
Chapter 93 The Plot that Feigns Innocence_1

Song Yunuan emerged from the provincial capital's compound only to see her uncle leading Asheng right across the street.

Upon seeing her come out, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Cousin Zheng was at the gatehouse. Seeing Song Yunuan come out, he hurried to follow her, having witnessed the events that had just unfolded.

He had promised to be a good host, naturally, he couldn't go back on his word.

Song Yunuan smiled radiantly, "Cousin Zheng, my uncle and I are going for a casual stroll, we'll have dinner at Pagoda Tree Flower Alley tonight."

It was a restaurant in the provincial city that had been around for some time, with few people in the know.

Initially private, it later turned public, and last winter, it reverted to private ownership again.

So, its business hours were different from the state-run restaurants.

Pagoda Tree Flower Alley wasn't far from here.

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