
(C) A Brief History of Cain

I'm going to Upload the first five chapters before leaving this be, if you guys want me to make more chapters then how about every 30 stones equals a chapter with 210 will make me want to upload a chapter a day or at least every other day for that week since I also have other stories people like to read as well.

Stories that a good chunk of you guys came from after I mentioned this fic on one of my other stories in the first place.


"Well what was I doing here again?" I mutter to myself as I drink my cocktail that Alfred had prepared for me as I sit and stare out the window of my personal study connected to my bedroom.

I'm still trying to come to terms with me being in hell as it had been only a day, based upon what the digital clock said since there is no sun in this ring and it's mostly either night time or a lighter shade of purple to signify day down here.

Since yesterday I haven't done anything as I've been reorganizing the memories that are in my head along with the merging of my personality's of both Cain and Danny since we are both the same person but now I have a shifted perspective on things.

Organizing all the memories I got I was the first, literally the first, sinner to come down into hell after thrown down here for killing my brother Able, different from the original story of Cain from the Bible in Danny's memories.

"I'm a real and true demon in every sense of the word huh?" With Danny's memories and personality and seeing everything I did down here for the past several million years, I'm the literal definition of Evil in the truest sense as I basically set up how hell works on most of the rings in the first place.

To keep it short I fixed a lot of problems that the Sins, barring Mr.Depression himself, had when they were down here in hell in the beginning.

Satan, that old Goatman, had issues with how to control his rampaging imps that just wanted to slaughter everything, so I told him to have them help with conflicts up on earth, but in the meantime have them learn how to farm as the Wrath ring has the largest amount of land that can create food for everyone on all the rings of hell, can't do murder and mayhem on an empty stomach after all.

In Gluttony Beelzebub was a rampaging monster with hunger issues that I tamed and after a few things to fix it we ended up being a thing for a few centuries before we realized that it's best we just stayed friends instead and broke up on a high note.

Mammon wanted money or at the time, precious gems since money wasn't a concept officially back then so I helped him figure out how to exploit his ring for all its worth and now I'm a trend consultant for him to see what can make himself the most money right now, and because of that and a contract I made him sign if he ever wanted my help is that I owned 30% of the income from any of his businesses, making me now one of the riches people in hell.

Asmodeus didn't actually have that much of a problem in the beginning but the Succubi and Incubus's didn't respect his rule so I helped him with putting his foot down and getting them to do whatever he says.

He was also my second serious relationship after Bee, even if he denies it since he's all about lust and nothing about love which is a load of bs because their was real passion their between us, but being long lived has its goods and bads so just like Bee after roughly 900 years me and him split apart since I saw he wanted to try different things and so did I so we broke up and now we're just close friends who from time to time fool around with eachother if neither of us is in a serious relationship.

Next where I'm at is Envy with my babe and current fuck buddy Lia, or better known as Leviathan, who had this vast ocean full of devil fish, which aren't that much different from normal fish except a majority are piranha like or giant sea serpents in the deep waters so unless your a fish demon it's best not to swim to far away from the shores.

But for her when I came down here I suggested making Envy a tropical paradise that would be the literal envy of all the poor and impoverished demons of hell along with a super city that only the Fish demons can go to being Atlantis since only they can breathe underwater after all, hell even I can't go down there unless I come with Lia as she uses her powers to make me be able to breathe down their for as long as I'm with her specifically.

And last we got the sleepy goat woman Belphagor, her issue was that she had insomnia and couldn't sleep even though she was all about sloth and being lazy in the first place.

So I came up to her with the idea of making drugs that make one sleep and hell drugs for about anything someone would want or ever need, and getting a bunch of imps to do the job for her along with her Baphomet demons distributing it and now her circle is known as the drug and narcotics capital of hell itself.

And as time passed new ideas were made by him…. Except they weren't from him specifically but another…. More darker and eviler being…. Their are only seven circles of hell, but in the seventh circle their is a wide chasm at the edge of Sloth only known as the abyss.

It's called that because anything tossed down their never returns, originally it might have made a great garbage dump, but when garbage or anything like waste was tossed down their it was shot back up to the surface surrounded by a dark corrosive like substance that burned through the ground in sloth up to 5 to 10 feet deep.

Early on not even a few days from being put in hell I was pulled in a black mud like substance from the pride ring all the way to the abyss until I met 'her'.

I say her but I don't think whatever it is actually has a gender but it looks and sounds like a woman so I say that thing is a woman until I'm proven wrong.

And I was forced into making a contract with that thing where I did it's bidding and in return I got the 'True' Fruit of knowledge, not the one my mother ate that let sin into the world, but all knowledge of all things humanity and demon kind could create, would create and will ever make.

I did things that I'm not proud of for that bitch, and for 6.9 million years I was her dog and it wasn't until roughly 10,000 years ago she destroyed the contract and willingly gave me my freedom back, to which I don't know why she did that if she is the truest personification of evil after all.

Why I have her number on my phone as DONT ANSWER is beyond me as to why the original me did that even though I still have all my memories and even remember myself doing that in the first place.

And then 25 Hell years ago, or 250 human years ago, the sweetest angel in the world was born, a little girl I helped raised as because of my contributions to the development of hell in the beginning and moving forward got me on Lilith's good side and so I helped raised her while her father was still too depressed to really go out and do things with his own daughter unless it was absolutely necessary thus I became the adoptive uncle to her and the Morningstar family, much to Lucifer's Chagrin.

"And now here I am, Lilith disappeared seven years ago, Lucifer has mostly been a shut in, and I've been relaxing all around the rings, excluding that shithole known as Greed, with me heading up to pride to Help Charlie deal with things here and there." I mutter to myself as I thought of everything I had done in my life.

"And the question is, what now?" Hell is my Oyster but I've done plenty of things, from my memories, but with both of my personalities merged together everything hell has to offer seems new and exciting once more, so with that said, what now?

*Vrrrt Vrrrt Vrrrt*

"Hmm? Charlie's calling? I wonder what she wants to talk about." I say grabbing and looking at the phone.

"I get the feeling she's going to tell me something interesting."

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