
Chapter 89 : Lying!

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"You are cutting it close there Mr. Jackson," said the person standing in front of the class. Percy looked at her and blinked, 'dman...Fred wasn't joking about her…'brain'.'

Professor Babbling, the runes teacher, was a stunningly beautiful woman. She had dirty blonde hair that came down her head like a river till her hips. Her eyes were brown, though very warm with the hint of smile lines across her face.

And her breasts were two beautiful large globs that seemed to stretch out her blouse to its natural limits. Her buttons must have some unbreakable charms placed on them!

"I-ah, I, I kind of got lost," Percy said as he tore his eyes away from her breasts to meet her eyes. 'Holy Hades! They are bigger than Amanda's!'

"Oh that's right, this is your first year here in Hogwarts isn't it? Well that's understable then, please take your seat."

Percy nodded as h stared, "right..." Kelly growled before she pinched Percy's cheeks hard, "owe! Stop it Kelly!" Percy yelled at the veela.

"Kelly?" Babbling asked confused.

"Oh, she's my partner," Percy pointed at Kelly before growling, "who apparently likes pinching people now." Kelly stuck her tongue out before turning her head away looking very cross.

"I see...so you charmed her to seem alive? Interesting, if you have the time Mr. Jackson I would like to see her more closely. But for now, please take your seat," she pointed at the classroom and it's many seats.

Percy looked around, most of the people here were in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. He did however see one Gryffindor who was currently waving him over, Angelina.

Percy took the seat next to her, "hey."

"Hello Percy, Kelly," Angelina waved. The veela smiled as she waved back enthusiastically, happy that someone remembered she existed.

"Right, welcome all of you to NEWT level Runes. I'm pleased to note that most of you managed to continue this class for your NEW years, I'm also glad to note that you all have done exceptionally well in your Runes OWL exams. Now, I am expected to give you all a grand speech about safety and what it means to be taking Runes in your NEW years. But I'm not going to do that. You all choose this disciple, and are good at, something which takes patience and a proper state of mind. You are essentially adults now, it would do no good for me to lecture you, if you didn't get it by now you probably never will."

'Giant breasts and doesn't like to lecture people, I think I might be in love,' Percy sighed as he listened to Babbling continue, while doing his best to look at her eyes and not her breasts.

"Now, this semester we will continue to learn about runes, slowly moving onto the more complicated branch of ancient runes. We will also be diving deeper into rune structures and the different ways they are formed. But for now, the goal of this class is to carve runes….using only an imber knife."

"What?! That's impossible!" yelled out a Ravenclaw.

"Ma'am it's difficult enough using a sketch to carve the runes on, using only an imber pen is next to impossible!" a Slytherin argued.

"Can you believe what she's asking?" Angelina whispered, "barking mad that woman is."

More and more student began to argue and shout until Babbling shut them all up with a bang from her wand. "Enough! I understand that it is a difficult thing to do. And I do not expect you to do it immediately. You have three months time to perfect this art, one out off three classes will be dedicated to this art. And you will perfect this art, am I understood?"

The class mumbled yes as Babbling started distributing stones and timber pens to everyone there. She drew a simple basic rune on the board and asked everyone to start carving.

Angelina grumbled as she got to work, "crazy witch. Can't believe she thinks we can do this in three months!" she looked for and saw Percy's tools untouched, "what's wrong Percy? Why didn't you touch your stuff?"

"Because I already know how to do this," Percy grinned as Angelina's jaw dropped.

"What? How?" the chaser hissed.

"Practise, plus my aunt's a fucking crazy perfectionist," Percy chuckled as he took the imber knife and quickly carved the rune in one single sitting. He showed the rune to Angelina who was so surprised she dropped her pen in surprise.

"Is everything alright Mr. Jackson? Ms. Johnson?" professor Babbling asked.

"Professor! Percy's done it!" Angelina shrieked as she pointed at Percy's carved rune stone.

"What?," Babbling quickly walked to Percy's side and looked at the carved rune. Her eyes went comically wide as she grabbed the stone and began closely checking ti for any faults. Her hands started to shake as she slowly put the rune down, "i-it's perfect! How did you do this Mr. Jackson?!"

Percy shrugged, "my runes teacher was kind of a slave driver. She insisted I learnt this free hand before anything else. And well...I just kind of did it."

"Incredible! This is nearly a perfect fire rune! You have the making of a rune master Mr. Jackson! 20 points to Hufflepuff!"

"Did a Puff just score points for being brilliant at something?" Ravenclaw girl hissed as she and a few others glared in envy.

"Awsome! My first points!" Percy raised his hand which Angelina high fived in joy. Kelly even yelped in joy jumping on Percy's shoulder in joy doing a little routine.

"Tell me Mr. Jackson what was your Owl score in Runes?" Babbling asked.

"Well let's see. If I recall correctly I scored O+ in the theory and practical portions of the exam."

"What?!" the professor and the others yelled out in amazement. The students jaws drop as the professor looked stunned.

"You have got to be lying!" the Ravenclaw girl from before yelled out, "there is no way a Puff can be that good in an exam!"

Percy didn't really know how to react to that. He turned to Angelina, "is there something wrong with her?"

The Gryffindor laughed, "yes, she's been the class topper for the last few years, and you just stole her spot."


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