
Chapter 54: Examiner Official Fan Zhenglian_1

After Grain Buds, the rains in Shengjing began to increase.

With the waters under Luoyue Bridge rising deeply after the Grain Rain Festival, "The silkworm women boiled the cocoons and spun silk on their wheels," new silk hit the market, invigorating the business of the neighboring tailors and silk shoe shops day by day.

The cool morning and evening breezes caused Shopkeeper Du to dress too lightly and carelessly, resulting in a cold, which greatly reduced his visits to the medical hall these past few days. Business at the medical hall turned sluggish, with hardly anyone seeking treatment after the "Chun Shui Sheng" remedy stopped being sold.

Ah Cheng returned from the market with bitter herbs, fitting for the Grain Buds season to boost energy and lighten the body. Lu Tong cleaned and prepared the bitter herbs in the medical hall, listening to the idle talk of the West Street vendors.

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