serena's own fleet was hastily making preparation, on the bow and stern of each ship was mounted a scorpion launcher, a precursor to the ballista capable of launching wood or iron rods a great distance.

Having loaded and taken aim all patiently waited as the opposing navy continued to close in.

Serena raised her hand up in the air, the othersides captain likewise did the same assuming it was a sign of greeting but in the next moment her hand dropped and with it the projectiles were launched from the mouths of the scorpians and dozens of massive spears began to sail through the air till they eventually embedded themselved in the sides, desk or flesh of the ships and men manning them.

Now firing at while the men had taken out their bows and begun to likewise launch volleys of arrows at the opponents peppering the decks and forcing the men there to take cover.

As they closed in, with the enemy decks clear the command rang out.

"Brace!" <Serena >

Her command ship in the lead crashed into the face of the enemy ship the ram mounted on the front locked the two ships together as the boarding party was already underway taking over the enemy deck.

All across the oceanic battlefield.

Ships of all sizes were crashing into one another creating a floating landscape as the Greecian sailors attempted to offer up what resistance they could even some slaves coming up form the rowing sections below on order to repel boarders.

With the need to manueaver gone, half her own navy's rowers ascended to the deck before likewise jumping over to join their comrades in battle.

Having learned a thing or two from Julius's own land devisions these sailors while Heavy infantry like the Legionaries were still better equipped and wearing armour to defend themselves while the opponents were lightly armour hoplites and unarmoured slaves.

The battle last a while longer than expected however since trying to run from point a to point t is quite a bit more difficult than when doing it on dry land it was explainable.

Once more the dead greecians were cast away into the oceans waters, the captured military fleet was taken away sailing their way, a ways up the coast where a full inventory could be conducted to determine how many ships were sea worth which needed repairs, and of course a tally on how many captives they'd taken and losses they'd suffered.

Any ships deemed to require repairs was loaded with the slaves and captured men along with a simple crew they'd be making their way back to a spartan port where the slaves would be sold off to Sparta, and the ships could be repaired.

If any 'gems' were located they would remain as Serena's captives to be handed to her King as gifts upon their reunion.

The fleet meanwhile would take stock of their weapons and armament before continuing to sail further down the coast to deal with any other navies they come across.

In her single battle Serena was effectively a pirate queen, as she had taken more ships and slaves than her People managed through their rampant piracy against Rammie could in a month.

With her first real success under her belt she happily commanded her navy forth into uncharted waters seeking more bounty.

While post fight they could have attempted raiding the port city this was to risky as they were trained to fight at sea not on land so opting not to risk the lives of her people Serena calmly passed them by.

Without their own naval ships this city posed no further threat to her.

The world renown Carthaginian navy continued it's course further dying the oceans waters with Blood as the Romanus navy sailed alongside gaining further experience at sea and further spoils as well.

Without fully knowing it yet the Greecian alliance had come under assault from two sides and it would not be to much longer before their worst fears would be realized as that number increased to three.

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