
Chapter 35: Secret Weapon

Families fled, pushing past all the other soldiers and away from the army, abandoning the village they lived in all their lives. All the while General Thomas Kyrier sat on his horse, face to face with the Demon Queen Lillian who stood far from him and his men.

"T-the Demon queen!???" The Commander, shocked, looked back at his general who glared sternly at the woman.

Lillian cocked her head, leaning her chin on the back of her hand with her arms crossed.

"I'm glad our plan worked out smoothly. It's certainly been a long time since we've met face to face Tom."

The commander and captains looked back at their General who furrowed his brow. "I don't know what you're talking about," He said.

"That's fine. It's better that way since remembering will only confuse you. Besides, I don't want to hurt that poor ego of yours before I kill you."

The General didn't respond. Instead, he glanced around to find that the village was a natural trap with one two ways in and out.

"A single pathway through the village with no other means of flanking or retreating. So this was a set up." General Thomas glanced at his commander. "What did you do to my men?"

Lillian gave a shushing gesture with her hand. "Now that's my little secret to keep."

"Damn demons. But still… Try as you might but you'll never get to me."

"Ah. yes, the Barrier, right?" Lillian a somewhat mischievous smile, touching the barrier. She watched as the strange blue pulse ripple around her finger, then her hand like water.

"Y-yeah that's right. Demons can't enter the barrier." The captain among them noted.

Lillian chuckled hearing the man. "You never know until we try."

As if on cue, the screams of men dying and getting cut down suddenly comes from behind. Everyone turns to find the army behind them starting to get slaughtered by demons from behind and above on the mountain side. An explosion of ice spikes erupted from far within the confederate army's line.

"What the hell!??" The General looked on, bewildered by the eruption of Ice.

"Grrr. We can't sit Ideally by! C'mon we need to support our men!" The commander and captains rode off to support their rear.

"Oh. This makes things easier."

The General watched as Lillian grew wings from her body. She then flew in the air above her, growing a big ball of some sort of fire magic from her hands.

Jala seeing this huge ball of fire orders a quick retreat. The demon army retreats, leaving the confederate army soldiers confused.


Three explosions rained across the army's troops. Even the commander and captain are caught in the explosions

"ARROWS!" The General Commanded.

The archers surround the general, rained their arrows at Lillian. She easily flicked them away with a huge gust of her wind magic.

The general was ford to shield his face from the gust. "Damn it!" his other hand then felt for the horn at the side of his waist. The thought of using it crossed his mind. However he quickly rejected this idea.

"AGAIN!" he commanded.

More Arrows poured as Lillian who easily avoided these attacks, all the while sending more explosive magic to the troops behind the General. After a while Lillian ended up destroying an entire cliffside path to the village, stranding the general and his remaining subordinates with herself


The archers continued on firing away, depleting their supplies quicker than any battle they've fought. This continued until everyone was down to the last arrow. The General before Lillian could only scowl at her understanding their dire predicament.

Lillian landed back on the ground safely, feeling the barrier once more, smiling once more.

"You know. My father once told me that the Kyrier family is a very special bloodline. He said that it went back to the first Heroes of Prophecy chosen by God Cassell himself."

Lillian's hands started to glow with holy magic. She expanded a purging barrier from the shell of the protective barrier the General was using. Seeing this, all the archers and soldiers felt an insurmountable pressure. Lillian could only give a wicked smile.

"T…This can't be…" The general was left in an utter state of shock.

The next second all the men surrounding the General were sliced by Lillian's wind magic. puddles of bloods formed around the general as he witnessed a change in Lillian demeanor. He felt a scary aura emanating from her, as if she was ready to toy with him.

Lillian quickly recomposed herself and held out her hand. "Not that it matters much to me. I just want to end this war already."

The general felt the horn by his side. He quickly clutched it to bring it to his mouth. Lillian formed an earth spike from her hand, pointed straight at him. It shot at him in a blink of an eye but shattered, meeting another barrier!

Lillian, surprised by this, shot many more his way, each shattering upon impact. She snarled, sending an even larger one that also shattered!

A crack formed at the barrier making the General uneasy. as he glanced at his horn but looking back, He found Lillian already in contact with his Barrier.


She manifested her holy magic in hand gripping at the barrier with her bare hands. desperate, she quickly grabbed the horn, blowing in it for a second before getting his head sliced from his body. The body fell off the horse.

"Why did he blow on that horn…?" Lillian stared at the body for a few seconds before turning. But as she walked away with thoughts about Jala and the army, the dead General's body suddenly contorted, mangling itself, breaking bone after bone in his own body.

She turned back quickly, finding this gross sight. Lillian found herself speechless as she continued to witness this strange circumstance.

A glowing snow-white hand erupted from the chest of the man's corpse. Another hand erupts. They each pushed and opened the chest further, opening up and allowing some mysterious white being with golden blonde hair to emerge from the bloody corpse.

The white being turned to look at Lillian, leaving her in a state of shock seeing that the strange being was faceless. It brought out the rest of its body and looked at Lillian with curiosity.

It towered over her and started speaking strangely with a voice that sounded otherworldly and distorted. It then went on to look on the ground, grabbing the severed head of a random soldier. It held the head, starting to use it like a puppet.

"Testing~. Testing one, two, three..." The voice from the head sounded croaky. It became obvious that this white being was using this head to communicate.

"How peculiar… You are the holder of the holy light. The one chosen to seal away this world's evil. And yet, you are not human…," it said.

"What… are you?" Lillian kept herself alert and on guard.

"I am…what some would call… an Angel. My name is Enocht, Servant of God Cassell. One of ten, that serves under him."

"Ten?" she questioned.

The angel Enocht cocked its head as if staring deep within Lillian. "I see… so the original soul mended back together with a powerful magic. that of demons… hmm… Very powerful indeed."

Enocht absorbed the man's head into his hand. Two green eyes grew out of his blank face, and then a nose, and then a mouth formed. He gave a crooked smile. "This world's evolution of magic never ceases to amaze me. Alas… this is an issue that must be resolved. God Casell wouldn't like his holder kept from the cycle of life and death."

Lillian is shocked as she suddenly found herself face to face with this pure white being. "Please allow me to return your soul back into the cycle. Where it belongs."

Lillian Dodged! Her arm cut from her in an instant. She distanced herself, holding her newly stubbed arm.

"You're only delaying the inevitable light holder."

Lillian let out a scream as she instantaneously regenerated her arm, regrowing her own flesh, bone and skin. She found herself much more exhausted.

"Ah. so you can regenerate like the Superior demon's." Enocht grabbed Lillian's other severed arm, absorbing it into his body. "The corruption in your flesh is deep." he smiled. "But your magic is invaluable."

A clash of Wind magic between the two suddenly erupted. Lillian kept both hands out, trying to match the angel blow for blow. Dirt and debris filled the air, and an explosion of wind echoed through the fragile village.

Lillian placed her hand on herself. "Boost."

She sent holy magic through her body, strengthening herself the best she could. Feeling more confident she used her earth magic. Conjuring a stone wall.

The wall instantly shattered but still left a window for her to manifest an explosive ball, hurdling it to the angel.


A direct hit and the attacks seemed to have ceased his magic attacks. The dust soon clears, showing a huge hole within the angel's torso. However he paid no mind to this instead turning to the now dead horse and absorbing it into his body. His body then reformed as though it weren't flesh.

Enocht gave a distorted laughter. "Such fascinating new magic! a lovely combination. It makes so glad to have been summoned!"

Lillian didn't hesitate to close the distance between them.

Seeing this Enocht conjured forth a grid of light sending it to Lillian, But this attack passed through her, surprising the angel.

Lillian knocked the angel to the ground, clutching his neck. And without hesitation, she ripped off his head with all her strength, keeping his body pinned with her feet.

Enocht's detached head spoke up. "So, you are defected like the Evil one. But since you are still only mortal, you are a problem that is easier to resolve."

Lillian instantly engulfed his head in fire. Infuriated that he could still talk. She felt hand touch her legs. She looked back to find the headless body grabbing her leg and easily tossing her off it and into a villager's home.

She got up, disoriented. Looking back to the angel's body approaching her, his head then grew back.

"What the hell?" her eyes widened in complete shock and horror, watching it continue its approach.

"I think that is enough with your delays, Light holder." Enocht held his hands out readying a big ball of fire. "It is time to return you to the cycle."

The huge ball of fire is sent hurdling to Lillian only for a huge wall of Ice spikes formed between Lillian and Enocht. The fire and ice collided, hot steam forming on both sides.

"What is this?" Enocht questioned.

Enocht got sliced through with a blood blade.


General Jala stood with his Ice armor fully formed on his body.

"Even more impressive magic!" Enocht gave a much more sinister smile. "Now I understand why I was summoned."

Enocht healed instantly to the shock of Jala. He grabbed Jala by the neck "It seems that the humans wish to use me as a tool for war. Too bad."

The angel started to absorb Jala's armor reaching his neck. "My only intentions are to serve my master's cause."

Enocht's arm is sliced by a huge gust of wind. Jala quickly separates from the angel, throwing the hand off himself. Enocht is shot with a barrage of earth spike and wind slicing attacks hitting him directly. Arms sliced, Leg, feet, hand, chest, head.

"Jala!" Lillian yells.

She stopped her barrage. Jala understanding used the opportunity to form a water prison around the angel and froze it to as cold as possible to make an icy prison. Unfortunately, this only proved to be ineffective as Enocht easily escaped, shattering the Ice around himself.

Without hesitation he swung his reformed arm forth to Jala, manifesting it as a gilded white sword.

Jala parried the attack in time. But this is followed by another clash and another until Lillian broke through the Ice wall using her fire magic.

The fire hit Enocht directly who is yet again, unaffected as charred skin reverts to glowing white.

"How is he not dying!??? It's like-" Lillian's thoughts are interrupted.

"As a servant of God I cannot die unless my creator wishes for it. Trying to kill me will not alter your fates." The angel's body started to bulge and contort. He grew two extra arms from his body and then another two.

The three engage in an even more intense bout as bothe Lillian and Jala struggle to keep the angel from reforming and attacking them. They were being overwhelmed by the angels' immense power before the,

"I am the will, given shape. And the inevitability of your demise." He smashed the ground as they both dodged in time.

His body continues to contort and misshapen. He grew an additional head. Then eyes all over his body.

The very sight disturbed Lillian, and she was the Demon queen.

His body then went back to normal and turned to Lillian, reaching out to her. "Now Light holder, allow me to return you back to the cycle."

Jala stabbed Enocht in the back. He then slices upward through the angel's head.

Lillian snapped herself back to her senses. She kicked the sliced angel away from them.

Using its hand the angel grabs onto the ground, penetrating some of the rocky terrain with his fingers.

Yet again healing himself. But then….

Enocht found his arm starting to crumble away. He frowned seeing this.

"Did part of him just crumble away?" Jala questioned.

Lillian, hearing Jala, opted to examine herself. "I think he did." She found that some of the angel's arms looked more chipped away than before.

Enocht stood taller and more serious, he started to approach Lillian. Seeing his changed demeanor she quickly sent out a barrage of slashes with her wind magic. Enocht counters each and every one of her attacks with his own.

"Let me help." Jala held out his hands, conjuring forth a big blue ball of fire. He starts to conjure even more of the fire ball around himself all before sending them at Enocht.

Soon the village became even more chaotic with a torrent of fire and the bangs in the air. The exchange of magic attacks started to become more and more intense with each step Enocht took. Lillian attempts to boost her power once again finds her power easily dwarfed no matter how many times she tries.

"he has to have a limit! there's always a limit!" Lillian thought.

A cut in an arm. Another on her cheek. A blow to the stomach!

Enocht threw his sword arm into Jala's stomach, nailing him to the mountain wall far from Lillian. Suddenly LIllian is slashed in the chest. She coughed blood, and her neck grabbed.

To both Lillian and Enocht's surprise, his arm holding her started to completely crumble away.

"Looks like luck is on your side. Pity, perhaps another servant or group of holders will release you."

Slowly Enocht crumbled away into a pile of stones and pebbles. The sword in Jala crumbled away also, leaving a gaping hole in Jala's chest.

Lillian fell to her knees, exhausted from the overwhelming fight. She quickly healed herself following up by healing Jala too, who was half conscious.

" We won…"Lillian stated, still exhausted. "Thank you Jala." she was breathing much more heavily. unable to move herself any further.

"Your highness are you alright??" Jala asked worriedly. It wasn't not long before Lillian fell over, onto his shoulder.

Jala looked at his wound that was now gone. "how am I???" his mind shifted to what the Angel Enocht Called Lillian. "Light holder…?

Jala found himself staring at a now sleeping Lilian for a long time before deciding to bring her somewhere to continue her rest.


Jala is inside of a shabby broken down village home watching over Lillian. He continues to watch over her as if pondering something.

"Where's Lillian?" a familiar muffled voice asked.

"I-i-in here Your Majesty." a soldier answered.

The Demon King, Lucius entered the home, he looked bloodied with a flesh wound in his chest.

"Jala. Tell me what the hell happened to Lillian. NOW!" Lucius glared fiercely at Jala who stared back with contempt.


Back with Kalika she is now sleeping through the hard day she's been through. Rakon's blood clone manifests itself, looking at Kalika. His attention then turned to Rhonda who was sleeping by the side of the bed.

"What a lousy maid."

He approached Kalika, smiling upon brushing his hand against her hair. He watched her move slightly as mumbling something happily. "Good dream?" he quietly asked. "It won't be too long now. Soon this war will be over… And I'll have won. "

Rakon smiled. "Heh. I hope they enjoy my little gift."

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