
chapter twenty eight

Just uh.. you, in the shower, all naked and wet, and then dressed in thongs and heel waiting for me" "Ahh, you certainly got a bad mind" I punched him, "Am I not allowed to have imagination again?" "yeah, but-" "But what-" "Well do you want more kids?" "they aren't a bad idea right? see the twins" I laughed, "You suddenly want more, nice, hold on for a few more years" "Why not now?" "It's called family planning" "My smart wife, I love you" I stared at him before getting on top of him, "What are you doing" "Teasing you" "Try harder, you're failing, because I ain't moving easily" "Ha says the guy who was poking me few minutes ago, but don't worry, I haven't started yet" I smirked and slowly put my lip to his ear, blowing warm breeze on his ear, and then biting and sucking it, I could feel his mouth open and his breathing raspy so I went towards his neck and then down to his breast part, taking off his shirt, and placing my lip gently on his chest and sucking on his nipples, I hear a low growl and something hard forming beneath me so I took it a top notch, I went down and I could see him gripping the sheets when I licked his navel and went further down, he moaned and immediately sat up, when I looked up his eyes had turned red and his fangs elongated, "Still denying it?" "I- we have a general fan meeting and I'm afraid I won't be able to attend if you go any further than this" "But what about this? it's already rock hard" "Just leave it" "No way In this life, it's painful and it's bad for men to leave this, it hurts and it can cause prostrate and whatnots" He stated at me, "What?" "How did you know?" "Books, so lay down back I'll help you out" "Your wrist will hurt" he was worried, "Who said I was going to use my wrist, I'll be using my mouth" "What?" I held his stuff and zipped down his short.

Seokjin's POV

            We sat down getting ready for the live when RM came down all sweaty and breathing hard, he sat down on the middle, fanning himself and closing his eyes, "What the hell happened, did you guys fight or something?" Jhope said, "Don't talk, cus it's something worse" "What's worse, come on gist us" I asked, "Why would you concern yourself with the life of marital affair?" "Aish, hyung, come on, we're brothers" "Yeah at least add some fun to our own life" V said, "And technically until the wedding, you aren't married yet" Suga said, "Come on Hyung, huh?" "Jennifer just helped me with my hard on after seducing me" V whistled, "What's wrong with that, is that why you're sweating?" Suga laughed, "Did she give you more hickeys?" Jimin laughed, "No, she gave me a blowjob" "What?" I shouted and everyone was shocked, "Let's uh.. just start the live" Namjoon said, "I think that's a good idea Hyung" Jungkook said blushing, "We'll just uh.. talk about this later it's almost time".


We laughed and just talked on random topics and music and most of the times answer the fans question, "Guys they are asking if Namjoon Hyung ran a marathon?" "Why won't they ask he looks famished" all of us laughed, "It's because uh... he was busy doing a matter of let's say life and death emergencies but nothing serious " Suga said, Jennifer came downstairs and smiled, "Why are you guys doing live without food, you always have food" "Ahh thank God, you saved me, I'm really hungry" V said in Korean, "And me too" Jungkook and Jimin looked like they were about to faint, "hold on" she said in Korean and giggled then went into the kitchen, "JK check the comments" he and Jimin looked, "It's changed, her fans are coming out, some are asking why she's living with us- " we heared the babies crying, "Can someone help me check on them please?" we heared Jennifer asking, so V and Namjoon stood up and went upstairs, in a few minutes, Namjoon was carrying Ga young and V was holding Min Kyu, "Don't cry don't cry" Namjoon sat down first and then V came in, "Woah, the comment section is bursting " "What are they saying " Suga said " Jennifer has given birth? the baby looks asian, who sees that the child looks like Namjoon Oppa? the girl is beautiful, are they twins? what is she doing in their house? V looks so cute with the child, is that Taehyung Oppa child??" "Stop reading the comments section " Namjoon said, "Here you guys go, your favourite as always " she then turned towards the camera, "Sorry for interrupting your live army" "Finally " Jungkook rushed to the food, "Why are you apologizing?" Jimin asked, "Obviously cus I'm interrupting, I'll take them away" "No!" all of us shouted, "The army wants to get to know them" I said, "yeah besides they are clearly enjoying themselves " Jimin said, "here take" V fed Min hyun some juice, while Ga Young was playing with Namjoon's face, "Come and Join us too, your presence is appreciated" Suga said "Later just give me a minute I need to finish something " she kissed Ga young on her forehead and left, "Hey hey, bring him here, he's mine" I told V, "but Hyung I haven't even carried him that long" "Aish, it feels like ages already " "You know how Jin hyung is when it comes to his 'kids' better send him" "No, just a minute longer" "Okay let's introduce them, kids come on wave at the camera" Suga said, Namjoon held Ga Young hand and waved, while V was greeting in place of Kim Min Kyu, "This beautiful one here is Lovely Ga Young" I introduced her, "And this is the strong min Kyu, he looks just like me right?" Jhope said,  "No they take after me after all they were born on my birthday" I said proudly, "No it's me, obviously" V said and we were laughing and arguing "Of course they are also armies, new born armies do we hope you guys would love and treat them as one??" Namjoon said and Ga young laughed, hugging him close as if understanding what he just said.

we talked and laughed and played with the children until the live was almost ending, that was when Jennifer came back, she sat down beside Namjoon, "Say hello" Jhope said, "Hello Army, nice to meet you, I'm Jennifer, oh and wishing all black armies out there good wishes, don't worry, I'll make sure to represent you well" "You're already doing a good job" Suga said, "A wonderful one even" I said, "Yeah I can testify to that" rap mon said and we all looked at him understanding what he meant, " we love you black fans, we love you Africa, and Nigeria!!" all of us said, Ga Young was trying to go to Jennifer "Give her to me" Jennifer said and the moment Namjoon released her she landed on Jennifer with full force and was dragging Namjoon's cloth and so the impact caused Namjoon to fall on Jennifer resulting in a kiss" "Ahhhh!!' I screamed, and immediately looked towards the camera, it was still live so I stood up and switched it off, everyone was shocked, Ga young laughed and giggled, "Did you just kiss on live cam??" Jhope said and immediately began to laugh, Namjoon and Jennifer was shocked, JK had his eyes wide open and V had his mouth opened, "Close your eyes!! and your mouth!!" I shouted, "Uhm... we could just explain that it was a mistake and uh.. the baby did it??" Yoongi said, "It's our best shot" I said carrying Ga young out of the two dazed parents, Jennifer immediately stood up and her phone buzzed, then Namjoon's phone also buzzed, they each went their separate way answering the call, I just played with Ga young, "You don't think bang pd or hybe with find out about this" "Oh they will" Jimin said"Ga Young see what you caused your parents now huh" RM came back, "Was that hybe?" Suga asked, "No just my mom" Jennifer came back, "Who was that?" I asked "Callista, she's just calling to ask me ask for girl's time tomorrow " "Can I tag along?" JK asked, "Girl's Time, sweetheart, no boys allowed" "But you'd take bodyguard, and what better one than us, don't worry we won't interrupt your girls time, we'll just stay with the kids and go fun places till you're done with whatever, fan interview and concert isn't until in the night " Jhope said, "Yes, indeed, I'll spend time with my kids" I said standing up, "Our kids" everyone said at once, "Well let's forget about what happened, I'm going to the studio right now to practice" RM said, "I'm coming along" "Me too" everyone joined, so we just carried the kids to the studio with us too, I gave Ga Young to Jennifer, "Don't beat her" "Ha see who's talking, she's mine" "Ours" I said before going to practice with the rest of the group, since it was something common that we know it wasn't that hard, and so we finished with in three trials, Jennifer clapped, then stood up, "I could practically dance that in my sleep so.. My turn now" I went to the kids where they were playing together, "Your turn, what do you wanna dance? you're joining us on stage?" Jhope asked, "I wished" Jimin said, "No no, before I get stoned out, I meant solo with all of you that we practiced" "Really, I'm up for it" V said, "I got the perfect songs for each and every one of you" she went to the speaker and plugged in her phone, then looked at us, "Uhm... Jimin you'll be first, come on, we practiced this before, let's go, Hobi Oppa, this is the song okay" she went to the centre with Jimin, Hobi played the song and they started dancing, it made sense though, "What's the name of the song?" JK asked, "It's french, 'paro' is the name" "You guys body are in sync, it's good"  Suga said, "Suga you're up, come on, Hobi just follow the playlist okay" "I'm tired, I dont want to" Jennifer went to drag him up, "Please, huh?? come on"Suga shook his body, "Same old same old?" he asked, "Same old" she said, "what's the name of this one?" JK asked, "Shameless" Suga said.

"Ohhh" all of us screamed, "This one is kinda sexy" RM said, "Are you jealous?" I asked, "Maybe" they ended the dance and Suga fell to the floor sleeping, "Hey, get out it's my turn now" Jhope ran to the center, "How'd you know?" I asked  "Its my music with her" "what's the name?" "Havana" "ohh" we shouted, the music started and they were dancing, "Woah, you look like dance partner, like as if you've been dancing together for years" Jimin said, "Thank you Jimin Oppa" jennifer said, after Jhope it was JK and they danced, according to Jennifer and JK the song was, "Ride it- jay Sean and they have been practicing so it was way easy with a few dangerous and erotic stuff, after him it was V to go, which they danced "Collide by Justin Tyga" we clapped for them, Jennifer was already sweating but was still hyper, it was my turn so I gave Ga Young to V and went to Jennifer, "wow, really tall, remember all the steps?" I nodded "Okay" our music started playing which was unholy by Sam Smith, "Why this sing of all songs?" Namjoon asked, Jimin shrugged, I moved in sync with her and tried to control my breathing and pulse rate especially when she came closer, after the dance I fell to the floor smiling, Jennifer sat down too before looking at Namjoon, "Come on baby you're up" he dropped min Kyu with JK and Jimin and stood up, then the next music played, "Wow, under the Influence!" I clapped, "I'm hungry" Jimin said, "Me too" the moment the dance ended, Min Kyu sneezed and he sneezed out fire, making everyone shocked, "Like father like son" Suga said, "Woah did he just do that?" Jhope said, "Wow, he's powers are coming out" V rushed to him,  I laughed "Look at Jimin's face" I pointed at him, he was the one carrying him so he was smoking, "Hey Min Kyu, warn me ahead of time before you do that kind of thing" "Aww Mommy is proud of you, aren't we sweetie?" Namjoon nodded smiling, Jimin gave him to her before Dusting his clothes, "come on guys let's watch a movie" "Really? yes a real horror movie" "What?! horror movie, come on" I whined, "why you don't like it??" "Just not today sweetheart" "Let's watch a romantic movie?" "Aish, I would have love to see some screaming and blood, all in favour of romantic movies raise your hand " I raised my hand high, and even Ga Young, "Hey that's cheating " Jennifer said, "I guess majority wins the vote, tonight then, just romantic movie, let's go".

Min Yoongi's POV

                   I sat down on the couch sleeping when everyone burst through and ran to it, "Hey!" Jennifer sat down beside me and smiled, "Come on, we said we'll watch and I just managed to put the kids to sleep, come on" how could I say no, "Fine, pass me the snack" Jhope passed me a turtle snack chip, Jimin, and V were with me and Jennifer on the chair, while RM was in front of Jennifer courtesy of Jennifer who wanted to play with his hair, Jungkook was on front of V, Jhope in front of me and Jin in front of Jimin beside RM, perfect combination. Jimin went and slotted in a movie, "What's it talking about" "Well it's a supernatural romantic movie, kdrama but it has subtitles so don't worry about it" The movie was as well kinda interesting but I was mostly sleepy, after eating and just watching I started to feel sleepy again, Jennifer and RM were trying to keep it calm about the way they were playing with each other, I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes, but I eventually slept longer than that, when I opened my eyes again, everyone was asleep, the movie was still playing but everyone had long dozed off, I checked the clock it was 12:15am, I turned to stare at Jennifer, I removed a crumb from her lip and she stirred turning around and resting on my shoulder, I froze before looking at her again she was still asleep and so I held her hand, looking at her, I don't know what came over me but all of a sudden I found myself wanting to kiss her, so I turned reflectively and decided to kiss her.


Screaming was what jolted me up, and everyone immediately sat up, jolting awake immediately, we saw Callista, Callistus, Min hyun and the other guys, "You guys slept together?" "Hey, don't g-get any wierd thinking we fell asleep watching a movie and that's all" "Hey!! "What? why are you shouting??" I questioned Callista, "Have you guys seen the internet, it's mind blowing, you guys kissed on live cam??" Callistus Said carrying Min hyun, "What?" all of us struggled to find our phone and there was it, missed calls and entertainment news, When I opened my phone, I saw the news headlines, BTS leader Kim Namjoon said black girl Jennifer relationship, is BTS leader Kim Namjoon the father of the twins, BTS leader Kim Namjoon and Jennifer kiss on live cam, Are they in a secret relationship?? The chemistry between Kim Namjoon of BTS and Jennifer, BTS relationship with Jennifer,BTS relationship with the twins,and many more. "Hey jin hyung you aren't safe either" Jhope said, "What?" "Yeah it's here, Is BTS Kim Seokjin the father of the twins?" "Hahahaha you too?"

V said, "What did you find?" Jungkook said, "The uncanny resemblance between BTS V and the children of Jennifer " V said, "Look here, the golden age of new armies, what is the secret behind the beautiful children of Jennifer Moses" "At least they called them beautiful " Jennifer said yawning, "You aren't mad?" lee Joon Gi asked "No, for one thing they are right, but to them it's all just facts and thinking, no proof, you can easily sue them for defamation" "But they got the kiss video, that's enough proof for them" Jimin said, "You mean for us, yeah that's right, the video showed that Ga Young was the one who orchestrated the kiss, so it wasn't an intentional act, we could just use it against them" "Wow, I didn't know you were a lawyer?" Hwang inyeop said, I looked at Jennifer and remembered last night, the children started crying and Namjoon and Jennifer rushed upstairs, later they came downstairs with the children when we heared a the door bell, Jimin and Jhope came back from the kitchen after clearing the place up, "Who is that?" Jimin asked, "Check out who it is please,  we hardly get visitors" Jungkook said, we sat down In the sitting room waiting when we heared gasp, and someone entered the sitting room, all of us sat up at once, "uncle Bang pd?" Jennifer was surprised as the rest of us, "How are you all doing?"


"The kiss wasn't Intentional, it was uh.. Ga young that just caused the whole thing" Namjoon said, "Uncle Bang pd, it was my fault, we are really sorry but this won't cause any problem because I know how to handle the problem with the reporter or anyone that has any hidden agenda" Jennifer said, "Yeah Jennifer has figured it all out" V said, bang pd laughed, catching us off guard, he sipped the coffee Jennifer made for him and looked at us, "This is wonderful, I'm not angry" "What?" all of us shouted, "You aren't mad?" Callistus Said, "Aren't you supposed to be so angry that you ban them from appearing in public or clear the issues?!" Callistus Said, he shook his head, and smiled, "Jennifer bring Ga Young here and Min Kyu here" I didn't understand but Namjoon and Jennifer went over to him and passed the children who he played and talked with before returning them, "My left eye is twitching" Jhope whispered, "Yeah I can feel it too" I whispered back, "they are growing fast" he cleared his throat, "Tell me what's going on" we looked at each other first before deciding mentally, "I am Jennifer's husband and the father of her kids" Namjoon said, "I knew it" he said and laughed, "I have know you guys for more than a decade and the moment I set my eyes on this children on live, you clicked, they so much look like you, I actually laughed at the last moment" "Wait you aren't mad, that we kept it a secret from you that we have been in a relationship for a long time?" Jennifer said, "And we aided and abbetted??" Jungkook said, "I already knew from the very beginning, your eyes said it all, and his jealousy, I was just waiting till you told me yourselves" "So you really aren't mad?" Jimin asked, "I'll be more mad if it wasn't true, you guys need to settle down already, you're not getting any younger, it's already getting too late" "Yeah don't worry about that we are working on it" I said, and they looked at me, "And I don't care which skin colour she is as long as she treats you well okay" "what about the concert and press conference tonight is it still on??" "Of course it is, nothing is stopping it" "Do you think they should reveal the truth too??" Jhope asked, he was silent for a while before he said, "Wait till the new year, don't say anything yet" we nodded and min hyun grabbed his suit looking at him, I carried the boy, "Hello sir" he greeted in Korean, "Your kid?" he asked lee Joon Gi and he nodded, "The resemblance is really uncanny" he pinched his cheek and smiled, "See you guys soon" he left the house, the moment the door closed all of us crashed down back, Callista dragged Jennifer up, "Alright let's go" they both ran upstairs, "What do you think bang pd might be up to?" "I don't really know but I'm happy he knows now" I said, "Yeah, can't imagine how it would have been him finding out from others or rumours or something" Namjoon said, "Yep you guys are way lucky you got a good producer that's understanding" lee Joon Gi said, "Can't wait to see how the world will react when the secret is revealed" Hwang inyeop said, "We should go get ready too, before the girls come down, let's go have our own fun with the kids" Jin said, standing up,we all stood up and went to our various room while the others stayed downstairs feeling at home, I went into my room, closing the door then taking my cloth off and entering into the hot shower, and Washing off, when I was fine as I was drying my hair, I opened my wardrobe and took out some street wear, Wearing just a white hooded sweater and blue jeans the moment I sprayed my perfume, my door burst open, and Jennifer burst in dressed in black jeans and black singlet with long leather jacket , but that wasn't the thing because she pushed me against the wall and held my cloth on the neck as I looked down at her, "Spill it, and now, and better don't lie to me because I know" I smiled.

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