
Chapter 27 What a Family of Drama Kings and Queens!_1

Everyone knew that the Song family was about to face trouble.

People are like that.

When you fare better than them, they become jealous of you.

When you're worse off than them, they laugh at you, but also pity you.

Aunt Sun said anxiously, "What happened, tell me."

Old Mrs. Song pursed her lips; this was the time when tears were needed.

She began to brew them up.

Remembering Little Nuan talking about how the Song family was brought to ruin, remembering her little daughter singing lullabies in the storeroom to her niece, and remembering how her daughter had become mute, Old Mrs. Song's tears gushed out.

She had only one daughter.

Even though she loved that little daughter the most, she had never spoiled her.

From a young age, Tingting had to look after children, and as she grew up, she also had to cook and do laundry for the family.

By heaven and earth, Siqi might have had a tough life, but she truly didn't suffer; at home, she had her way.

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