
Chapter 306: Does the Tree That Stands Out in the Forest Invite the Wind to Destroy It?

Xia Bowen: ...

I haven't even said anything yet.

Song Yunuan said in surprise, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is it because I'm being aggressive?

"If Shangguan Yunqi hadn't harbored evil intentions, my little uncle would have grown up by my grandmother's side. Whether he turned out to be successful or not, all of you would've been well in your own ways."

"Even if harboring evil intentions weren't enough, if Shangguan Heng had a shred of kindness, my little uncle wouldn't have been tormented to the point of being covered in bruises."

"It's too late to undo the past. After so many years, reconciliation is impossible. But as long as Shangguan Yunqi leads a peaceful life, doesn't look down on us as poor and insignificant, and doesn't call to deceive me into going to Xiangjiang, it wouldn't have come to the point of being locked up."

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