Minutes later, he came into view. There was a strange look on his face looking up at me. "You're up there? Are you a monkey?"
"Snake, actually. Champion of Snake, at least. Plenty of snakes climb trees, though."
"Oh, you're the Champion from the rumors. Well, whatever. They say you can bombard with arrows of explosive spirit energy from a distance, that you were nicknamed the Human Siege Engine in your very first battle. Is it true?"
"Oh, it's true all right. I climb trees to assume a 'death from above' position. But this guy y'all are ganging up against sounds way more interesting to fight against."
"Glad to hear it. Why don't you come down then, and I'll take you back to the others."
I shrugged, and leaped down. "Xu Zuhui, pleased to meet you senior brother."
"Likewise. I am Hong Laoqing. You should be more helpful against the Shadow Boxer than we thought. Ranged fighters with actual skills are pretty rare."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: