
4.2 - Mates

Xavier's POV

"Alpha, you may want to wait outside." I snap my head towards Zay, a loud growl rumbling in my chest. She narrows her eyes at me. "Fine. But I need you to calm down and stay that way." She takes another one of the paper towels and sprays it with some liquid before pressing it to the cut on Celeste's head. Celeste's eyes open wide and a loud cry leaves her lips, tears threatening to fall down her cheek. She pushes herself forwards but I put both hands on her shoulders, keeping her still. I kiss her cheeks as the first tears fall. "I'm just sterilizing the wound. It's not too deep but it's pretty wide. I'm thinking she'll need stitches." That's when Celeste freaks out. She shoves herself away from Zay with a strength I didn't know she currently carried. Celeste lands in my arms.

"Sshh, it's okay. I'm right here." She grabs my shirt, crying into it. "Zay, is there anything you can do to calm her down? Needles apparently scare her." Zay furrows her brows, thinking for a second before nodding.

Zay pulls out yet another needle. She looks at me, 'It's the only way,' her voice floats into my head. She fills it with a murky purple liquid.

"Zay," I growl.

"It's just a small amount. Don't worry, I'm going to monitor her vitals. She'll just go to sleep for hopefully a few hours." Celeste is practically shaking in my arms, halfway off the bed. "Celeste, you're going to feel a small pinch, okay? Xavier will be here when you wake up." Zay places the needle in Celeste's arm before injecting the small amount of wolfsbane. It's only a matter of minutes before her eyes begin to flutter again. Zay spends that time plugging in a monitor she kept in the room and preparing the cords. When Celeste's breathing evens out, Zay hooks her up to the vitals. Sure enough, a steady beeping takes over the room. "I didn't think she'd like these needles either. I'll take them out in a bit, once I'm sure she's not having any bad reactions to anything. I'm going to finish cleaning this cut, I'll stitch it up and then I'll place a temporary cast on her leg while she's here."

I laid my head down besides Celeste, taking a seat in a chair Zay has. Celeste still felt hot as I kissed her forehead and whispered sweet nothings I was sure she wasn't even hearing. Zay fluttered around Celeste and in and out of the room. I was barely there when she had me adjust Celeste to make the cast. She wrapped a soft purple plaster around Celeste's leg and foot. Maybe an hour had passed, maybe longer, when Zay unhooked Celeste; the beeping going silent. "She's doing okay, as well as I can hope. I'm going to get an ice pack, it should help with the fever." I nod, my eyes never leaving Celeste. When Zay leaves, I force myself to get up and make my way to the other side of the bed. Sure enough, there's a decent sized spot on Celeste's head where Zay had cut her hair and a few stitches going down her head. It still looks red and angry but I don't see any serious signs of an infection, the smell in the room is even slightly relieved. I leave the room, going to the closest guest bathroom on the lower floors. We always keep basic supplies for visiting members or pack members staying here overnight for any reason they may need to. I sift through the many items under the sink before finding a plastic box full of brushes and combs. I also grab a spray bottle, fill it with water, and detangler. There were plenty of times when I was younger where I would help Lesa brush out her hair after we came home from adventures we definitely didn't have permission to go on.

When I get back to Zay's office, Zay is placing an ice pack over Celeste's neck. She had also managed to put a gown on Celeste, still having the blanket pulled up to Celeste's shoulders. Zay looks up at me. "Alpha, I-"

"I'm okay, Zay."

"I still want to apologize. I feel like I failed you both. I should have checked her head first thing but I got caught up in her other injuries. I-"

"Zay," I stop her. "It's okay. We both messed up. But she'll be okay, I know it. I was overwhelming the both of us. There's nothing we can do but move forward." She nods but I can still see the thoughts clouding her head. "Zay, take this; learn from it. I will too." The tension in her shoulders soften slightly as she nods again. "Should I take her back up to my room or leave her here?"

"I think it would be wise to keep her here. I want to make sure she's feeling okay when she wakes up; there's no need to take her up just to bring her back down again." I nod. "I can turn off the lights? If you'd like?"

"Yea, that might be good."

"I'll be in the dining room, working on some paperwork. Might make a few more calls, let me know if you need me; I don't expect her to be asleep for too long." She grabs her laptop, turns off the lights, and leaves the room; the door staying open to allow a decent trickle of light in.

"Celeste," I say her name softly. "You'll be okay." I pull my chair to the side of the bed where I can access Celeste's hair. I spray the detangler on the ends of her hair, beginning to brush it out as softly as I can; occasionally pulling out little twigs or leaves. "I've been waiting for you for a long time now, did you know that? All of my friends have their mates or someone to be with. Even my sister, Lesa, has been with her mate since she was a teenager. His name is Christopher, he was a rogue too at one point. He was with a pack when they met but he told me he grew up in a small group of rogues who lost their pack. Said his aunt or someone eventually found him, took him in." I snorted as I sprayed more of the detangler. "I never really liked him but he's my little sister's mate so what can I do? He makes her happy." That's what matters. "They're expecting right now, a baby boy." I smiled fondly as I thought of my first nephew on the way. Lesa would go on and on about nursery colors and potential names. I remember the day she came knocking on my door, ecstatic that he began kicking. "I can't wait for you to meet her. Everyone else too. This pack is. . . It's a lot. There's a lot of us and a bunch of work that's not always fun but at the end of the day it's a huge family. They'll be so ecstatic to meet you. I'm sure word is already going around. 'Alpha Xavier personally carried a rogue onto pack grounds.'" I snorted. I do love my pack but I know they can be gossips when they want to be. "My parents don't live here anymore but when you're comfortable and settled I'll give them a call; have them meet you before we have your ceremony as Luna. They moved away a year or so after I took over as Alpha. They like to travel these days. I'll show you the post cards I have from them in my office. One day we can travel too. I'd love to show you Greece; I went as a teenager with Jared as a celebration for passing our title training. It's beautiful. The water is usually warmer than the beaches I've been to in the United States. I-"

'Alpha,' I was interrupted by Jared's voice in my head.

'I'm busy, is everything okay?' I kept brushing out Celete's hair. The tangles are gone now but it's still a bit messy. I switch from the detangler to the water. Soft murmurs leave her lips on occasion.

'There's more rogues. A group of them this time, surrounding part of the western border.' He doesn't sound worried, more aggravated. Jared tends to be aggravated these days but I don't blame him. His mate is human and she's sick. He's offered to give up his title since he spends a decent amount of time away from the pack, visiting her in the hospital in the closest town to us. I always tell him it's unnecessary. He spent most of his life, like me, training for his role in this pack. I won't take that away from him just because life is getting in the way. One day, when Katherine is well again, he can return to his full Beta duties. Until then, the other guys and I will happily take on what we need to.

'How many?' I set the brush down, more satisfied with Celeste's hair. Brushed out, you can't even see where Zay cut her hair.

'Three that we've spotted. One of them tried to cross the border but Jake fought them back. Now they're just standing there, watching us.' I curse under my breath.

'Jacob is hurt but the rogue he fought is decently injured as well.' That sounds like Jacob. No matter what, he'll never go down without a fight. 'They want to speak with you.' Rogues willing to have a conversation, now that's interesting. A lot of rogues have lost their minds long ago but there are a decent amount who just don't want to abide by pack laws. I've also met rogues who were born into their state of life. Some want a shelter, a home. Others are perfectly okay with being rogues.

'What do they want?'

'They won't say. Only that they'll wait until you get here.' Annoying ass rogues. Jared in my beta, Jacob and Josh share the title of third-in-command. I tend to have at least one of them on patrol but the past few days they've been working together to secure the border where our claim is fading. A territory claim has to be done once every other year, to maintain a pack's scent and standing rank amongst other packs. If a new pack wants to form, they must submit a decent amount of work to not only any surrounding packs but also the werewolf council of the country they're in. If a pack is disbanded for any reason, then eventually their scent will fade. We prefer if they talk to the council about disbanding but that's not always possible due to attacks and battles.

'I'll be there soon.' I don't want to leave Celeste but the safety of my pack is important. I mind-link a few of my better warriors not currently on patrol that I need them to check out the areas surrounding the western border, make sure there aren't any more rogues lurking about. With one last kiss to Celeste's forehead, I make my way out of the room. 'Zay,' I mind-link her. 'I have to deal with an issue. If you coul-'

'Watch over Celeste?'

'Yes. She's still sleeping but I don't want her to wake up alone.'

'Got it. I'll let you know if she wakes up.'

'If you could get her some food, she didn't get a chance to eat yet.' I cut off the mind-link before she can respond.

I shift once I reach the trees, that's the fastest way to reach the border. The first thing I note when I get to the guys is Jacob, leaning against a tree. There's blood trailing from his shoulder, the cut must already be healed as I can't make out any wound. There is, however, a very large gash on his side. He's holding a hand to the wound, breathing deeply through his nose. Josh is standing in front of Jacob in wolf form, growling loudly anytime one of the rogues so much as shifts their stance. I can see tears of frustration and anger in Josh's eyes. Jacob has his free hand resting on Josh's side, trying to assure him that he's okay. Jacob nods at me, letting me know that he will indeed be okay.

The rogues stand on the opposite side of the invisible border. They're in their human forms, one of them also leaning against a tree but still standing, blood smeared over the side of his head as well as large bites still visible up and down his person. He has a smirk on his face that angers me greatly. All three of the men are covered in scars and dirt, their hair hanging in their faces in an unruly matter. I shifted back as I sneered at all of them, "What are you doing here?" The smirking one took a step forward and Josh lunged at him. "Josh! Stand back." That statement causes all the rogues to let out chuckles. 'For now,' I assure him, my eyes narrowing. I growl at the rogues, their chuckles ceasing.

"First, I'd love something to sop this blood up," the smirking one says.

"We don't help those that hurt our own," I spit out. They all chuckle again. "You dare hurt one of my men and then act like this? You're not getting anything from this pack so you best be on your way before we hunt you down. I assure you I can take down two of you in less than a minute so you best watch yourself." Their chuckles stop. The one with the smirk narrows his eyes.

"We believe you have one of our own." My mind quickly flashes to Celeste. Was she with these beasts? Did she lead them here? Are there more rogues coming? My wolf growls at the accusations. I don't know if it's just the bond or a more rational part of my brain but those statements just don't click. I may not know her very well yet but she doesn't seem beastly. I didn't notice any scars on her and these rogues are covered with scars. Their attitudes also don't seem like the demeanor or Celeste as far as I've observed. She's meek, innocent almost. These bastards are dripping with attitudes and an air about them that makes me want to kick their asses for merely existing as they are. "She went off for a run and hasn't returned. We followed her scent here."

"I don't much like liars," I call them out. "Give me one good reason to not kill you right now." I shouldn't be here. I should be with Celeste. If she wakes up and I'm not there, I'll feel terrible. She doesn't know this pack, she doesn't know my people, hell she doesn't even know me. But our bond should keep her comfortable, given that I'm actually there.

"What if we're not lying? I doubt you killed her already which leads me to believe. . ." A growl left my lips involuntarily. Jared and Josh looked to me, wanting to know what to do. These rogues are clearly talking about Celeste and the guys know she is my mate. "You've taken her in. She is such a little thing, easy to want to protect. But she's ours. Bring her to us and we'll be on our way."

Jacob pushes his way up from the ground. I could see an open wound still on his side, blood dripping down in decent amounts. Josh backs up and lets Jacob use him to find his footing. "Jacob, how are you feeling?" I give him a smirk of my own.

"Good enough, Alpha."

"Great." The rogues look between us, trying to figure out our next move. They must have figured it out as they start to back up, their cocky confidence wavering. "Get them."

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