
You scoundrel!

The awaited day arrived. Li Jun and Shen Yun stood side by side as Master Shen held a formal ceremony to bid them farewell. The sky shone a deep, burning orange as a small group gathered at the entrance of Spirit City: two old men, one middle-aged man, and three maids. Outside the gate, a large carriage waited, drawn by two horses and a man wearing a large black hat. 

"My dear disciples." Master Shen said. He eyed each of them with a judging expression before letting a proud smile grace his lips. 

"For the past half a year, you have been diligently practicing to hone your skills and grow as martial artists, and I must say, I have never been as proud as I am at this moment."

Master Shen walked towards his students and held out his hand. Two universe bags dropped into his palm, and he handed one to each of them. 

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