
Chapter 20


The sun was already setting through the windows of Lettie's house when she finished telling me how she adopted Naíma.

Of course, at that time, Lettie omitted one of the real reasons for adopting her, that is: me. I only found out about this years later. For now, all she revealed was how she had found an abandoned baby on a dirt road near one of the villages in the region, rescued her, cared for her, got attached to her and then… adopted her.

Even so, the little I knew was enough to leave me stunned. That was why Lettie seemed stronger and more mature when I met her again!

She was a mother now.

Sitting on the couch and with wide eyes, I stared at her with Naíma in her arms. I stayed like that for a long time. An almost palpable silence surrounded us.

"Piccolo?" called Lettie in a worried tone. "Are you okay?"

I blinked several times until I straightened my back. "Y-Yes... I'm fine. I'm just... impressed." I lied.

Lettie then touched my arm and squeezed it with the typical affection I knew so well. "I know you must be scared and confused by this… uh… news. Sorry for taking so long to tell you. It's just that I didn't want to wake her up. Naíma has been having a lot of colic in the last few days, you know? She needed to sleep and– Oh, my!"

Naíma was making a low, sly cry.

"Bottle time!" Lettie smiled and then, to my utter despair, she handed Naíma to me. "Could you hold her for a minute? I'll just prepare her formula in the kitchen and be right back."

Perplexed, I followed her around the couch and picked up a can of formula from the sink, with a clean bottle ready for use next to it. It was only then that I noticed how different baby items were scattered around the house; clean clothes folded in one corner, packages of diapers organized in another, cans of formula stacked near the dining table, and even a soft, colorful mat with toys there next to me.

How had I not noticed that when I arrived?

Could it be that... the image I had in my head of our house was always so filled with our children's stuff, that all of Naíma's objects went unnoticed because they were... unconsciously normal to me?

Well, I couldn't say. The only thing I knew was that, in addition to noticing Naíma's belongings, I noticed Naíma HERSELF, now in my hands.

Throughout my life, I have witnessed countless people stare at me on the street due to my physical appearance, but never, ever has anyone looked at me like Naíma at that moment.

She didn't look at me with fear, or strangeness, or aversion, but rather with the simplest demonstration of curiosity and wonder.

Our eyes met and my heart jumped in my chest.

It was as if I was looking at myself through a mirror. Her eyes, black, small and intense, were gazing deeply into my soul. However, beyond the physical resemblance to me, I saw a gleam full of life that I had only witnessed in… Lettie.

It was her. Yes, it was her! That baby in my hands was the same girl who hugged me so tenderly and told me she loved me when I put her to sleep in my dream. I would recognize those eyes anywhere!

"You're exactly how I dreamed…" I whispered without even realizing it.

It was then that a great wave of fear invaded me, and the realization came.

I was holding my daughter.

After fighting back for so long, my dream... was coming true!

No…! This wasn't supposed to happen! Naíma wasn't supposed to be here…

What happened?! When did this get out of my control?!

Even though I didn't want to, even though I decided that I wouldn't continue my dream so that that dark ending with my family wouldn't happen...

There was Naíma. There was my daughter, in the flesh.

I never imagined that, on that day I landed on Master Roshi's island and met Lettie for the first time, less than two years later I would be on the couch in our house, holding our daughter in my hands.

How has my life changed so much, in such a short time?

My heart raced and I stared at that baby, who was still looking at me with deep curiosity. That's when it happened.

Naíma smiled at me.

All those troubled thoughts dissipated instantly. Nothing else existed around me and nothing else mattered to me. The material world had become numb.

There was only me and Naíma.

Happiness. That was her feeling when she gave me that smile.

The terror that was racing my heart gave way to the purest contentment, and now it raced at a pleasant pace. My throat closed as I felt an immense urge to cry; not of sadness, but of sharing the same feeling she exuded.

Naíma was my daughter. My dear baby daughter, whom I loved so much in my dream and whom I already loved now, with all my soul. Oh, how I wanted to hug her at that moment! How I wanted to cuddle her on my neck and kiss the top of that black hair on her head!

"She will die," hissed my Enemy, and his voice brought the image of Naíma dead in the wreckage of my house.

I shivered with a sinister chill, and my tears fell; heavy tears of terror and despair as I saw that the life I held in my hands was in mortal danger.

Damn it! What now?! What would I do???

Reality fell like a mountain on my back: my dream was coming true. I had "technically" already had a daughter with Lettie, but at the same time, neither of them were officially mine.

In addition to Lettie, now I would also have to protect Naíma from any threat that surrounded our lives. She was just a baby! So fragile, so small, so… human.

Thinking about that fact made me even more terrified. Since, apparently, Naíma was not our biological daughter, she would have a great disadvantage: she would not have the powers and strength of a Saiyan and a Namekian, as the twin boys would have.

We would need to work twice as hard to protect her, at the same time I also couldn't allow the rest of my dream to come true, even though what I wanted most at that moment was to ignore the voice of my Enemy and express all the love I felt for my girls.

My girls. Perhaps I'll never be able to say these words freely.

A sharp pang hit my temples as my brain fried when I took in all my latest conclusions and discoveries, but I had to take a break and quickly wipe away my tears when Lettie returned to the couch with the bottle ready.

"It seems like you two got along pretty well." She smiled as she welcomed Naíma back into her arms. "Here, my love, dinner time." She started to feed her and then raised her head to me. "In fact, I'll prepare mine in a little while. Please stay and keep me company."

I watched them two there in front of me. Gorgeous like an artist's painting.

No, Piccolo! Don't do that! Say that you're leaving and never come back!!!

"It'll be a pleasure to keep you company." Those were the words that came out of my mouth, and I mentally cursed myself. Ten minutes later, I was sitting at the table, taking care of Naíma while her mother prepared a quick dinner.

"Oh, Piccolo, she's so smart!" said Lettie while braising some meat. "She loves classical music. When I put it on the radio, she starts dancing. Oh, and she's almost able to steady her head. Take the test to see!"

With the greatest care in the world, I placed Naíma sitting on the tabletop. Indeed she managed to steady her head a little while she bit her own little hands. I almost fainted due to so much cuteness, but I didn't let Lettie notice.

"How was the adoption process?" I sat Naíma on my leg.

"Quite boring and bureaucratic." Lettie put some potatoes to fry. "A never-ending paperwork. However, Chi-chi helped me a lot. She volunteered as my witness, and in the end, everything worked out and now Naíma is my daughter, for real." She turned to me with her eyes gleaming with emotion, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"And what about your classes?" I took a soft toy from the stroller for Naíma to bite. "Do you leave her with someone?"

"It was not necessary. Babies her age pretty much just sleep all day, so I can leave her in the stroller while I teach my classes. She's very quiet and doesn't mind my students' shouting. I don't think she'll give me much trouble in the future, either."

As if she wanted to play with us, Naíma let out a loud, squeaky sob. We laughed.

"And how is a mother's routine?" I asked, while Lettie placed Naíma in the stroller. "Did the experience with Gohan help?"

"A lot!" She placed our dishes on the table and sat next to me to eat. "But, taking care of a four-year-old boy is preeetty different from taking care of a newborn. Everything was a big surprise for me, after all, I didn't plan for nine months until she was born. My 'pregnancy' lasted an afternoon at Chi-chi's house." We laughed again, and she continued, "However, I confess that the routine is heavy. It's not easy, but it's rewarding. As time passed, I learned some tricks, especially from my new Master, Chi-chi."

"Well, well… Have you already replaced me?" I accidentally asked.

"No one can replace you, Piccolo," Lettie also seemed to say that without thinking.

The atmosphere became very embarrassing.

"Well, uh…" She cleared her throat as she pretended to check Naíma in the stroller. "Chi-chi has taught me many things over the last few weeks. Babies love routine, so I try to be quite strict with my schedule." She turned to look at a clock on the wall. "In fact, in a little while, it's time for the bedtime routine. Would you like to watch it? It's very relaxing."

"M-Me?" I straightened up with a bite halfway to my mouth.

"Sure! I taught Naíma to sleep through the night, so I can sleep too and voilà!, result: Mommy here wakes up all rested and ready to work!"

Twenty minutes later, I was watching Lettie bathe Naíma in our—I mean, her suite. She was right. It was very relaxing. During the bath, she left calm classical music playing on a small radio propped on the sink. Soon, Naíma was already blinking with eyes heavy with sleep. However, even sleepy, she wouldn't take her eyes off me.

"We usually take a bath together," Lettie said as she massaged her tiny feet. Then, she high-pitched her voice, "But, today we have a special guest, don't we, sweetheart? Yes, yes! It's Piccolo, see?"

Naíma smiled again and Lettie turned to me. "I wonder what will she call you when she learns to talk, huh?" She turned to her daughter and high-pitched her voice again, "Are you going to call him 'Piccolo' or 'Mr. Piccolo' like your little cousin Gohan?"

Or "Daddy", perhaps?

I made a little smile at my brain thinking about that without my consent. My eyes met Naíma's again, and all I wanted was for my thought to come true.

"If that happens one day, then it'll be the end." The cold and threatening voice of my Enemy stood out over mine, and sadness didn't consume my heart at that moment just because I was in their warming presence.

After the bath, Lettie placed Naíma on the bed to dry and dress her, with more relaxing massages with baby-scented creams.

"I think she liked you, Piccolo…" Lettie saw that Naíma still had her tired eyes glued to me. Was it just me, or Lettie showed deep… contentment in her statement? I just know that, when I least realized it, I had knelt on the edge of the bed to be at Naíma's height. Why did I lose self-control around them??

"Can I?" I asked Lettie, and she nodded. Slowly, I took Naíma's tiny hand, which squeezed my thumb. I couldn't hide a proud smile.

Naíma wasn't a Namekian, but she was strong like one.

That same feeling from when I first took her in my hands consumed me again. All that existed was me and Naíma. And Lettie, of course. She had knelt down beside me and watched us with the same contentment she had shown before.

My heart doubled in size when I read their feelings: love. That feeling exuded from both of them. Even from Naíma. Does that mean she had already become attached to me in such a short time together? How was this possible? Who could explain such a connection?

How I wished to stay there; How I wanted to take them in my arms, lock myself in that bedroom and be protected with them forever! For a minute, I was overcome with great peace. But it soon dissipated as lifeless images of Lettie, Naíma and our children appeared in my mind without permission.

My eyes burned with my tears, but I couldn't show vulnerability in front of Lettie. I'm glad Naíma helped me manage to mask it.

"Oh, she fell asleep!" Lettie whispered by seeing the baby now breathing deeply with her eyes closed, still holding my thumb. "That was quick!" She turned to me with a smile. "I always need to rock her for a while, but it seems that your presence has calmed her down." She touched my arm. "You're incredible. Thanks."

I swear I almost kissed Lettie when her eyes gleamed at me in that bedroom lit only by the yellow lamps next to the bed. But I suppressed that desire.

"I-I think I'd better leave..." My heart bled when I untangled my thumb from Naíma's little hand.

"Already?!" Lettie stood up with me, upset.

"It's getting late and I don't want to disturb your routine."

"Oh, Piccolo..." She picked up Naíma carefully. "You don't disturb me. Wait until I put her in her crib. Come see her bedroom."

No! Go away, Piccolo! You've seen and felt more than you should!

"Okay." That was my answer.

Lettie took me to the next bedroom, which I recognized as the one belonging to Naíma in my dream. At the time, it had a childish decoration and, in addition to the crib, there was a small bed, covered with a blanket printed with forest animals. She explained to me that this was Gohan's former bedroom and that she left his stuff for when he came to visit her when he returned from boarding school—or rather, from Namek.

Naíma was put in her crib and that scene was so, so hard for me: remembering that I was the one who had put her to sleep in my dream, when she was already a teenager. Now, maybe I would never have the chance to do that with the freedom of a father.

After that, Lettie walked me to the front door, but not before insisting that I should stay and have a coffee or something. Distressed, I refused it, claiming that I still needed to check my Namekian compatriots and whether they were well accommodated in Bulma's house.

"Listen..." Lettie began, a bit uncertain. "Where are you staying?"

"At Kami-sama Lookout, I guess..."

"Okay..." She hugged herself, looking away for a moment. "You... uh... You're coming to visit us, right?" She forced a smile. "Just because I've now become a mother and have a Dojo doesn't mean I no longer need to train. In fact, I miss our heavy trainings, like we did before."

Yes… Those were good times. Times when I still believed I could have a future with Lettie.

However, before I could obey my brain's desperate commands to refuse such an invitation, I replied, "Sure I'll come."

"Oh, that's good!" Lettie smiled.

There was silence.

"Uh…" She faked a cough. "Can... Can I ask you a favor?"


"Would you go with me to Chi-chi's house tomorrow?"

"For what?" I frowned.

Lettie let out a tired sigh and looked at me sadly. "So I can find out why she lied to me."

I pressed my lips together, reflecting on what she had told me about that delicate situation. "Alright," I finally replied. "I'll go with you."

"Thank you." She blinked slowly.

I nodded and we stood there, not knowing how to say goodbye. The awkward atmosphere returned. In the end, I just stammered a good night and waved my hand, turning my back on her and going down the porch stairs.

"H-Hey, Piccolo?" She called me, unsure.

"Yes?" I turned around faster than I should have.

Lettie hesitated for a moment, but then said, "I want you to know that I'm very, very happy that you're back. More than you imagine."

Our gazes held each other for long seconds, with the cozy interior light of that house that would never be mine again illuminating Lettie's silhouette standing in the doorway.

"Thanks. It was good to see you again and… and meet Naíma. See you tomorrow." I gave a slight nod and turned my back. However, when I flew off and shot up into the sky, I finally let fall the bitter tears that I had been holding back until then.


Chi-chi cried.

Sitting at the dining table in her house, Lettie and I watched her cover her face and sob profusely.

Gohan was on the couch with Naíma. His reunion with his beloved Aunt Lettie was touching, and also involved a lot of crying on both their part and Chi-chi. Damn, I almost cried when I saw Lettie and Gohan hug each other tightly, the same way they did when he returned from his solo adventures in our Training.

And when Gohan found out that he got a little baby cousin to play with, it made him almost faint with joy. I won't even go into detail when I say that he and Naíma loved each other in the same second.

However, now an anxious atmosphere surrounded us as we saw his mother break down in front of us.

"L-Lettie!" she sobbed. "Forgive me! P-Please forgive me for lying to you!"

Lettie took her hands, squeezing them with concern. "Chi-chi, look at me. Take a deep breath… Yeah, good. Tell me what happened."

Next to her and with my arms crossed, I observed them in silence. I was just there for moral support for Lettie. I wouldn't get involved in that even if I had lost my mind. Chi-chi wiped her face on the apron she was wearing.

"I-I... I lied because... because I didn't want people to think that I didn't have control over... m-my own family."

"What do you mean?" Lettie narrowed her eyes in confusion. "I don't understand."

"Oh, Lettie..." Chi-chi sniffed. "It's no news that people blame the mothers if their children take a bad turn in life. You're also a mother now. You know this is true."

Quietly, Lettie nodded, but her face was still troubled.

"Please try to understand me." Chi-chi looked at her with a pleading expression. "My son had barely recovered from that horrible fight against the Saiyans and, soon after, I discovered that he and Goku had run away from the hospital like two fugitives from the police! It was only when Gohan came back yesterday that I found out he had gone to ANOTHER PLANET TO FIGHT A MANIAC!!!"

Lettie gaped her mouth wide in bewilderment and turned to her nephew. However, it was my voice that resounded in that house, "GOHAN! Is that true?! You ran away from the hospital to go to Namek???"

He cringed on the couch at my stern tone, similar to the one I used in our Training.

"Boy, what were you thinking?!" I continued. "Why didn't you ever tell me that during the months we traveled? Do you realize how worried you made your mother be?!"

"I-I-I-I…" Gohan was shaking so much that even Naíma shook in his hands. "I-I-I…"

"Spit it out!" I demanded.

Gohan shut his eyes and seemed to gather a lot of strength, then he declared, "I DID THAT BECAUSE I WAS SCARED OF MY MOTHER!"


Silent tears came out of his eyes. Lettie and I stared at each other, quite troubled.

"What are you saying, my child?" Chi-chi whispered, her eyes glazed over.

"I-I…" sobbed Gohan, downcast. "I ran away because, if I stayed, you would force me to study again." He raised his red eyes to his mother and said loudly, "I didn't want to go back to that horrible life of studying eight hours a day that you forced me to! I hated it! HATED IT!!!"

Silence once more.

Lettie looked desperately from one to the other, embarrassed and disturbed by the situation and by that conflict between mother and son. Chi-chi, upon hearing Gohan's words, covered her face again and cried more. "See, Lettie? Do you see why I lied?"

"Chi-chi, I…"

"I'm a woman whose husband and son would rather travel to another planet than come home with me. AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" Her chest trembled as she swallowed, then, she took Lettie's hands. "You opened my eyes to the importance of Gohan's training, how essential he is for our protection. I confess that I still have difficulties in this matter, but today I understand it better thanks to you. But please, try to understand that at that time, seven months ago, I... I was desperate!!! My son almost died with those Saiyans, and he would have if you and Piccolo hadn't protected him!"

Wow. Did I hear it right, or was Chi-chi... complimenting me? Well, whatever Lettie had said about me during my absence seemed to eliminate any trace of her sister-in-law's resentment toward me.

"And then," Chi-chi held her forehead, "to make everything worse, now I find out that Goku may have died AGAIN because of that bastard Frieza." Her eyes, swollen and full of tears, looked at us with deep bitterness. "I'm a widow, AGAIN!" She gestured in our direction. "You, Lettie, at least have Piccolo back."

A hugely embarrassing blanket fell over us, especially on Lettie and me. She blushed purple and I believe I did too, but we didn't say a word.

"So," sighed Chi-chi, "that's why I lied. I didn't want people to see how much my family is...DYSFUNCTIONAL! I wanted to at least show that I wasn't a weak wife and mother; I wanted to show that I was in control of our situation and could prevent people from speaking badly about us. After all, sending your child to an internationally renowned boarding school is a wonderful thing, right? No bad mother puts her kids in good schools right, Lettie? Tell me, p-please!" And she covered her face in tears.

I glanced at Gohan. He was crying in silence, pretending to play with Naíma. A wave of melancholy hit me after seeing him in that state. If it was difficult for Chi-chi, imagine for him, a child of almost six years old, seeing his family in that condition. For a moment, I felt bad for speaking so rudely to him. Gohan and his mother needed to fix their relationship, or they would have a lot of problems in the future.

Lettie got up from her chair and went over to Chi-chi to hug her with the same love and affection I've seen since I met her. Of course she forgave her. There was no possibility of that not happening.

"Oh, my dear..." Lettie patted her sister-in-law's back. "You're a good mother, you always give the best to Gohan, you're a good wife, you're dedicated..." She ran her hand through Chi-chi's hair as if she were a little child. "You… just need to fix a few things here and there. And I'll be here by your side to help you with this, like you've been by my side these last few months, okay?"

Chi-chi couldn't take it anymore and threw herself on her neck to seek comfort. That scene, somehow, warmed my chest. Watching Lettie give comfort to that woman who looked more like her sister than Goku himself, I knew the exact reason why I fell in love with her.

What a big heart Lettie had! Full of forgiveness, love and kindness. It was no wonder she was able to climb the Flying Nimbus.

Which only reminded me how far I still was from achieving that feat.

"You may love her, but you will never have her completely," said my Enemy, and I lowered my head to hide how much this reminder hurt.

"Listen..." Lettie's sweet voice chased away my bad thoughts as she addressed Chi-chi, now seeming more composed after venting. "How about we make a deal to start? I know that Gohan's studies are super important to you, and you're right in wanting him to have a good future. But remember what we talked about a while ago? It's also important that he rests and lives his childhood, isn't it? Therefore, I would like to know if you authorize him to spend the weekends at my house with Naíma." With an optimistic smile, she looked at her nephew and daughter on the couch. "This will be good for both of them to create a healthy connection and grow together. What do you think?"

In a mixture of laughter and crying, Chi-chi replied, "Yes... It's a great idea... What do you think, my son?"

Gohan's face, which had recently been deeply depressed, lit up like the sun. "Are you serious, mom?! Can I really go???"

"Of course, baby."

Then, Gohan handed Naíma to Lettie and threw himself into Chi-chi's arms. With teary eyes, Lettie smiled at me, and we watched that mother-son relationship begin to mend.

Gohan pulled away and turned to me, "Mr. Piccolo, you're also going to spend the weekends with us, aren't you?!"

"It'll be a pleasure to have your company." Lettie blinked slowly at me.

All eyes fell on me. Even Naíma seemed to be waiting for my answer.

No, Piccolo! Refuse this invitation! Tell them you'll be busy forever and disappear from their lives!

"Well, if it's not inconvenient, I'll go." That was the answer I gave.

"You promise?!?!" Gohan gazed at me full of hope. "We can train together, just like in our Training!"

Don't do this, Piccolo!!!

"Yes, I promise."


Too late.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Lettie's face lit up as much as Gohan's. She lifted Naíma, giving her an Eskimo kiss on the nose. "Did you hear that, sweetheart?! Piccolo will spend the weekends with us!"

Naíma turned her head to me and smiled, as if she understood everything that had happened and was now also happy with the news. The heavy atmosphere in the house turned into a celebration. As I looked around, I wondered how a person with a past like mine suddenly became the reason for so much joy. Even Chi-chi was happy.

What now? What I would do?

Once again, I had crossed the line. I had promised that I would spend the weekends in the company of the woman I love and the two little beings I consider to be my children.

I don't know if I would be able to bear so much torture.


Later that day, I arrived at Kami-sama Lookout with Lettie, Naíma and Gohan. It was their first time there, and it had taken us three times as long because we flew very slowly because of Naíma, held in a baby sling on her mother's torso. She was too small to fly to such a high place.

Not all of the Namekians could fit into Bulma's house, so some stayed at the Lookout. Lettie had told me that she would like to meet my people, Gohan liked the idea of ​​seeing his friend Dende, and here we were.

We were greeted by Kami-sama himself (who was also resurrected with me), while Lettie and Gohan gaped around at the floating palace-like construction.

"I sensed the presence of pleasant Kis arriving." Kami-sama opened his arms warmly. "Welcome!"

Lettie and Gohan smiled shyly in response. Naíma, on the other hand, looked from him to me, perhaps noticing the similarity. I was surprised by such behavior considering her age. Babies sometimes surprise us.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, sir." Lettie bowed and Gohan followed her.

In short, Kami-sama was a very very very very old version of me, always accompanied by a white garment that reached his feet, a blue cape and a wooden staff.

"The pleasure is all mine." He gestured to a short, fat, black man next to him, who to this day I don't know if he's human or not. "This is Mr. Popo, my faithful assistant." They exchanged friendly greetings, and Kami-sama continued, pointing to an area with a flower garden at a certain point in the Lookout courtyard, "Gohan, I told Dende that you were coming and he's excited to meet you. Mr. Popo, could you take him to play with his friend and the other Namekian children?"

"Hooray!!!" Gohan was joyful. "Thank you very much, sir." And he dashed towards the garden, accompanied by Mr. Popo.

Kami-sama then turned to Lettie and high-pitched his voice, "And who is this little princess in your arms?"

"Oh, she's my daughter." Lettie was still shy, but grateful for the compliment. "I adopted her recently. Her name is Naíma."

"Naíma?" he repeated. "Hmm. Beautiful name. It means graceful, pleasant, happy... In addition to comfort and peace."

Lettie raised her eyebrows and looked at her daughter with a gleam in her eyes. "Really...? I... I didn't know that." She gave Kami-sama a tender smile. "It's exactly what she brings to me."

"Good to hear." He smiled back.

As Guardian of the Earth, Kami-sama was possessed of vast knowledge and wisdom. In addition to also knowing practically everything that happened in the world by observing it day and night. I was already used to this attribute of his, however, like Lettie, I got surprised by that sudden information about the name of our daught– I mean, Naíma.

"Tell me, Lettie," he continued, "now that you have a house, how are your cooking skills? Piccolo used to praise your soup a lot when he came here during your Training."

Lettie looked quite confused as she looked at the two of us.

"Huh? Sorry, I don't get it. Piccolo used to come... here? During our Training? What time did that happen and I didn't see it?"

"You didn't tell her?" Kami-sama gave me a surprised look and turned to Lettie. "This is where Piccolo used to pick up the food to take to you and Gohan."

Lettie stared at me, mouth open. Even Naíma looked at me with a curious expression. Result: my cheeks burned at seeing Lettie find out something that I had not revealed until then.

"I'll take this moment and congratulate you for your patience in enduring eating the same thing for a whole year. It's quite a virtue!" Kami-sama was finding the situation really amusing. "In my defense, I tried to convince Piccolo to change the menu every now and then, but you know how stubborn and hard-headed he is."

"Ohhhh, yes, sir! I do know!" Lettie agreed vehemently. "So, this is where he got our food? What a relief to know that!" She laughed, placing her free hand on her chest, and approached Kami-sama. "You know, sir, there were times when I thought he was stealing from a farmer or something, because after all, he never used my savings to buy food and always arrived with everything fresh." She glanced at me with a playful smile. "But, you know how it is… I never had the courage to ask. I preferred to remain ignorant and imagine that he had a private garden somewhere."

"I get you," said Kami-sama. "It's pretty hard to deal with unstable people."

"Unstable???" I retorted, now completely indignant at all that slander against me. "Well, do know that I have always been in the perfect state of my mental faculties, thank you very much!"

"That's what every unstable person says," Kami-sama replied, and they started laughing at me.

That was ridiculous! Lettie and Kami-sama behaved like long-time best friends. Man, even Naíma laughed with them. But I don't blame her. She was probably just mimicking her mother.

"You're all sooo funny, huh?" I finally said, wanting to regain my dignity. "Enough of this nonsense. Listen, Lettie, weren't you the one who was excited to meet my people? Because they are there in the garden and inside the Temple, far away from Kami-sama! Let's go!"

"Hahah-hey! No way, Piccolo!" Lettie adjusted Naíma in the sling. "Kami-sama is also a Namekian, let me talk to him." She then waved her hand as if I were a fly. "Go play with Gohan." Having said that, Kami-sama invited her to take a walk around the Lookout courtyard, and I watched them walk away from me, exchanging more giggles and gossip.

I was so perplexed by their audacity that I turned my back and remained on the edge of the Lookout, pretending to observe the landscape with a grumpy face and revolted with all that defamation.

Can you believe that? Me? Stealing food from a farmer?!?! How absurd…! Alright. Alright. At first, I may not have been a very trustworthy guy for Lettie, especially with all my talking about world domination, etc etc etc. But come on! I still had my dignity, didn't I?

Worse than that, Lettie thought I had a private garden. What did she think I was? A senile man who spent all day taking care of plants??? Walking back and forth in boots, wearing an apron, a hat and a water spray bottle in my hands??? Oh, spare me!

Damn… My reputation was worse than I thought.

I don't know how long I stood there, grumpy with my thoughts. All I know is that, at a certain point, Kami-sama called to me through his telepathy powers, "Stop with this nonsense and come here, young man. I'm going to introduce Lettie to the other Namekians. Be polite and civilized."

And so I went to the garden, but not without stamping my feet in irritation.

All the Namekians loved Lettie, of course. Her peaceful and gentle personality made them surround her with curiosity. In addition, of course, to the cuteness of a baby like Naíma.

Lettie had sat on a wooden bench, with a white screen full of climbing flowers jutting out behind it. All of this, added to the fact that butterflies hovered over their heads, gave them an almost… angelic appearance.

However, on the other hand, I almost had a meltdown when Gohan introduced his friend Dende to Naíma. Another part of my dream seemed to come true at that moment, because they both liked each other instantly. I've never seen Naíma smile so much when Dende took her little hands to play. Yes, I only knew her for two days, but it didn't matter! I am the father and I know her from my dream, thank you very much!

It's also worth mentioning that Lettie fell in love with the Namekian boy, much to my dismay. Firstly because she said, in front of everyone there, how cute I must have been because I would certainly look like Dende when I was little. Secondly because she also confirmed that she had never seen Naíma laugh so much in the presence of anyone other than her since she adopted her.

I would need to keep an eye on this Dende, that little thief of other people's daughters!!!

Okay. I know I may be exaggerating. Dende should be what? About three, or four years old at most? Was he ridiculously adorable? Yes. BUT, still, I would be on alert. Daddy loves, Daddy cares, and Daddy protects Naíma from future suitors.

Overall, it was a pleasant afternoon, despite my irritation, jealousy and anxiety. At dusk, we said goodbye to Kami-sama, Mr. Popo and the other Namekians, as Lettie would have classes early the next day and Naíma needed to rest (Dende was devastated when saying goodbye to her, which brought me unspeakable joy).

After leaving Gohan at his house, we flew to Lettie's house, after all, despite my brain screaming at me to stay away from her, I wouldn't make the grotesque mistake of letting a woman and a baby wander alone at night to her house in the middle of nature. No matter how strong Lettie was, it was my obligation to protect them as their unofficial husband-and-father.

"Kami-sama is a charming old man, but, my my!" Lettie sighed as we went up the porch stairs. "He needs a skincare routine urgently! Listen here, Piccolo. I won't allow you to become a wrinkled old man like him. I'll give you one of my creams today, hang on a minute. Here, hold Naíma for me, please. Phew! My back thanks you."

Without the right to protest such a suggestion, I watched her disappear down the corridor. Honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because thinking about the possibility of growing old with Lettie was spectacular and terrifying at the same time. Naíma cuddled to my chest and my emotional state only worsened.

Soon, Lettie returned and handed me a skincare cream, and made me swear I would apply it every day in the morning and before bed. I handed her Naíma (who was already asleep) and we said goodbye, however, as soon as I turned my back to go down the porch, she called me, "Piccolo, you told me that… uh… that your father came from Kami-sama, correct?"

"Basically, yes."

"So," she tilted her head, "does that mean Kami-sama is also basically your father?"

I straightened up in astonishment.

"Oh, no..." Lettie hid a chuckle. "Here comes another identity crisis. Are you okay?"


"Yes." I shook my head. "It's just… I had never thought about that."

"But, that's great, isn't it? You finally have a good father."

"I-I don't know..." I moistened my dry lips and waved at her, quickly going down the stairs. "Well, I don't want to disturb your rest. Good night, Lettie."

"Oh, I'll wait for you next Saturday!" she replied, her face showing a slight sadness at seeing me leave. "Gohan will spend the weekend here and I need to take Naíma to be vaccinated."

I just nodded silently with a little insecure smile and flew off.

My mind and heart were still troubled when I returned to the Lookout late at night and entered my bedroom. It was a spacious room. I walked across the tiled floor, around a bed that accommodated my more-than-two-meter-high under purple silk sheets, and after I climbed a step, I arrived at a small resting area next to the windows carved into the arch-shaped wall.

I sat on a divan next to the white pilasters that separated the windows and gazed at the moon hovering above. The whole issue of my dream, the constant voice of my Enemy, the rollercoaster of emotions I went through that day, and now, this latest information that Kami-sama was basically my father, have only contributed to my headache reaching its peak.

"Knock, knock?" Kami-sama headed towards me, carrying an ornate chalice. "Can I come in?"

"You already came in," replied, without looking him in the eye. I just couldn't.

"It seems that today was a stressful day for a certain young man." He handed me the chalice. "Here. It's Sacred Water. It'll help with the pain."

Now I stared at him, eye to eye. How did he know I had a headache? Was this part of his attributes concerning the Guardian of the Earth, or... or did he actually feel that I was not well and came to help me?

Like a good father would do?

Damn it.

I took the Sacred Water and the pain vanished.

"Thank you," I muttered, handing him the chalice back.

"You're welcome." Kami-sama smiled and began to leave, however, he stopped halfway and turned around, "Oh! Lettie and Naíma are charming! I liked meeting them. You chose very well."

My heart skipped a beat and I replied, "What exactly did I choose very well??"

Kami-sama just gave me a presumptuous little smile. "Come on, Piccolo. Stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about. I know you. Good night, son." And he walked happily out the door.

Thanks for reading another chapter!

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