
Chapter 192: Graduation (2)

Chapter 192: Graduation (2)

~Third POV~

[Honnouji Academy's Central Tower]

Satsuki was sitting in the tower of her school, drinking tea and looking at the gathering of students for graduation. Her butler Soroi spoke in a neutral tone to her, "Milady, it's almost time for the ceremony to begin."

Satsuki, gazing down at the group of people ready for graduation, spoke calmly, closing her eyes and taking a sip of tea, "Go on without me. After the ceremony, you're scheduled to serve tea to the entire student body. Don't you have preparations to make?"

Soroi nods, taking a short bow understanding her, "As you wish."

Satsuki nodded her head as she soon thanked him for staying by her side in a grateful tone for his kindness, "Soroi… thanks for everything. I was able to be myself because you were there for me."

Soroi's eyes briefly widened as he gazed at Satsuki in surprise, "Milady…"

She gave a small smirk giving him a small amount of comfort to reassure his mind, "Don't worry, off you go."

Soroi then bows and leaves. Satsuki was left there for a while as she sipped her tea till, she spoke out loud, "I knew it."

Behind her, stood another Satsuki with the real one turning around to see another figure in a stoic tone, "So you did show up."


[At the Graduation]

Gamagori was on the stage, starting the introduction in a loud voice addressing everyone in a serious tone, "THIS BE THE GRADUATION CEREMONY! FIRST A WORD FROM THE STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT, LADY KIRYUIN SATSUKI! PAY ATTENTION, ALL OF YOU!"


Then a black and red light shined from the school's tower and out came False Satsuki (or F. Satsuki for convince sake) with a dramatic heel click spoke in an arrogant tone, "Graduation ceremony?! Nonsense!"

Gamagori moved back stunned as did everyone F. Satsuki spoke in a serious tone banging her Bakuzan down, "Graduation ceremony, my foot! What exactly where you pig in human clothing planning to graduate from?! If there is light in Kiryuin Satsuki's eyes, I would not stand for this face!"

The group below them spoke in stunned tones with Sanageyama confused and spoke, "What is Lady Satsuki saying?"

Ryuko looked stunned by Satsuki's words as she spoke in a confused tone, "Did she have a last-minute change of heart?"

Nonon growled clenching her fist in an annoyed tone, "Lady Satsuki would never!"

However, that was when Mash spoke seeing four figures from behind in a confused tone tilting his head with a raised eyebrow, "I think we're dealing with clones?"

Inumuta blinked hearing his response asking in a curious tone, "What makes you think that?"

Mash simply pointed from behind stating the obvious in a clear tone, "Cause you guys are there too?"

Then the Elite Four blinked as four more figures emerged to be the Fake Elite Four or simply F. Elite Four spouting their nonsense.

"Close down Honnouji Academy?"

"We the Elite Four will never let that happen!"

"Watch closely, No-Star trash."

"We'll demonstrate to you the full extent of our powers."

Then the fake Elite Four transformed their Goku uniforms as all the F. Elite Four said, "Three-Star Ultima Uniforms!"

"Blade Regalia!"

"Shackle Regalia!"

"Symphony Regalia Grave!"

"Probe Regalia!"

With the shine of red stars, the clones of the Elite Four transformed into their Mk. I Regalia Goku Uniforms. The uniforms they used, however, were different from before. Instead of their usual colors, each of the fake transformations was colored coal black. And began to attack the crowds below.

Ryuko's eyes widened as she spoke in a surprised tone grabbing her Scissor Blade, "Those are your guys' old Goku Uniforms!"

Sanageyama's eyes widened as he spoke out loud in a stunned tone, "Where did those copies come from?!"

Stomping her foot down Nonon spoke in a pissed-off tone clenching her fist, "How dare they knock us off!"

Gamagori was stunned at the chaos unfolding in a stunned tone, "What in the world?"

Nonon, Sanageyama, and Gamagori yelled at Inumuta speaking in an angry tone, "What's going on here, Inumuta?!"

Inumuta had his laptop typing down but showed an annoyed expression and said in a defeated tone equally as confused, "I'd love to explain… but my computers are being hacked."

The F. Inumuta soon got too close to the real one's face as he spoke confidently as the other F. Elite Four members came at them, "Oh, yes. Your computers are under my Probe Regalia's control…"


Soon coming from the sky were four identical wardrobes with Iori explaining in a confident tone explaining them, "Sorry for the wait Elite Four but I was hoping to give you these as a final gift since you didn't get to use them in the final battle against Ragyo. Hopefully, you'll put them to the test."

The Elite Four grinned as they quickly went inside to change and came out wearing new black and gold versions of their uniforms each of them spoke in a united tone, "Three-Star Goku Uniform, Ultimate Configuration!"

"Blade Regalia, Secret Unsealed!"

"Symphony Regalia, Finale!"

"Probe Regalia, Truth Unveiled!"

"Shackle Regalia, Persona Unleashed!"

In their new ultimate state, the F. Elite Four started fighting with the originals. Mash then walked with Ryuko against F. Satsuki demanding in a pissed-off tone, "I don't know who or what you are, but you're messing with the wrong family."

*Dramatic heel clip*

Satsuki merely grinned confidently as she spoke in a stoic tone looking down on Ryuko and Mash, "On the contrary, I know full well of OUR FAMILY!! [Life Fiber Override: Kamui Junketsu!]"

When the F. Satsuki transformed, it was made obvious that she wasn't human. Her skin and Kamui turned to a coal-like black, her eyes and Junketsu's were green, and her hair turned blonde.

However, there was the way she phrased her words that made Mash pause as his eyes saw an incoming person frowning in an annoyed tone, "Our family the hell – Oh! Well, Gear Eyes you not gonna like who's coming?"

Ryuko rolled her eyes as she coly replied in an annoyed tone as she transformed, "Oh who else is coming? Bring it on! [Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu]!"



Instantly transforming Ryuko's eyes soon landed on another person having the same face but the main difference in an outfit with a wild grin on the F. Ryuko's face caused the original to curse at the faker in an angry tone, "Oh – oh fuck you!! You're not even wearing Senketsu at this point you fucking faker!!!"

Revealing to be F. Ryuko wearing the Kamui Junketsu spoke in an arrogant tone drawing her own Scissor Blade aimed at Mash growling in pure malice at him, "Oh no worries faker I'll deal with you in due time. For now, I have beef with the asshole that murdered my mom in cold blood!"


Mash had an expression of disbelief as he laughed at the F. Ryuko wearing Junketsu before he spoke in a deadpan tone unimpressed, "Really? Couldn't the mastermind be original how can a discount fake – "

His words got cut off as he paused seeing a screen in front of him. There weren't many things that could phase Mash but seeing a massive debuff was a total surprise for him reading it carefully.


[You have been debuffed by F. Ryuko's skill [Bride's Wish] a skill that grants wishes to the user desire from Junketsu. She wishes for your 'death' by making space-time and defensive skills be powered down and MP Bar sealed till you defeat the F. Ryuko.]

Mash had to genuinely blink before muttering out loud finding another weakness he learned in school in a genuinely surprised tone, "Huh… that's a new one. Note to self-find a counter against making fucking wishes. Let's do this Koketsu. [Life Fiber Command: Shinra-Koketsu]!"


Shining in a brilliant rainbow light taking on his transformation as each of them clashed with their respective opponents with Ryuko angrily saying to F. Satsuki, "What the hell are you people?! Where's the real Satsuki?!"


Clashing off making distance to themselves F. Satsuki replied in a stoic tone glaring daggers at Ryuko, "I am the real Satsuki! A Satsuki Kiryuin with a broken spirit doesn't deserve to exist!"

Managing to back off from the highly powered F. Ryuko Mash could not help but be annoyed seeing her in a disdainful tone, "Tch. Don't you have anything else to do than bother me fool? No, seriously it's like Ryuko's revenge arc all over again. Even your mother couldn't be tasked with ending me and even then, she failed spectacularly."


Slamming her Scissor Blade at Mash F. Ryuko growled as she yelled out angrily, "YOU BASTARDDDDD!!!"

Ryuko saw her fake and couldn't help but sweat drop seeing their battle from the side asking herself in a stunned tone, "Was I like that the whole time? Feels fucking weird to see it from the other end."

However, she didn't have time to philosophize her life choices dealing with F. Satsuki took main priority…


[The Heart of Honnouji Academy]

Satsuki was restrained by stands of Life Fibers and was connected to a large core of some kind as she spoke to the culprit in a stoic tone, "Aren't you tired of hiding in the darkness? Would you show yourself… Rei Houomaru…"

Revealing herself from the shadows Rei Houomaru revealed herself as she spoke in a dead tone, "I suppose you knew it was me."

Satsuki only confirms Rei's actions in a stoic tone from the place she's being restrained, "You were the only one who could manage something like this."

Holding a Life Fiber condensed combat knife Rei replied in a neutral tone with her shades hiding her eyes, "Exactly. I am the only one who can inherit Lady Ragyo's will."

Restrained in the air Satsuki was trapped in a bind of life fibers and was hanging above the ground Satsuki spoke in a stoic tone, "Give it up. It's too late for all of this. I bet you gathered every life fiber that was still at REVOCS HQ to do this. But now that the Primordial Life Fiber is gone, the genesis of the Cocoon Planet won't come to pass."

Stepping closer to Satsuki Rei spoke in a defiant tone not giving up yet staring Satsuki in the eyes, "Is that why you won't let me go? Why didn't you finish me off back then? Do you think it was beneath you to kill the likes of me? Back then why didn't you kill me?! Was I not worth the trouble?!"

Satsuki shook her head as she explained herself in a stoic tone trying to reason with Rei locking eyes with her, "… No one deserves to have their life taken… I learned that through the course of this war. If you could be freed from Ragyo's curse, then you deserved to live. That's all I meant by it."

Rei glared hatefully at Satsuki yelling at her in an outraged tone, "How can you say that after killing Lady Ragyo and Nui?!"

Satsuki merely closed her eyes as she offered her own life in a calm tone stunning Rei, "I'm willing to pay for my sins with my life."

Realization dawned upon Rei as she growled asking in an angry tone at Satsuki, "You bitch! You let me capture you for that reason!"

Satsuki nodded her head as she confessed in a neutral tone locking eyes on her, "That's one way to sheath a blade, sure."

Growling at Satsuki's arrogance Rei decided to activate something as she explained to her the nature of humanity in a disgusted tone, "I've had enough of your arrogance, Satsuki Kiryuin! Do you believe your life is a fair trade for Lady Ragyo's great will? This world is full of discrimination. The strong violate the weak. That is the reality of this foolish human society!"

The room lights up, showing a generator of some kind alarming Satsuki, "This place?"

Then Rei starts activating something that causes the whole school to shake as she smirks maliciously said, "There's still one more person that needs to suffer…"


[Honnouji Academy]



While everyone outside was fighting, the ground started to shake. Parts of the school were raised out of the ground. The school slowly transformed those parts it into massive arms with Soroi stunned and Iori explaining in a surprised tone, "Yeah, it's the Last-Stitch Defense System! We built it to fight the Primordial Life Fiber, but we never got to use it after Ragyo took over the school. Why did it activate now?!"

Mash and Ryuko were still fighting F. Satsuki and F. Ryuko. But both soon saw the giant robot school as they respectfully said the appropriate responses, "Holy-/Shit!"

Soon an intercom revealed Rei's voice spoke through in an angry tone perking Mash's ears of her rant against him specifically, "MASH BASTION! I've been waiting for you! Now you'll pay for everything you've done!!"

Mash only spoke trying to be serious but genuinely asked confused, "Sorry but who are you again?"

That caused Rei to be furious directing her attention at him using a giant robot.


[The Heart of Honnouji Academy]

Rei growled at his response. But she soon managed to regain her control as she spoke to Satsuki in a cold tone, "Just what I'd expect from Satsuki Kiryuin… You're a first-rate source for the activation of Life Fibers. And I'm going to put it to good use!"

However, Satsuki spoke in an obvious tone one flaw in her plan, "But if I die, it'll shut down…"

But Rei had a counterplan for this as she revealed her back power source in a confident tone with more lights popping up, "I wouldn't bother biting your tongue. I've got a backup power source…"

When the lights lit up it revealed Mako was also captured startling Satsuki with Mako explaining herself in an innocent tone, "I'm sorry, Lady Satsuki! I was distracted by some cheese, and she caught me!"

Rei adjusted her glasses as she explained herself in an awkward tone regarding using Mako as a power source, "I'm not sure why, but she had high activation potential as well… so are you going to kill yourself and leave her behind?"

Satsuki stared in shock as Rei smiled confidently at her plans as she refocused her efforts crushing Bastion in an irritated tone, "You may have thought you saved the world, but it's not over… This time, you're going to destroy it! You'll crush the weak with what you've wrought! And you are wrong about one thing… I found out that your lover is wearing Shinra-Koketsu. So, I'll use the Primordial Life from it after killing him!"

Satsuki remained silent merely observing the outside battles occurring…

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