
Second Technique

"Okay, good news and bad news," said Shokoya once we were done eating, "the good news is, I was able to find out about quite a few disciples to watch out for. The bad news, obviously, is that there are quite a few disciples to watch out for, for anyone trying to enter the rankings. And from my own observations, succeeding in the dueling courts is weighted heavily against newcomers.

Well, to a point, anyway. Because this sect has so many possible techniques to learn, it's hard to predict what techniques you'll go up against in any given match. Not to mention, the dueling field size doesn't really allow for archery. I reckon you'll need at least one sword technique to stand much of a chance of getting ranked. Although, we should both at least show what we can do for now in the ring against weaker opponents."

"So basically, there are no low-risk options," I pointed out, "either I keep grinding missions, trying to save up points for a sword technique, or try to fight into the rankings with skill alone."

"Ah, but the Library has an abundance of Earth Rank techniques. The Codex Pagoda costs a point per day to use a study room, and to acquire a technique in the Codex itself, it costs 20 points. If you can't afford or don't want to use the study rooms, they'll just give you a scroll anyway."

"Even so, I have 14 points right now. And by far the best way for me to earn more is to take more missions like the one I just got back from. I can take the next month and cultivate to strengthen myself at least. If this sect is on Class 5 density ground, I can probably advance a level or two in that kind of time. And maybe I can find an in-sect mission I can stand in the meantime. I'm tempted to go for a Spirit Rank technique though. With how fast I learned the Spirit Arrow technique, I bet it would be another 30 days tops for me to learn a technique of the next rank."

"Those are 200 points. It'd take a lot."

"I think what I might try is an escort mission with an even lower minimum cultivation requirement. They should take place in areas without any Stage 9 beasts to put in my path. The Contribution Point rate is half that of Stage 7 and higher requirements, but if I'm correct in assuming whoever is responsible for what happened is unwilling or unable to overcome me directly, it should limit their options. Maybe I can reveal something about them that way."

"In other words, you'd rather die—or at least risk death—than take a customer service gig," said Shokoya, "honestly, fair."

"Well, that and when I looked, none of the in-sect gigs had a rate of more than 1 Contribution Point for every 3 days, and most had worse rates. I'll afford good techniques a lot faster."

I stood up. "I'm going to get some sleep early and take a new mission in the morning. Please don't hesitate to keep me up to date on goings on here while I'm gone."

"You got it. Just be careful."

So much for the meal plan. I might have been too eager to use a Contribution Point over gold. Still, I probably would have taken a more cautious approach if I hadn't been able to bounce ideas off of Shokoya. Like…talking about it with him helped me realize that even with a threat out there, I can't just cower in here.

If I really did cower like that, ShadowPwner would have a field day with how I'd have wasted away my lead over him. Even if it puts me at risk, I can't do that!

Over the next month, I completed three more escort missions. There was no shortage of them even in less dangerous regions, and there were no more strange incidents, so I earned 15 more points with relative ease. It was high time I went back to the Codex Pagoda. Like before, the Codex itself was under the watchful eye of three elders, two of them flanking the lectern, one standing in front. "Disciple Xu, welcome. Are you looking for a new technique?"

"I am, elder."

"In that case, first let me confirm your contribution points."

I handed him the badge for a moment. "Very well. Specify the type of technique."

"Er, a sword technique."

"Will you also use a study room? You still have a few points in your balance."

"No thank you, for now I'll manage studying it in my room, or the Concentration Garden."

"Very well. You may approach the Codex. You have one hour to decide which technique to learn from it."

Thankfully, the Codex's magic meant I didn't need to actually turn pages. The moment I laid eyes on its open page, that page listed more than 50 Earth grade sword techniques. If I focused on the name of one or the other, it would take me to a page with a detailed description and the beginning of how to perform it. Many of the techniques purely increased the force of sword strikes, or added a distance attack to a swordsman's arsenal. I needed neither of those, so I was able to begin narrowing it down pretty easily. In just 15 minutes, I had 3 choices I was seriously considering:

<Steel-Rending Slash>

A pure power technique, but the one I'd judged the best out of the ones I'd seen. It seemed to be related to Shokoya's Steel Piercing Thrust. I didn't really intend to learn it now, though, I more wanted to make sure I remembered it for another time.

<Repelling Sword Strike>

A simple but effective strike that generated a large amount of pushing force on physical contact. It was a control-type skill that could also deal damage if the opponent didn't parry it. It seemed like a perfect enough fit that if I was leaving it to the Codex to pick for me, I'd have bet that it would pick this one.

<Flying Sword Duplication>

Strictly speaking, this was the best technique I'd seen, to the point I was surprised it wasn't Spirit Rank. It could be used to create up to nine copies of the sword you were holding, which you could then control independently. Even once I understood it enough to try using it, it would be immensely difficult to master. I'd rarely been pushed in Dive Games to multitask even close to the amount this technique would demand, and never before as a cultivator. If I could pull it off, though, it would make me a truly fearsome opponent.

In the end, I had to pick Repelling Sword Strike. I planned to stay in the sect for a while for real, this time. It would take longer to comprehend the technique than during the entry test, for starters, then I wanted to at least see how good a battle record I could manage as things stood.

I don't need that many points to afford a second Earth Rank technique anyway. I'll get Flying Sword Duplication next time.

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