
chapter twenty two

"One of Your trick shot is eye pencils isn't it?" lee dong wook said and she nodded, "Exactly, guess the character I made him out to be" "A bunny" Taehyung said and we laughed, "No sweetheart, it's not" she told him, "drug lord too?" Jungkook asked, " musician?" Jhope said, "doctor?" lee Joon Gi said and we all looked at him, Callista hit his leg, "Ahh I was just kidding" "Okay let me give you a hint, he's a Mafia Lord, and all that's missing is a gun, a rooftop, and a target" "Sniper!" Suga shouted, "Exactly!" "Wow, your ability to morph into character is wow" Jin said, "Am I next" RM Hyung was eager, "Not yet lover boy, my bunny is going with me" "Yahh" he was bouncing up and down like a bunny and followed her upstairs, Taehyung started taking pictures, "Oh I'm excited, I think she should do mine too" lee dong wook said, "Are you coming with us?" "Well I meant another time, not now, I can't be there it's not that Important" I stood up and went to the kitchen and grabbed my favourite snacks, Homerun balls, "You know I'm still wondering how Jennifer was able to know each and everyone of our favorite snack exactly, she got them right" I spoke freely in Korean, whenever we were amongst ourselves we used Korean instead except most times when she understood us, "Yeah, you suddenly reminded of that too" RM Hyung raised up from the couch as if he remembered something, "Ask her when she comes" Jin said, and I nodded as I just munched on the snack, then they came down when I was about to finish the snack, "Nice" Taehyung gave them a thumb up, Jungkook was wearing black leather trouser really shiny, belt and fancy stuff around his waist along with silver chains like belt, and he was on a black top, with no arms, the only makeup was white powder and red lipgloss, "Woah, this is a fashion shoot outfit, the concept for today is black isn't it?" Callista asked, and she nodded, "Hey! Homerun balls!" she looked at me, "Ah, how did you know our favorite snack?" Yoongi asked, "Hey, it's not me it's you, watch your videos, this is the most common thing you eat, so I figure it like that, my favourite is Cheetos, Homerun balls, banana ones, I haven't tried others yet" "As expected, husband and wife love the same thing " Jhope said, "Guess his outfit " "Assassin!!" RM shouted and she nodded, "You're up next Jin" Jin was excited and followed her along, and his was also good, black suit pant and a black buttoned down short arm t shirt which she tucked into the trouser and used a belt to wrap too, then she unbuttoned two buttons down, and gave him black specks, "Now he looks like a hacker" she said, "Woah" I stood up and rounded him, "She's like the best, I want to hire her personally" Jin said striking a pose, "Quickly take a picture of this world wide handsome" Suga took a photo of him, "Let's go Jimin" she held my hand and ran up the stairs, to my room, then she went to my wardrobe as I waited, while watching her excitedly bring out clothes and matching them together, I smiled, "Just why the hell wasn't she mine?" I stared at her stomach, very soon it was gonna be born, I couldn't wait, "I found it!" she brought out a black pencil trousers with a white free top with little black designs that curved a bit downward and a black jacket with design at the collar and hands and a few at the side, "Woah, what do I look like with that" "If it's in Korean movies I'm giving you fighter, all those hot ones you wouldn't believe are really strong" "I'm hot?" "Of course, like so fucking hot, don't you know about the Jimin effect that has everyone trapped in and no way out" I laughed, "Now come on, go change, unless you want to change in my front??" she teased me and I blushed, "You never change, could I?!" she hit my shoulder as I stood up, "Don't you dare or I'll beat you" we both laughed, and then I went to change, when I was done I actually agreed with her when I stood in front of the mirror, "This is actually nice" I said as I studied myself in the mirror, "It would go great with this" I turned she was holding a pair of necklaces, three, just chains, one without design, and one had a star on it and the last one was longer, I wore it with some bracelet, "Alright you can sit now let me do your hair and makeup" I sat down on the chair, she didn't let me look in the mirror as she styled my hair, dividing it into two from the side, my right side was taken to the side and my left side came forward but not too much as she brushed some over my eye and took some behind my ear, as she worked stylishly with the comb I couldn't help but looking into her eye as if I was Infactuated with her, she looked all serious but playful as she stuck out her toungue and moved it to the side, "You look like cartoon like that" I said and she drew my hair, "Ouch no need to be cruel that's the truth" she then came to the front, bending down to brush it slightly over my eyes and smiled then she looked me full in the eyes and we held that stare, before I looked away and she grinned, she did my eyebrows, brushing it up first then using a comb to bend it slightly and rubbed a little eye pencil on it, then dabbed me small powder on my face, "And now finishing touches" she said and touched her lip gloss and rubbed it on my lip then used her hand to rub it around, it was sweet the way she did it. I rubbed my lips together when she was done, "Finally!! now take this" she gave me specks, you can look in the mirror now!!" she  rejoiced and turned my chair to the mirror..

Jin's POV

           When they came down I stood up, "Where are you getting your ideas from?"  Callistus said, "Yeah, where did you get the idea to make us like this character?" I asked as I looked at Jimin, "Jimin shii, you'll steal all our fans away, no world wide handsome needs to be more handsome" "Actually it's from my newest book I'm writing" "What?" this time it was ALL of us that was surprised, "You started another one??" "Of course I did, and it's a mafia story this time" she bounced around swinging around, "So all our characters right now is the characters in the book?" Suga asked, and she nodded, "Are you in the book too?" "No, I'm using a Korean this time just Incase" she said "But it's really good, I'm not giving you any spoilers, you can read it when I'm done" "What's Jhope and RM character?" Callista asked, "You'll see when I'm done, anyways I made the female character to be somewhat like me so even if it's a different face the personality and character is mine" "Who Is she going to end up with ?" Namjoon asked "This time I'm going for Suga, no offense baby" "None taken my love" "Why I'm here! why not me, I'm handsome" "I feel betrayed too" Jungkook started fake crying, "No you don't understand" Jennifer laughed, "Amuse us then" I said and sat down, "Well I figure you guys didn't get any love in this story and I broke a few hearts I'm sure, so I'm writing a story for everyone, each according to your personality, I won't reveal much because it will be spoilers for everyone but know you guys each have a story where you find love okay, and in each story you still have one another okay" "Now that's really good, I'm so excited to see mine, tell me first when you begin okay" Jhope said, "Sure of course" "How's this one gonna be " Suga asked, "Do you even need to ask? one word, intense" Callistus Said and I laughed, "People that Know you" Jungkook said, "You should see her other books, you could get blind" Callista and Lee Joon Gi laughed, "Alright honey you're next" RM stood up, "Why not me??" she went up to him and whispered something in his ear, and then he smiled and hugged her tight and kissed her cheek, "Alright you can go now" she and RM went upstairs and I went to Jhope, "Hey what did she tell you" he shook his head, "I ain't telling you" "Hey" I rubbed his hair and started playing with it, "Hyung!! Ahh!!" "Tell me" "Suga hyung, Jimin Hyung!" "Not until you tell us" Suga said folding his arms and closing his eyes to sleep, I had to rush out and run around so he doesn't catch me, it wasn't until we heared Callista shouting her head off that we looked and saw them standing, "Woah!"  I stopped and gave him thumbs up, RM was looking like a God, "She made you look like the leader you are, but man Jennifer this makeup is smoking hot" Callistus Said, "I'm speechless" Jungkook said, "Hyung smile for the camera!" Taehyung raised his phone, RM was smiling, I accessed the clothes, "Let me guess the boss" I said and she nodded and came to my side, "You got that right, isn't he just so handsome?" I rolled my eyes, "Even more than me?" she looked at me and nodded and I pouted my lips, "But after him is worldwide handsome in my heart" she whispered and I smiled when I heared that looking her full in the face and she didn't hesitate to look back too, "Paws off my wife worldwide handsome, what are you discussing?" RM came to us and Jennifer dragged me and ran, I laughed at the jealous look in RMs face, he was wearing a suit trouser that stuck to his ass, but with no jacket, the white shirt was buttoned up leaving only the first and second exposed, but the hands were rolled up, showing off his sexy hands and gorgeous chest, he had worn a single bracelet on both arms and on his neck you could see the silver chain too, and he wore a pair of loafers holding his jacket in one hand, "Hold on" Jennifer told him, and took a long black neck tie and helped him tie his neck tie, "There, now all that's left is that bossy non chalant domineering attitude" "Woah" all of them shouted,  "Too much English" Taehyung said, "Jungkook, you spend the most time studying English, you should understand" he nodded, "I understand" "Try demonstrating it for us" Jimin said , "Yes do it" I said eager to watch a show, "I'll do it" RM said, "No honey let me do it please" he nodded and smiled, Jennifer closed her and when she looked at us again her face had changed to lazy but evil, and seductive, even Yoongi had to open his eyes and look, she started walking but not in a woman way in a lazy fashion but was still elegant and domineering, more like she owned the place instead, "Wowah!!!" all of us clapped, when she looked at us with those eyes and I even had to carry my face and cover my eyes with my hands, "RM carry your wife away before she seduces us all" I shouted in Korean, "did you see how her eyes were, the look it in, it had like the Jimin effect but more potent" Taehyung said in Korean, "Oh wow, her walk is crazy, and she's like this when she looks at us" Jungkook demonstrated and we all laughed as Jennifer buried her face into RMs chest blushing, "She was like a different person entirely, you should really consider going on runway too " Jhope said in English, "Like wow, I didn't expect that seriously " Suga actually said, "Jhope come on" he and Jennifer ran upstairs"  This just keeps getting more and more hilarious" lee Joon gi said as he stared at lee dong wook who had his eyes and mouth wide open, "Nothing we haven't seen before, it's quite hard to get over it, just that we are used to it now but sometimes she's so unpredictable" Callistus Said as he relaxed back carrying Min hyun, "All of us used to say that if Jennifer was a man no woman on earth would survive, with those attitude and her imaginative head and a deep love and fan for die hard romance, I even said I would date her" Callista said and I laughed, "If she were mine I'd have her in my pocket at all times " I said.

Jhope was the last person, so we were getting ready to leave soon, Jhope came down with Jennifer, "This is what I'd call the interrogator" "Nice nice " Suga clapped, "Now I know why he was last, he's the best and hardest " I said, "It was worth it though, he's hot, army is gonna faint today" Jimin said in Korean,  Jhope was wearing a black shirt that he zipped halfway and has a hoody, and a black leather jacket that is actually a one piece setting of a pair of leather trousers that accentuated his curves  wearing black gaint belt on the waist along with a pair of black boots, wearing black cuff like bracelet on one hand a nice pair of watch on the other, silver chains on the neck and a pair of some rings on the finger, "Hmm, he's definitely worth the time" lee dong wook said, "I'm going to go change you guys wait here, I won't take long" I was eager to see what she would wear, Jhope sat down beside Min Yoongi and were discussing , his eyebrows were brushed and more darker in a less noticable way but the eye liner was on obvious and he looked, frickin hot, with his styled hair that Jennifer just removed from the eye and divided into two styling it perfect, "I'm wondering what Jennifer is going to put on" Jimin said, "I know it's Definitely not those long gown because she's tired of them" RM said, "Would she wear something short then?" Suga asked, "Just wait and see" lee dong wook said, "Let me go help her" Jungkook said, "What?!" RM shouted and they laughed, "woah cool down, protective husband" I laughed.

After waiting for like ten minutes, lee Joon Gi stood up, "We're leaving first okay" "Hold on, let's go together " Jungkook said, "Wait for me" we heared Jennifer's voice, then she came down, I had to stand up properly to digest the shock that came with it, Jennifer was a boy tonight, or maybe like a boy too, "Wow" Callistus shouted, "You made it yourself??" Callista said as she rounded Jennifer, "Of course, really wanted to have this for a long time, been working on it for weeks" I took out my phone and took her photo, "RM is that your wife?" Taehyung whispered to him, "That really is my wife" Jungkook rounded Jennifer then touched her cloth and her stomach, "I want one too" he said, "Me too" "I can use her in my music videos right?" Suga asked RM out of shock, and he even looked flabbergasted, Jennifer was wearing a black leather jumpsuit with silver designs on the arms, she wore silver cuffs on both hands, and on her waist were silver dangly chains, and she packed her hair in buns three bubs and being full it look like razor blade hair, she looked like an assassin, a pregnant one. "You're an assassin!" Jimin now shouted, "You got that right, did you see my makeup, the black eye pencil are perfect Right? I didn't overdo it right, I'm a mother" "No!" all of us shouted, "You look like a pregnant Lara croft" I said, "Let's go please, or we'll be late" she literally pushed us out of the door, "Come on" I held her hand as we went out, "We're taking the van right?" Jhope asked as he grabbed Jennifer's hand away from mine and held her and I punched his shoulder, "ouch Hyung sharing is caring" Jennifer laughed at that and I frowned playfully. "No, were using a limousine" RM said" "Finally" Suga then said, "Let me guess you want to make some lines about this being a kdrama scene and all" lee dong wook said to jennifer, she wanted to say something then unconsciously bit her black and red lip and said, "Stay out of my head" she didn't admit it but she didn't deny it also, so it was true and we all laughed, "If it's a kdrama, I'll be the most handsome best friend you got" Jimin said to her, "I'll be your favourite last born, both of us" Jungkook said as he held Taehyung arm, "I'll be the most responsible brother" Suga touched her hair, "I'll be that one person who always makes sure you're safe" Jhope smiled, "Of course mom" Jennifer said, "And I'll be the most handsome boyfriend" RM came and cleared his throat, "Well boyfriend only, since you got a husband" I said and everyone laughed, "Shall we?" the car door opened and everyone got in, "Watch the news okay, I intend to savage some irresponsible people" Jennifer said and I chortled, I entered the car as they continued talking, "I suddenly feel like I need a swim" I said, "me too, should we all change when we return and has a little fun? it's been long" RM said, and we agreed, Jennifer then got in with Jungkook and they drove to the premises, we were all laughing and chatting in the car when we arrived, "Yes, we are already at the venue, we'll come straight to your side once we are in" RM ended the call, "You seem nervous" Taehyung asked Jennifer, "I'm not nervous, this is a red carpet walk" "of course you should trust Jennifer, she's born to be in the spotlight " I said in Korean, the door opened and fans started screaming, Jimin went down, then Tae, and me, once I got down, I started waving, RM got down , then Jhope, the place started quieting down, and once Jennifer came down, it quieted down before a roar started and fans were screaming, pictures were being taken, Jennifer and RM were in our middle as we walked in with fans screaming beside us, Jhope brought out his phones and said, "Guys check out the comments online" I brought out my phone from my pocket and went online. "OMG I'm getting blind already, the comments are too much, yoongi marry me, I wanna have your kids, my oppa Namjoon is so hot, is it just me or do they look like mafias?? jhope my love!!! jhooooope, Jiminshiiii kiss me, purple heart, who did their makeup that person is a genius, Jennifer is hot, she looks like a killer, sweet chocolate, I love black and many more" Jimin was reading some of them out, "Worldwide handsome looks like a hacker prince, Oppa Jin Army loves you!! you're so handsome " I read the post. "What am I seeing?" bang pd and some other people came over, Jennifer bowed.

Jennifer"s POV

                        I bowed when I saw bang pd as a gesture of Korean greeting, they were talking in Korean, and Jimin pointed at me, and bang pd said something in Korean, "He said you're really good in dressing up and make-up how would you like to work for us" RM said and I laughed, "Thank you very much but no, I'm not really interested" RM told him what I said, then he held my hand and said something, " he'd like to invite you over to his house to meet his family sometime" I nodded "Great it's fine" I smiled as we went through a conference room, the moment the door opened, cameras started flashing and shouts of BTS, RM immediately held onto my lower back, "It's okay" that action caused more screams, "Oppa!!" that was what I was hearing, Jungkook drew out a Seat for me and I thanked him and sat down, it was a fore front table, RM was by my right and JK was by my left, eight chairs and a long table, I put my hand on my legs to stop the shaking, because the cameras were pointed at me and clicking and fans were looking at me when I felt RMs hand wrapped around mine, and I stopped shaking, I couldn't look at him because of the camera so we both maintained a straight face but he clasped his hand around mind and touched my lap and I smiled, an interviewer that speaks English came forward.

"Woah, I feel like I'm in a battle formation" he said and we laughed making me relaxed more, "So uhm... I got a lot of questions here and so does your fans, so let me just start with the basics like who the hell did this beautiful make-up and made you dressed like that" Jimin picked up the microphone, "Ah, yes you see it's Jennifer that picked out our outfits and did our make-up, and to be honest, it's really wonderful " he winked at the fans who screamed again, "Wow why am I not surprised considering the fact that she has shown us a lot of her talents, so uh... next question, is that really you in the video uploaded by Jin yesterday singing " I picked the microphone leaving RMs hand and said, "It's me actually and we were just having fun that's all, I'm really sorry if it caused any problem at all" "No not at all, we'd love to see you sing it again, so many of our fans are watching it live stream and so of course they are waiting " I smiled, "I'm not really sure, I mean I might not be good as BTS and I'm pretty sure my voice is sloppy and so and I don't really know Korean so I might make a mistake or something " I really didn't want to sing, but then they were eager so I took the microphone, "Anything right?" "yes" I breathed it before singing.

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