
Dancing Swallow Steps

The gale wind stopped, and Hou Guan turned to face me. "Well, they sure didn't accomplish much." He eyed me warily as he spoke, and I stared him down right back. "It's so hard to find helpers who know their place, isn't it?"

In answer, I switched to my sword and took a single step forward. "Oh, you're approaching me, bow user?"

"I've seen a movement technique like yours once before," I said, still on guard for him to suddenly attack, "a disciple named Hou Lu sparred with me once."

"My younger brother," Hou Guan nodded in acknowledgement, "no wonder I couldn't catch you off guard with it. I passed that technique to him not long after he joined the sect, just as our eldest brother passed it to me."

"Well the thing is, it doesn't seem as incomprehensible as before this time. I figure if I see enough of it, I'll be able to follow it and defeat you. I won't be able to see it if I hide behind an Icewall, and to really get a good view, I need to get close."


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