
This Is How You Make Friends? (4)

"All you have to do is reward him personally, such as returning the favor...Alliances are a matter of state, Your Majesty!" <Noble >

"Yes, Your Majesty!" <Noble >

The meeting was held again but the nobles of Carthage strongly rejected the alliance.

Even when their head of state was recently save by the delegate himself.

Well, that was to be expected.

An alliance between countries is not a game.

In other words, they are formed only when the relationship is equal to some extent, unless it is an agreement of paying tribute and military vassalage.

It's like the relationship that Lunan and Roserun had, but I didn't have the slightest intention of serving Carthage.

"What do we have to gain by allying ourselves with Aquitania? Explain it to me." <Count Dolfe>

In the meantime, Count Dofle asked me.

He was very friendly to me.

It was Count Dofle who had arranged for me to meet the king and queen.

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