
chapter nineteen

I smiled, that's is true, "Let's go" we both entered the van, after everyone boarded, I looked at Jennifer, "That was true, I had to let go of this obsession, but I wished I made you love me first" Jungkook and I started playing in the backseat, when Jennifer said, "Oppa give me your phone" she asked Namjoon and he gave it to her without hesitation, "What's your password?" "yes he never tells us" Suga said, "If you get his phone then you're even lucky sef, our father will not let us" Jin said, and Jhope and us was laughing, "Come on Daddy, please tell me huh"She looked at him with doe eyes and he said, "When's your birthday?" all of us kept silent, "October 21st, why?" "Woah!! two Octobers!" I shouted and rubbed Jimin's hair, "Wow, we share the same birth month" "Double party!" "But wait, why did you ask for my birthday?" "It's his password " "No way!" I said in Korean, she put it and his phone switched on, "Aww" "What's your phone Password?" I asked Jennifer" "Her phone doesn't have a password, it's slide... To unlocked" Jungkook said in a singsong and he took it and slide to unlock.

When the car reached close to the venue, we stopped Jennifer came down, "The car is well protected and there are bodyguards around too, you're safe okay, put on your facemask and go okay, we'll see again" we waved at jennifer as she left, then the car left, we arrived at the venue and got down, walking the red carpet as cameras flashed and people screamed my name and our name, then we entered..


Sitting down while the interviewer and reporters interviewed us, I was trying to check if I could see Jennifer in the crowd but they were too many fans, when one of the reporters asked us a question, "It was once said that BTS are commiting plagiarism and their music doesn't make any sense, haters says that you should step down from music industry as you guys are doing copycats, what do BTS have to say about that, what does your company have to say about that" that was a sensitive topic and we were at loss for word including RM Hyung, some of the fans on the audience were already getting agitated and I knew that the reporter was a planted spy by a rival company "And who the fuck said that BTS does plagiarism?" That voice, we all looked up and saw Jennifer sitting with her legs crossed looking all high and mighty, cameras turned to face her and her face was shown, "A black fan here?" "wow she's beautiful?" "Is she pregnant??" people were whispering, Suga relaxed back on his chair, "Sit back and relax, this is gonna be hot" we all snickered and looked up, as Jennifer was discussing with the reporter, "Savage 101" RM said, "Do you think it's easy to go up on stage and sing and dance, I mean if anyone could do it then we'd all be idols right?" those that understood English laughed and supported her while explaining to those who didn't, "Who the hell are you I was questioning BTS" he said, "Me?? I'm army, like everyone here is and you're Messing with our family" "Yeah!! yeah!!" everyone started shouting, "It is.. is the hate comments online that I'm talking about" "BTS doesn't practice plagiarism! and also all their music are their Creation from their blood and sweat and they helped a lot of armies from depression, they give their best for us and we will stand by them even if they commit plagiarism!!" hearing her say this we were touched, "Not that they commit one exactly, so shove that stupid question up us ass spy and ask some reasonable questions and make this fan meeting worth it or get out! only humans like us would be able to appreciate good music when they see one" "Yes!!" everyone shouted and supported her and even the reporters were also on her side, they started taking her picture as she went back to her seat, "But it's not me, the hate comments online said that they don't make good music and are bad at dancing, not me, the haters!" I watched to see what Jennifer would say, she sat down and said slowly, "I said humans not animals" "Ah" I laughed and so did everyone, "Suga's line" Jin said, "Savage 101" Jimin said, I checked the comments and the news online and it was about her, "Savage pregnant queen disses reporter defending BTS" "I said humans not animals- savage queen no 2 after Min Yoongi of BTS" I laughed, "Check the internet" I told them.

The fan meeting went on as good and Jennifer became quite the centre of attention, during the fan meeting, Jennifer sat down on my seat and looked at me, "Oppa!" I held her hand, "You're the best, I love what you did but honestly in public?? " "Hey he was Messing with my family, I'm not crazy to sit down in one place" she rolled her eyes, "Aigoo! you're a cute fan" I squeezed her cheek, "Oppa give me your sign, please!" "Hey, you can get it anytime okay" I signed in a paper and gave it to her, "Saranghae" she did a love song with her fingers and moved on.

After the fan signing after three hours, as we were leaving, we stood taking pictures when I asked Namjoon Hyung, "Are we going to the party right now?" a fan mistakenly stumbled on him and spilt coffee on Namjoon, "Oh be careful" she bowed and apologized profusely but he didn't mind, "Well I'll have to go home and change even and I'm hungry, the party isn't for another one hour, so I have to go home and change" "Hyung, bring something for me too " Jimin said, "You guys should go to the company right now, bang pd wants to see you, so stay there and tell him what happened " "Are you taking Jennifer with you?" "Well she has to change and she can't follow you guys to the company so I'll take her with me and bring her back later" I looked at her phone, "She's already home here in the city, I just got word" Namjoon nodded and left, fans were screaming as we left and went to the company."Band pd must be very shocked when he watched the footage online " Jhope said, "Of course what should we tell him if he ask if we know the girl?" "Uh.. yes, friend, that's what Namjoon would say" Jin said, "The guys are coming back home today, they'll be joining us soon" I said, "Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see Jennifer

We boarded the car to the company.

"Ahh, there you guys are, come come you did really well, I'm especially proud again " "Bang pd, you also watched it??" "Sure sure, that's girl did really well, did you see the internet, she was the same girl that was posted online in a dancing club, she can dance" "Ah, yes" we all remembered that incident, and laughed, "Do you know her? I'd like to meet her, she really dealt with that reporter for us and she's pregnant, he was a paid spy" "Uh.. Namjoon Hyung invited her to the after party so maybe you'll meet her" Suga Hyung said, "Where's your leader by the way, I saw the girl who spilled coffee on him, he went home?" "Yeah, he said, he'll come later on when the party has started " Jungkook said, "Okay, in the meantime you must be all hungry, you should eat and later have the makeup team will assemble your styles" "Yes food, finally" I rushed forward first, "Hey hey hey, don't touch the food until I come" Jin shouted, "Ahh, Hyung " I pouted and shook my body, "Hey reserve the chicken for me!" Jungkook said, "And the dumplings for me" Jimin said, we started fighting over the meal playfully and began to eat later on.

Jennifer's POV

            I sat down on the kitchen chair counter, eating ice cream simply, I was playing music through the Bluetooth and the house was a bit lively, I took Namjoon phone and changed the sing to Jay Sean - Ride It, an American song, I downloaded a couple of American songs on it too, the moment I dropped the phone back and scooped a spoon, the door opened and I saw Namjoon come back in, with a bouquet of flowers, "Hey darling, what's popping with the music" "Nothing much" I said, he kissed my cheek as I licked my spoon and gave me the flowers, "For you" roses, "Awww roses, wow, this is actual roses, man you don't know how much I love nature and flowers, you just hit a soft spot" I kissed his cheek back, "You also love nature?" I nodded, "Why, do you too?" he smiled, "Of course" "Asa, we have something in common at least" "At least, is anything wrong?" he say down on the other chair, I licked a spoon and sighed, "Well you can't blame me, you have an IQ of 148 and I have no idea how high mine is, you're a math genius and I hate numbers a little, you know the piano and taekwondo , pottery making, ice skating, you're a lyrist, composer, rapper, producer, bibliophile and so many more, and all I know is to just cook, have fun, go out and stay indoors when I need to recharge, love art, and music, and just bury myself in books all day" "And that's why I love you the more, hey, we're a great fit, you love art and I do, you love music and so do I, you're a bookworm and I'm a bibliophile, so when I collect them we read them together, who's more compatible than this, and I can teach you the rest, because I notice you love learning new things no matter how much you would never admit it " "Hey" I punched his arms, "I'm serious, remember four months ago when we were having dance practice and I saw you practicing the steps later on, because you loved it and you wouldn't ask for help no matter what, I even saw you watching the video later on" "Okay that's called stalking because I'm pretty sure I was hiding when I was doing that" I glared at him, and we both laughed, "So what's with the flowers this time hmm?" "Hey it's a romantic gesture, I got it for you really, because I love you" I covered my cheek and smiled, "You blush?" "No I don't " I immediately removed my hand and maintained a straight face, "Hahahaha, you're so cute" he said in Korean, "wanna eat anything, there's still time before the party" "You mean anything other than you?" he winked at me and I gasped, "Does army know how perverse your brain is?" I punched his arm, "You bring out the best in me baby" his words made me wet and I held my stomach and stood up, "Be careful darling" "Oh and can you prepare something for the guys too, I told them I was gonna bring something too " "Sure, should we prepare marmalade for them, they would love it so much" I opened the fridge, "Marmalade?!" "Yeah, the stuff we ate that time it was only us in the house five months ago " "No! that's our food, I don't want to share it " I laughed at how childish he was being as he licked my ice cream and spilled some on his shirt" "Aish" he said, I giggled and walked to him, bending down to look into his eyes, "You really are clumsy Daddy" I used my hand to wipe his lip and licked it all the while never taking my eyes off his, he gulped and I smiled, I ruffled his hair and went back to what I was doing, "Fine, it's only ours then I'll have to prepare a specially made food, Nigerian food" "Really" he said in Korean, "Hmm, really really tasty" I replied in Korean, "Your Korean has gotten better" "Well hearing you guys all day talking in Korean is really helping" I quickly did the food and packaged it, it was confirmed Nigerian jellof rice with carrots, I was packaging it into the flasks when Namjoon recieved a call and he was talking in Korea, it was already getting late, when he switched off the phone, he came up to me and carried me, "Hey, what are you doing" "I have waited long enough, I need you before we leave, badly" "Does it have something to do with the phone call" "It was Jungkook asking us when we will be here, bang pd wants to meet you and thank you" "Really" he nodded and I looked at him, when he caught me staring he smiled, "you and Jimin are the same but yours is worse" "what do you mean?" "your eyes, the way you look at me, I want to do bad things to you, you make me aroused and feel naked" I giggled, "Because I love you" he opened the door to my room and entered inside.

I finished taking a shower and looked in the mirror, the hickeys on my neck and hands were pretty obvious after the steamy sex we just had that stole my breath away, I opened my dresser and went for a formal gown, after doing a simple makeup of white powder and light red lipgloss I rubbed my eye pencil on my lips looking gothic a little, then on my eyes a little, I styled my hair by combing it up and using a jade green ribbon tie and hold in an afro style, then I  wore the bracelet and stood up supporting my stomach that was getting bigger, "Ooh" I held it, and smiled, "Never knew I could be pregnant" I said, the gown flowed down my leg, it was really long and beautiful, jade green that stuck to my breast and flowed down freely on my body, it had arms at the side that was made with linen and was free like the dress and was long to my hands, and I used a green sash to tie my neck to cover the hickeys, the gown had a split at the side down to the legs, the jade earring dangled down my ear, as I was turning in the mirror holding my stomach, when strong arms held me around and a kiss landed on my ears and I moaned, "You're beautiful" he whispered, "Sneak peak" I turned to look at him, "Yum yum, my fashion sense rocks" he had dressed according to what I told him, wearing black suit pant and a suit top that looked like the shirt, he buttoned up and raised the arm slightly up wearing a pair of heeled boots, "hold on" I unbuttoned two of the button revealing his hard chest, "Why have such a nice body if you can't flaunt it, sit let me do your make up then we'll go" he sat down like a mafia boss, with his legs open, the thing I love about it, I rubbed his a little white powder and styled his hair like a professional, hair styling was my expertise and so I styled it like a mafia drawing a line by the side and brushing his hair to the side in each direction, and brought out one small strand to complete it then I rubbed him minimal eye pencil and rubbed a little of red lip gloss on his lip, "You must go like this okay, don't scream" he looked in the mirror and smiled, "Perfect, I look like the supernatural I am" he brought out his fangs and snarled and I giggled, slipping my legs Into the black ankle boots we went downstairs and got into the car with the packed food, we only separated when we were close to the venue, as soon as the car stopped in front of the venue where a red carpet had already been laid, I sighed, I was quite nervous, "We have arrived ma'am" the driver said, "I'm nervous right now" I said, "Don't worry miss I'm sure sir Namjoon wouldn't let you be alone" I smiled at him, "Thank you" the bodyguard opened the door and I got down from the car, the reporters around gasped for a second before cameras began to flash In my face as thousands in questions in Korean hit me but the bodyguards led me safely inside, as I walked to the door where the event was taking place, I clenched my fist when my left hand was taken by someone, I turned and saw Ahn hyoseop, "Ahh you're back!" I hugged him  as much as my tummy could allow, "When we heared you got knocked up, we couldn't believe it but girl you look like a goddess right now, pregnancy fits you" Hwang Inyeop came along with lee Joon Gi, "Oppa, I really missed you guys, you didn't see my calls??" I pouted my lips and avoided crying to ruin my face, "We saw, but we couldn't take it at the moment" lee dong wook said as he also came forward, they all looked so handsome, "You guys look like hot cakes" I said and they laughed, "The nerve to compliment us?? you really haven't changed, come on let's go inside, I could smell your nervousness from a mile" Hwang inyeop said, " yeah it's kinda making me nauseous too" "Wonder woman, you are a savage queen " lee Joon Gi said, "Have you seen your wife and son?" "That was the first place he went when he returned, "That explains why Callista and Callistus has been out all day" "Let's go" Ahn hyoseop said and extended his arm, and i held it, the door opened and we walked in, the moment I looked I saw so many celebrities, black pink, exo, lee min ho, and almost everyone I have seen in Korean movie, "Oh my god they didn't say actors were going to be here too" I said, cameras were flashing as people were whispering and gasping, "It's a celebrity thing, you must be so excited" lee dong wook said, "No, right now other than you guys and BTS I don't really see anyone else, "Aww I'm touched" Ahn hyoseop said, Lee Joon Gi drew a chair for me and I sat down, and they both sat down beside me, it was a round table and it was complete, the door opened when BTS came in, and everyone was clapping, I joined the clapping too, and watched all of them all dressed to the bone looking so handsome, I took out my phone and took a picture too, I met Namjoon's eyes and smiled slightly, then they got on stage and Namjoon took the lead as he started talking, I met Jimin's eyes and he grinned, Namjoon switched between English and Korean and I knew he did it because of me, "Did you understand what he said?" lee dong wook leaned in and whispered, "Of course, believe it or not I understand Korean too a little".

after his speech, everyone clapped again and I went along, "This was really boring but if not for the fact that I want to support my daddy and his brothers I would have not come, another person took the stage and Ahn hyoseop leaned closer and told me, "That's bang pd" "Really?" I looked more closer, then I noticed him pointing at me and talking and everyone started cheering and clapping and cameras flashing in my direction, Jhope left the stage and walked up to me, then he bowed like a prince, and extended his hand and I understood, they were thanking me, so I took his hand and stood up and then held his arm as we walked to the stage, "You look like a goddess tonight" he whispered to me, "thanks sunshine"  and the clapping Intensified, bang pd was smiling broadly and he shook my hand in a way of thanking me profusely, then he pointed at the stage, and Namjoon came close, "He wants you to say a few words" I nodded and mounted the podium, "Good evening everyone" the whole hall was silent, I'm sorry for not saying this in Korean language, don't want to bite my toungue on stage and cry like a baby" the people that understood English laughed and they were quite much, "anyways, I wanted to say a huge thank you to Big hit for this opportunity to be here on stage right now, In this hall with goddess and gods trust me if I woke up one morning and someone told me this would happen, I'd say what the fuck it's impossible" another round of laughter echoed, the speech went fluent like it's something I had done all my life, "To be honest, I'm a huge fan of K-pop and not just BTS I stand against discrimination and abuse, so as an army of course I have to support my idols, and I hope every fan out there would do the same for their idols out there, Thank you very much" a round of applause echoed the entire hall as I came down, "Nicely done"Suga said, and I shook each of their hand and took a picture with them before going back down being real careful, since I was heavily pregnant, Ahn hyoseop opened my chair for me this time and I smiled and sat, after the speech, the director said something and everyone began to socialize, holding Ahn hyoseop hand this time, he made me meet a few idols and actors all the while I maintained a straight face while bursting Inside with joy, they knew and Lee Joon Gi and Hwang inyeop were bursting with laughter, "You could jump on them" they said and I rolled my eyes, lee min ho came up to us, "Hey guys" they were talking in Korea and laughing when he looked at me, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Jennifer" I shook it, "Likewise, I'm a fan of yours, you have done great work" he laughed, "Then I hope you'll stick out for me when the times comes when I'm humiliated " I nodded, "Sure, I could punch them for you if you like too" all of them laughed, "Your sense of humour is great" he said, when someone clinked their glass and said something and everyone raised their glass too, the person went to where BTS were and said a toast no doubt and everyone downed their glass except me, "I'm sorry you can't drink because of the baby" lee min ho said, "Oh I'm not even a fan of alcohol" "where's is the father if I may ask?".

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