
Armchair and Blood Wine

The lead wolfskin snarled in response, his lips curled back in a terrifying display of teeth and claws. "Save your pleasantries, delver," he growled, his voice rough with hostility. "We are not here for idle chatter."

Delver? What's going on? Ezra's mind was in disarray but his body stood strong as he crossed his arms, seemingly unafraid.


The progenitor's smile widened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Of course not," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But surely you didn't come all this way just to exchange pleasantries. What is it that you seek?"


The lead wolfskin's gaze narrowed, his expression hardening as he spoke. "We seek vengeance," he spat, his words laced with venom. "For the crimes committed against our pack. For the blood spilled in the name of your family For the crimes you've committed. A thousand years may pass but your atrocities would never be forgotten."


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