
Chapter 160: Don’t Toy Me on a Whim (2)

Chapter 160: Don't Toy Me on a Whim (2)

~Third POV~

[The Next Day, Honnouji Academy]

The trio soon arrived at school the next day and they were greeted with a wooden sign with Mash reading out loud with a raised eyebrow in a curious tone, "Challenge to a duel. Attention Ryuko Matoi of the second year, Class K. I will be waiting in the Kendo Club after school to officially challenge your Fight Club – Sanageyam. The hell? We got our first victim?"

Both looked at the sign as Ryuko grinned excitedly at the challenge ahead, grabbing her Scissor Blade, "Heh. Bout time I get a hand on one of the Elite Four! He'll make for a perfect warm-up."

Mash chuckled at the situation shaking his head helplessly as he said in a refreshed tone putting his hands in his pockets, "Well at least they sent you an invitation instead of kidnapping Mako. This is an improvement in my eyes."

Both agreed as Mako said in a cheerful tone with a grin on her face, "Yeah! This time I won't get kidnapped and have fun with my friends!"

Having said that the trio soon entered the academy waiting for the approaching fight ahead for Ryuko.


[Later, Sports Gym]

After classes were over the group soon approached the Sports Gym with Sanageyama waiting for them. A huge crowd was already formed to watch the imminent fight as Sanageyama spoke in a confident tone, "So you've come, Matoi."

Ryuko grinned readying her Scissor Blade in hand expressing a confident tone, "I was called out by the name of the Elite Four. I couldn't run away from that, could I?"

Mash nodded his head sighing in relief speaking to Sanageyama appreciating the change of the usual kidnapping troupe in a thankful tone, "Thanks for that. It's a nice change of pace that someone who wants to fight Ryuko would send a challenge, instead of kidnapping Mako and we save her."

Above the gym, the rest of the Elite Four sat watching down on the commotion below as Nonon glared at Mash speaking in an arrogant tone, "That's Mash Bastion? He doesn't look like anything much. I should just go over to him and beat him to death. His free game being the Fight Club leader, right?"

Gamagori shook his head with his arms crossed sitting on a couch in a serious tone disagreeing with Nonon's actions, "You would dare disobey Lady Satsuki's orders to just observe him?!"

Nonon bickered back as Inumuta responded his eyes on the battle at hand in a serious tone his back leaning on the couch, "There is still too much we don't know about Mash Bastion, there are too many unknowns for us to just outright challenge him."

Nonon huffed at his words. Their attention soon returned to the gym floor with Sanageyama speaking in a confident tone, "You're Bastion, right? Well, when I beat Ryuko I'll fight you next!"

However, he simply yawned at his request looking bored much to Sanageyama's annoyance. Mash and Mako ran into the audience, and after they were clear Sanageyama activated his Three-Star Goku Uniform, "Three-Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia!"


Sanageyama's uniform transforms into a hulking, dark green suit of armor that resembles a standard kendo suit. It can extend shinai from its gauntlets and carries a pair of back gauntlets from which it can produce more shinai blades.


The big letters soon appeared once more as they usually do for someone's introduction with Mash having a deadpan expression spoke in a bored tone, "Of course these letters come when a new transformation appears, don't they? These transformations are going to be commonplace, aren't they?"

Focusing his attention on the battle Ryuko soon responded defending transformation users in an impressed tone, "Hey I'm impressed, Elite! Then I'll do the same!"

Ryuko transformed and the fight started immediately Ryuko went on the offensive, using her Scissor Blade to cut at Sanageyam, but her moves were always countered as he scolded her, "I can see all your moves!"

Ryuko growled lightly as she began to increase her speed, trying to overwhelm Sanageyama. That unfortunately was useless as he countered them with ease in a confident tone, "Behold! Secret Weapon: [Higi Tengantsu]! If I have these eyes, I can anticipate any move my opponent makes!"

Mash raised an eyebrow at this as he sarcastically said rolling his eyes seeing this technique anime troupe a bunch of times muttering the last part quietly to himself in a mocking tone, "Oh. So, he's using his sight to anticipate Ryuko's moves before she makes them. That's just crazy, I bet no ONE has ever done this before… AHEM! Naruto did it first…"

Sanageyama soon moved on to the offensive. Ryuko could only block his high-speed attacks while trying to think of a way around this as she suddenly got an idea muttering something to Senketsu, "Senketsu, I need ya to do me a favor."

Whispering her plans Senketsu wiggled his eye scarf in an understanding tone, "I understand. All or nothing, huh?"


Ryuko suddenly cut off a piece of Senketsu. Said piece split into smaller pieces that covered all of Sanageyama's eyes blinded. Having the moment Ryuko dashed at the blinded swordfighter, and with one Fiber Lost, Sanageyama had lost his uniform and the match.

Yet Mash smiled seeing the Life Fibers were being absorbed thanks to Senketsu [Absorption Ability] as he thought in a curious tone, 'Good. Seems like I'll need to help Gear Eyes how to use her ability to absorb other's power into her own. Sanageyama's [Higi Tengatsu] or [Secret Technique: Clairvoyance] could prove handy for her.'

Mako and Mash both got close to Ryuko, cheering her up as Mako said happily, "Ryuko, you did it! You beat one of the Elite Four! You're amazing!"

Mash gets closer patting her on the shoulder and congratulating her on her win against one of the Elite Four happily, "Congrats Gear Eyes you owned the fight."

Ryuko blushed at her friend's compliments but then Sanageyama stood up, completely naked, demanding a rematch from Ryuko, "This isn't over yet!"

However, Mako pinched her fingers seeing Sanageyama's little brother commenting, "So small."

Mash barely held his laughter as he shook his head explaining to him as calmly as he can to the naked loser, "Whoa, hey. Ryuko won fair and square… bfff…."


Sanageyama didn't care as he stood completely naked, demanding a rematch. He was then hit by a series of whips by none other than the head of the disciplinary committee himself in an angry tone, "Do not be pathetic, Sanageyama! You have disgraced the Elite Four!"

The trio having heard enough soon began to leave the area as Mako asked her best friends in a cheerful tone turning her head towards them, "Hey Ryuko! Mash! I wanted to invite you to my house for dinner!"

Ryuko nodded having met them as Mash asked curiously, "Really?"

Mako nodded her head feeling happy that her other best friend was meeting her family in an upbeat tone, "Yup! My parents say they wanted to meet my other best friend!"

Mash shrugged seeing no reason to deny being invited over for a change of pace in a calm tone, "Sure not like we have anything planned for tonight. Nice change of pace meeting your folks."

Mako was excited now that both her friends were joining her to meet her family happily said jumping up and down, "Yay! Welp, see you two at night, Ryuko knows my place! Be sure to come over!"

Mako soon promptly left the dojo as Ryuko asked Mash in a curious tone eyeing him, "So we're going to head to Mako's place for dinner huh?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he replied in an easy-going tone as they soon exited the gym as well, "Why not? Not like we're in a rush and besides that, we'll be talking about ways how to use Senketsu's second ability."

She blinked a bit surprised as she grinned at the idea trusting her friend's words happily trying to find another way to get stronger, "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. So… how exactly do we use Senketsu's second ability…?"

With that, the two of them began to discuss some topics or theories that could prove helpful to Senketsu to use the abilities of fallen Goku Uniforms they previously fought starting with the recent ability they gained, the [Higi Tengatsu].


[That Night, No Star Slums, Mankanshoku House]

Mash was soon seen in front of the Mankanshoku's house with Ryuko already gone ahead of time to greet them as he looked at the home with a wry grin, "So… this is the place. I mean they have the sign of 'Mankanshoku back-alley doctor'. Kind of hard not to miss it. Welp… here I go."


He soon knocked on the door Mako's voice could be heard opening it as she allowed him to enter inside happily, "Coming! Mash, you're here! Come on in, dinner's almost done!"

Mako guided Mash through the small house until they entered what he assumed to be the eating room. He then saw two faces; one was familiar and the other wasn't. He spoke to the former with a raised eyebrow, "Huh? Didn't expect to see you again little man. Hopefully not stealing."

The kid soon spoke surprised to see him appear in a surprised tone with narrowed eyes, "I have a name y'know! So, you're my sis' other best friend and club leader huh?"


Soon his gaze turned to the other unfamiliar face who was a tall, overweight man with rather slick-back brown hair, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows that appeared to be shaped like sushi. He is seen wearing a tan jacket with a white shirt and a black tie along with a pair of salmon color shorts with blue stripes and a pair of white slippers.

The man soon spoke in a welcoming tone to Mash introducing himself to him seeing the letters appear above his name, "So you're Mash Bastion, huh? Nice to metcha, I'm Barazo, Mako's father and a back-alley doctor!"


Interested in moving topics he soon asked about Barazo's profession in a curious tone, "Doctor, eh? Nice. How many people have you treated."

Barazo responded in a shameless tone stunning Mash of his words with wide eyes, "Hmm, I don't keep count."

Mako jumps into the conversation shocking Mash even more with her words in a cheerful tone, "He's killed more patients than he's saved, though."

His mouth opened agape stunned by their actions as he spoke in a surprised tone, "Oi, he's supposed to be a doctor, right? Isn't his job to save lives?!"

Barazo laughed lightly rubbing the back of his head making his counterargument much to Mash's shock of his words, "Don't worry. None of the dead patients have complained!"

Mash raised his finger to argue but soon paused slowly lowering the flawless logic in his words in a stunned tone, "That's… true, the dead can't argue back… touché mister Mankanshoku."

Just then, a beautiful slim woman with light-brown hair that is often tied up in a bun while she leaves a rather thick fringe over her forehead and amber eyes, like the rest of her family. She wears a pink dress with an apron over it and a light green jacket. Completing the outfit is a pair of white shoes, perhaps slippers.

She comes out entering the room with a sweet grin on her face as she introduces herself to Mash in a friendly tone, "Oh! You must be Mash, I see that you're already getting friendly with my hubby and my son. I'm Sukuyo, Mako's mother!"


He blinked as he gazed between her and the husband pinching himself. He looked again seeing the same scene as he muttered in a surprised tone, "How the heck did you manage to bag a stunning lady like her? I'm surprised!!"

Barazo merely puffed out his chest as he responded in a proud tone, "That's for me to know and you to figure out kiddo."

He blinked absentmindedly as Sukuyo spoke gathering everyone's attention to her in a loud tone, "Well, dinner's ready! I made my special croquettes for our guests!"

The back door opened, revealing Ryuko as she greeted the Mankanshokus taking a seat next to him with a knowing expression as she said, "So you managed to meet all of the Mankanshokus even their pervert dog?"

He blinked hearing that as he spoke in a confused tone, "Wha? What dog- "



Mash soon got his answer gazing at the dog as he curtly nodded his head, "Oh… that dog. Then yes, I have met all of them."

Soon everyone started eating, and by eating I mean tearing through the food. Mash hadn't even touched his food seeing worms on it as Mako broke the ice in a cheerful tone, "Hey, Mash, you should eat your food! My mom makes the best croquettes!"

He stared at Ryuko eating them seeing their safe as she jabbed him on his side with a wide grin on her face messing with him, "Huh? Oh, does Mister Pretty Boy have something to be afraid of? Come on man these are good unless you wussing out?"

Looking at his plate he sighs as he said in a determined tone, "Sigh… screw it."

He carefully took a bite, but then his eyes widened as he took another surprised by their taste in genuine shock, "What the heck? These are good!"

Ryuko smiled a little, knowing that she had the same reaction when she first ate the croquettes the first time, she saw this side of him she thought curiously, 'Huh… never seen this side of him. Being genuinely… happy.'

Ryuko noticed this as she briefly smiled seeing another part of his friend's side she hadn't seen before contently enjoying the friendly family atmosphere. Mash also seemed content enjoying the time with the Manakanshoku Family as a thought passed through his head being reminded somewhat spoiling his mood in a depressed tone, 'I miss them… when will I ever get to have this kind of life like this I had again I wonder…'

Unaware of all of them Mash felt a sense of homesick being surrounded by them briefly recalling his own time with his family remembering such simpler and happy times… for once in a long while he felt envious of Mako having what he couldn't obtain in the last 2 years.

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