
Ominous Encounters and Alliance

The night passed without incident, but the anticipation hung thick in the air like a tangible force. I made a brief stop in Sheogh during most of the night, a taxing endeavor as I had to calculate the time difference between the two worlds using my own faculties. Today marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Eastern Kingdoms, reminiscent of the days of Arathor. Dalaran buzzed with even more energy than the day before, a striking juxtaposition to the grim atmosphere of Sheogh, where violence and animosity tainted every breath.

As one of the key leaders, I was among those invited into the main chamber where negotiations would take place. Rumors had spread that the gnomes and dwarves had arrived under the cover of night, aided by the mages of the Kirin Tor who facilitated their passage to Dalaran through portals. It seemed that Dalaran had a strict policy regarding portal usage within its borders, hence the need for assistance from the Kirin Tor.

Entering the familiar purple building where discussions had taken place the day before, I sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. There was an unusual scent lingering in the air, reminiscent of the draconic and slimy odor I had encountered during my time in the Redridge Mountains facing dragonkin.

'A black dragon,' I realized, my senses on high alert as I scanned the chamber. It couldn't be a dragonkin; the scent was too potent, suggesting a formidable strength that surpassed even the likes of Arcanagos or Krasus.

I spotted a beautiful woman with black hair engaged in conversation with a middle-aged man who bore a striking resemblance to her.

'Oh no, Deathwing and Onyxia,' I thought with a sinking feeling as I recognized the pair. They were actually here, daring to appear in such close proximity to the most powerful human mages. Onyxia alone was already an opponent I couldn't handle at the moment, so her father's presence made the situation even more precarious.

Her father turned to glance in my direction, offering a nod, while Onyxia greeted me with a smile. I returned the gesture with a nod of my own before continuing on toward the entrance of the negotiation room. I made a conscious effort to walk normally, avoiding any further eye contact. The two dragons were known for their cunning and intelligence, and I had no desire to provoke them. Besides, their affiliations made them far too dangerous for me to engage with, even from a distance.

Entering the room with a sigh, I noticed Antonidas deep in conversation with Daelin. I nodded at them before taking my seat, which had been specially designed for someone of my stature. As I settled in, I closed my eyes momentarily, sensing something amiss in the air. It wasn't the unsettling presence of the Old Gods; rather, it felt icy, as though a chill had descended upon the room. The only beings I knew capable of such an aura and could arrive in Azeroth were the Nathrezim, but why would they make a move now, and what could their intentions be?

As I glanced around the room, I considered the possibility of the Val'kyr being the source of the eerie aura. Their presence was well concealed, but my heightened senses allowed me to detect them. It was unsettling to realize that my nose was more adept at sensing supernatural threats than ordinary ones, but it made sense given my magical origins.

I remained in my seat, still sensing the nauseating presence of Onyxia drawing nearer. I wondered why she was here, as only the kings were supposed to be present in this chamber.

As she approached, I opened my eyes and observed her carefully. "Hello, Mr. Val-Beleth," she greeted me with a smile. "I am Katrina Prestor, from the household of Prestor. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your reputation as a demon lord aiding humanity precedes you."

Her words sounded pleasant, but they sent shivers down my spine rather than invoking awe.

"Precedes me?" I grunted, attempting to maintain my composure. "What exactly precedes me? My brief stay in Dalaran? That should be the extent of the information you have about me."

"Well, the news travels fast," she remarked.

"It seems so," I replied, keeping my tone neutral as I closed my eyes once more.

"My father, Sir Prestor, would like to meet you after the talks," she said, her smile never faltering.

'Oh no,' I thought, feeling a twinge of apprehension.

"Please convey my sincere condolences to your father. However, I must promptly report the outcomes of this meeting to my king. He expects nothing less than efficiency from his subordinates," I asserted firmly.

"Well, after your audience with your king, my father is rather patient," she remarked.

"I cannot guarantee when I'll be able to spare a moment to meet with your father, Lady Prestor, but I will make an effort if time permits," I responded.

She beamed at me with a smile as I sensed the presence of the Old Gods looming over me like tentacles gripping my head.

"Then see you soon, Mr. Val-Beleth. I hope today's meeting can be productive. My father and I are quite concerned about the threat of these orcs," she said.

"As you should be, but don't worry. We will reach an accord," I replied to her, trying to maintain a calm demeanor despite the unsettling sensation creeping over me.

"I hope so," she said, her hands joined in a gesture that struck me as both gentle and unsettling. With that, she turned and walked back toward her father.

As she left, I exhaled deeply, feeling a sense of relief mixed with unease. Her presence had been unnerving, like walking on a tightrope around her. She may not have been as powerful as Aegwynn, but her unpredictability , tainted by the corruption of the Old Gods, made her a dangerous person to be around with.

I glanced at my sigil, feeling it react sharply in the presence of the woman. It stung, but I quickly brushed off the discomfort.

Closing my eyes once more, I waited as the chamber filled with powerful beings. Aegwynn's presence was unmistakable, as was Kael'thas fiery aura.

"Ladies and gentlemen," King Terenas's commanding voice resonated through the chamber, cutting through the anticipation like a sword through the air. As I opened my eyes, I beheld a gathering of all the leaders, including two dwarves and two gnomes standing nearby.

"We are assembled here today for a momentous occasion, one that our ancestors could only dream of—a united front against an imminent threat," Terenas declared, his words carrying the weight of urgency and determination.

"For too long have we been divided by petty disputes and old grudges. But now, in the face of a common enemy, we must set aside our differences and stand together as one!"

"The Horde has shown no mercy, laying waste to Stormwind and now threatening Khaz Modan. They seek nothing but the destruction of all we hold dear. But I say to you, now is not the time for hesitation or fear. Now is the time for action, for unity, for an Alliance that will withstand any onslaught!"

As Terenas concluded his impassioned speech, the chamber erupted in applause and cheers, each leader rising to their feet in resounding support of his call to arms. I stood up too to give a bit of applause to the aged man, he had quite a powerful voice for his age.

As the meeting progressed, each leader made pledges and promises to contribute to the Alliance's cause. I was particularly surprised by Gilneas's willingness to participate, given their reputation for isolationism.

As the discussions continued and the Alliance was formalized with signatures, I rose to speak.

"King Trollbane, King Perenolde, I have the first installment of resources ready," I announced, summoning two bags from Sheogh. As I handed them over, I couldn't help but marvel at the bags' seemingly limitless capacity, a feature I discovered during a test the previous night.

"These bags each contain around one hundred ingots of pure gold," I explained. "It should suffice for now." Many eyes turned to me, but I knew that in Sheogh's abundant underground, such resources would quickly replenish.

The only problem in Sheogh were magical material that weren't chaotic nor fiery in nature, they were extremely rare

"The gesture is much appreciated, Lord Val-Beleth," Pernolde expressed gratitude while Trollbane simply nodded in agreement.

"I propose a monthly supply of riches to your kingdoms, and I've prepared a contract to ensure our commitment to the war and our obligations," I explained, passing the contract to the nearby kings for their review.

As they passed it around, I observed many of them smiling with contentment. Kael'thas was the last to review it, and he nodded before affixing his stamp.

"I will be the one to ensure that you abide by the terms of the contract," he declared, establishing a connection between us.

"If you wish so, Prince Kael'thas," I replied respectfully as I took my seat. The meeting neared its end, the air thick with anticipation for the formation of the Alliance of the Eastern Kingdoms. Discussions had been intense, especially regarding the nomination of a leader kingdom for the Alliance and a commander for the entire army.

Terenas demonstrated his diplomatic prowess, deftly proposing Daelin as the leader of the naval forces. In doing so, he not only earned a favor from Daelin but also removed him from contention for leadership of the army. Terenas artfully dissuaded Stormgarde, Gilneas and Alterac from pursuing leadership roles, while the dwarves and gnomes lacked the necessary influence. Dalaran and Quel'Thalas both declined the opportunity to lead. With only Lordaeron and Sheogh remaining, the choice was clear. However, demons were unlikely to be elected, leaving Lordaeron as the suitable candidate for leadership of the Alliance.

The selection for the military leadership position came down to a close contest between Thoras Trollbane and Anduin Lothar. Ultimately, the mantle fell upon Lothar, the last scion of Arathor, much to Trollbane's disappointment. Despite Trollbane's esteemed reputation as one of the Eastern Kingdoms' finest warriors, he was surpassed by someone sharing the bloodline of his ancestor, a fact that undoubtedly stung.

With the Alliance finally solidified, I wrote a message on parchment to be dispatched to Sheogh, specifically addressed to Kha-Beleth. I anticipated instructions regarding our forthcoming actions and the level of support we could anticipate. I was aware that my lord was engaged in discussions with the Hidden Houses of Sheogh, a formidable faction known as the dragon knights. These demons possessed the rare ability to commune directly with Urgash, tapping into his power to transform into dragons. Essentially demigods, they operated solely upon Urgash's summons.

However, Kha-Beleth desired their allegiance for his campaign against the Burning Legion, a decision that carried risks. The dragon knights were infamous for their unpredictable and chaotic nature, mirroring our god Urgash himself.

As the meeting concluded, the festivities began. Despite the allure of the feast, I chose to retreat to a quiet corner where I could gather my thoughts. There, I delved into books on magic and alchemy, recognizing their importance in the days to come. Alongside these studies, I contemplated the art of smithing. The Legion of Knowledge had once crafted marvels, and I aimed to revive their legacy.

Sorry for the wait, I had a lot of things to finish for this semester

I hope that you liked this chapter.

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