

Chapter Thirty-Two—Worthy Foes, Part Two

~~~Memories of Iron~~~


Max sat upon an enormous throne made of razor sharp steel blades, many of them as thick as his thigh. All of them glittered in the morning light. He wore a costume made of pieces of steel that he had created using his power. He was surrounded by the pomp and circumstance that was part and parcel of being the leader of Empire 88.

It wasn't always something that he enjoyed, the ceremony needed sometimes to celebrate the simplest tasks, but he'd seen how effectively his own father had used it. Allfather had ruled a disparate group of capes for years before his death, using methods both subtle and not. Max had taken and internalized those lessons himself.

Morning. He gritted his teeth as he considered the insult implied by Iron Man when he communicated the change in time. It showed that he believed himself to be superior to Empire 88, something which Max could not tolerate, if for no other reason than the message it would send to his own people. His people needed to believe that they were strong, especially in this strange, new world.

Overall, Max had been able to convince them that destiny was still upon their side. Even as the city changed around them and they temporarily lost the ability to discipline their membership. He'd spoke of unity, of numbers, of how the strength of a unified belief in the purity of a person's heritage gave them strength. Unfortunately, he was far less sure that he believed what he was saying.

Still, Empire 88 had a number of things going for it that he did believe in. After all, they had power, even if they'd been lying low recently. Empire 88 had the numbers, seventeen capes to the thirteen that the Protectorate had. Or the mere eight that the Human Defense Initiative boasted.

Next Wave. Max almost snorted, his contempt for the other group so intense it roiled his stomach. They would never be a match for his Empire, if for no other reason than the sheer naiveté and idealism with which they approached being capes. If he led them, they would be so much stronger than they were today because he would have increased their numbers with like-minded individuals. What he would have not have done was allow them to stagnate, as Lady Photon had. Of course for his current purposes, it was only for the good that she had done so.

In times past, it had taken the Protectorate and New Wave combined to even try to match Empire 88, something they had been unable to do if for no other reason than because the Protectorate refused the risk their younger members.

Again, Max repressed a snort of contempt. Coddling children was not something which his Empire allowed, believing that it only made them weaker. While his own beliefs didn't always follow those of the group he ruled, this was one area where his own and his group's beliefs coincided. After all, Theo had finally shown himself to actually be his real son only once he had taken off the kid gloves and listened to James rather than Kayden. His son was still healing from the vicious beating that Hookwolf had given him, but it was all in the name of the mission.

A moment later, Max received a heads up from Victor through the ear bud he wore that Iron Man was finally headed his way. The other cape was perched on a high point with a long range weapon should things go bad, not that it would likely be capable of penetrating the Tinker's armor, but he refused to not have multiple safeguards, like Geheimnis and Schoener Tod, waiting in the wings.

At least Iron Man was on time, something that showed at least a modicum of respect. Not that Max would need it. His plan was strong, his people were loyal, and his cause was just. He could not lose.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Taylor used her sensor net to locate everyone within the building she was approaching. "Looks like they have a full crew, JARVIS."

"Yes, Miss. It does appear that all current members of Empire 88 have gathered for this meeting."

Detecting just the faintest note of worry in her friend's voice, she chided, "Don't be a worry wart, JARVIS. The dimensional blocker is working just fine. Even if they do try something, we'll be able to stop them hopefully without slaughtering the lot of them."

Not that she planned to kill anyone today. The dimensional blocker would work on the capes here. It had shown itself effective in cutting off Trish and Sherrel's powers. It should just as easily cut off Kaiser and his crew from theirs.

It had been the battle with the Slaughterhouse Nine and the data gathered throughout, that had given her the final insights into the energy frequencies and alpha patterns required for the dimensional blocker. It was crude still, and Taylor had to mount it on the outside of her armor for it to properly work, but it was doubtful that anyone in the meeting she was about to attend would notice one small instrument pack externally mounted on her left shoulder.

While she was at it, she should also check in with her other passenger. "So Tattletale, what do you think?"

"I don't know what he is up to yet, Iron Man. I'll give you a heads up as soon as he gives me an in as to what he intends. Be careful."

"My middle name is careful. Iron Man out."

Pulling up, Taylor slowly floated on a column of flaring energy into the warehouse, her forcefields off, as she wanted to maintain the illusion of strength. Tony had sat down for innumerable meetings of this type, and having his insights made this one a lot easier for her to attend without embarrassing herself.

As soon as she entered, she saw Kaiser sitting on a great throne made of blades of metal that he had grown using his power. He wore a suit of interlocking steel plates that covered him from head to toe, except, oddly, his mouth, which was out of character. Then again, he probably wanted to make sure he was heard at the meeting. As expected, virtually their entire roster of capes was lined up to one side, except for two of their newest, who lurked behind Kaiser's throne, almost slouched against the wall there.

JARVIS had already made her aware of Victor's position roughly four hundred meters away on the roof a building with a sight line into the room. Armed though he was with an anti-material rifle, he was no threat to her armor, even without her forcefields up.

As soon as Taylor had approached to within fifty or so feet, Kaiser stood up. He beckoned her forward, saying in a deep and resonant voice, "Come forward, Iron Man, so that we may meet officially."

Taylor rolled her eyes, having expected something of this nature. Gamesmanship. If she came forward, it was at Kaiser's behest and with his blessing. If she didn't, she appeared weak. It was so obvious it was sad, but it worked far more often than not. She ignored Tony's memories that whispered of escalation and ways of making the other cape pay for his effrontery. Of showy deeds and more subtle threats.

She had to ignore those memories. Because if anyone was as much of arrogant dick as Kaiser, it was Tony Stark. Although he did have the redeeming value of not being a racist bastard. So there was that. But she wasn't going to follow either man's lead.

Instead, Taylor stopped halfway to Kaiser and activated her outer speakers. "Kaiser. I'm here per your request. Let's get this meeting over with so we can both get on with our lives."

If the other cape was bothered by Taylor's shortness, he didn't show it. Instead, he chuckled, his voice rich and warm. "Ahh, now, there is no need for rudeness. After all, I come bearing gifts. Will you not approach so that we can discuss those gifts as men?"

Men, huh? It showed just how little Kaiser knew. Taylor almost said no, not wanting to give the other the upper hand, but in the end, flew closer. Once again, she ignored Tony's memories of how he would have responded to the slights and manipulations. She landed and approached to within just a few feet of Kaiser. "What do you want, Kaiser?"

"What do I want? There are so many things that I want. I want to see a country where brothers and sisters of similar race can go forward into a bright future without the mongrelization of others holding them back. I want this not just for Brockton Bay, but the world. Those are but a handful of my desires, but I tell you that today, I, Kaiser of Empire 88, put those desires on hold that I may extend an olive branch to you."

What the fuck was he trying to pull, Taylor wondered? Tony's memories were trying to tell her something, but she pushed hard to keep them from leaking into her thoughts. Struggling to keep a wary note out of her voice, she said, "There is no world where you and I can maintain a peace or truce. Our ideas for the future are too disparate."

Kaiser half turned away, facing toward the small group of Empire 88 capes that stood off to one side. There was just the faintest of smug overtones to his voice as he said, "Perhaps that was once true. But you do not trust the Protectorate either, or so I have been informed. Your formation of a group in rivalry to them is proof enough of that. I, too, do not trust the Protectorate. Even if they maintained a similar philosophy to my empire, I would not trust them. Their ideas are too easily circumvented, need trumps justice and morality all too often. These are some of the problems which I have with them and I know they are ones that we share."

Taylor wanted to wipe the smug smile off of the bastard's face. Now she knew why he'd changed his costume. It was likely just so that he could do exactly what he was doing, adding yet another layer to all of the ones present in this meeting in yet another attempt to push, pressure, and prod her toward an end that he desired.

It pissed her off, but Taylor refused to play his game. Instead, she did what he likely didn't expect. "I agree with the points you've raised regarding the Protectorate. I would add that bureaucracies can never be trusted because there is never one person who holds ultimate responsibility and will accept ultimate blame for their actions. I still don't see how that makes us allies."

If Kaiser was bothered by Taylor's words, it didn't show as he made a point of acting thoughtful, to the point of stroking his chin beneath his armor. "Allies? Perhaps, someday in the future, although I don't see either of us compromising our ideas to that point anytime soon. No, I merely believe that right now, we travel a parallel course, and because I believe in the cause which you espouse, I am prepared to back up that belief with action."

Taylor's eyes narrowed. She listened to Trish speaking as fast as she could. "Kaiser is pulling a power play that will make his group look good. At the same time, he's attempting to damage or derail the HDI. Taylor, he's going to-"

Before Trish could finish, Kaiser raised his hands in a grand gesture, then pointed them at the members of Empire 88 that were present. "Iron Man, I present to you volunteers for your Human Defense Initiative! Men and women, who, today, leave my cause to join yours! I present to you, Brockton Bay's very own Steel Curtain!"

Even as he spoke, some of the capes lined up stepped forward, while the remainder took several steps back. There was now a simple line of six capes standing there, Purity, Fenja, Faust, Menja, Othala, and Rune. All of whom focused their attention upon Taylor.

Taylor ignored Trish's muttered, "Fuck." Instead, she stalked forward to examine the capes that Kaiser had pointed out as suitable for her group. Unfortunately, he had chosen well. None of the Parahumans that stood lined up just a small distance away had killed, with the exception of Purity, and hers had come against villains, like Terror, a member of the Teeth. Even Menja and Fenja who had been Kaiser's bodyguards for more than a year now had never managed to kill anyone, although they'd battled the Protectorate on several occasions, while causing grievous injuries.

The others, like Othala and Rune, all had relatively mild records, while their new cape, Faust, who Taylor knew was Kaiser's son Theodore, had none. Should any of them desire to become heroes, the Protectorate would welcome them with open, if wary, arms.

Even Purity, despite the death she was responsible for, had spent a lot of time acting as a vigilante in the last year before rejoining Empire 88. She and the twins, likely because of the powerhouses that they were, would almost certainly be welcomed by the Protectorate should they choose to turn coats. Rebranded and repackaged, they would show a new face to the world, whether anything inside of them changed at all. It was just one of many issues that Taylor had with the PRT.

Her problem, of course, was that the Human Defense Initiative wasn't the Protectorate. They had only a small amount of legal standing, and no official power other than the little they were allowed by law. Taylor, on the other hand, as Iron Man, had a reputation that she'd gained by her sales of technology to law enforcement, her gifts of the Iron Legionnaire suits to the US Military, her rescue of the Australian capital, Canberra, from the Simurgh, and her defeat of the Slaughterhouse Nine and Lung.

Should she choose to put that reputation on the line to somehow leverage temporary pardons for these villains, it could just as easily backlash upon her, utterly ruining the new and vulnerable Human Defense Initiative. Taylor wasn't worried about being arrested, as nothing could touch her in Brockton Bay, but it could very well set her plans back a year or even more, potentially even dooming the human race.

It was clear from the smug little smile that Kaiser wore, that he knew everything she was thinking. He also likely knew what the consequences would be if Taylor refused to extend membership to the 'former' Nazis. Other villains, both those she'd already recruited, and others that she might recruit in the future, would look at any offer extended by Iron Man with skepticism at best, disbelief at worst. It would put a layer of tarnish upon the HDI just when she was considering a strong push for membership.

It was a classic catch-22, and there seemed no way out without risking more than she was willing to. It also lit a fire in Taylor's breast that she had not felt for a long time. Anger so hot that in comparison a volcano paled burst forth. For the first time since the meeting began, she listened to Tony's memories.

A second later found her activating the anti-eavesdropping device built into her armor. At the same time, she cut off communications with Trish. The last step she took was to active the dimensional power blocker over an area that encompassed Kaiser's throne and the two deadly capes that lounged behind it.

Stepping forward, she said, "So your plan is to force me to choose between two unpalatable choices in an attempt to make me look bad."

Kaiser acted surprised, his body language that of someone offended. "Iron Man. How could you believe that is what I am attempting to do here. I support your Human Defense Initiative. After all, I, too, distrust that they have humanity's best interests at heart."

Allowing some of the anger and cynicism she felt to leak past the filters of her synthesized voice, Taylor said, "You can stop playing to the crowd. They can't see or hear us right now. I've activated anti-eavesdropping technology that prevents any form of surveillance including visual. All they see is what they expect to see, us quietly talking."

Kaiser's reaction was immediate. "This is an outrage! I come to you under a flag of truce, and this is how you violate it? How dare you!"

Taylor felt a cold smile creep across her mouth. "Oh I dare. Because what you don't understand is that there are three choices to the situation you just presented to me, not two."

"There is no third choice, Iron Man. I have made you a simple offer of members to join your group. Accept them or reject them, in the end, it truly does not matter to me. I'll know what kind of man I'm dealing with once I have your answer. So decide."

"What if, instead, I choose the third choice. That choice being that I kill you all and eliminate Empire 88 once and for all from Brockton Bay."

The words were stark, and said in the coldest voice that Taylor could manage. Because she was seriously contemplating doing just that. In her head, her memories from Tony were saying to eliminate them. To deal with them as they had dealt with an entire people seventy years before. Give these posers a taste of their 'final solution.'

Kaiser's reaction was immediate, his right hand going out in a dramatic gesture that was likely ingrained after all of this time. When nothing happened, he stood utterly still, as if frozen.

In a taunting voice that she took directly from her memories, Taylor asked, "Something wrong, Kaiser? Powers not working the way they're supposed to? I wonder what could have happened."

"What have you done, you bastard? What have you done?"

Taylor adopted a casual pose, or at least as casual as she could while wearing a suit of power armor. "What have I done? Nothing really. Just cut you off from the source of your powers. It's a simple thing. Just a small dimensional shield and shunt. I could do the same thing to all of your people. I could then hunt them down one by one and kill them all. Play this for the Protectorate like a meeting that ended in a treacherous ambush by untrustworthy Nazis. My reputation would survive intact. Hell, such a slaughter might even increase it in some circles."

Kaiser's mouth opened then closed. In a voice that held just the tiniest quaver for all its richness, he stated, "You will not do this. You're a hero. Heroes do not kill in cold blood."

"Don't they? Hmm... Maybe you're right. Let me let you in on a little secret, Kaiser. I'm not a hero. I'm just someone that is trying to get something very important accomplished. I consider it more important than my own life. I certainly consider it more important than your life, or even the lives of an entire group of villains. I could kill you all and not lose a single moment of sleep, or at least no more than I lost dealing with Lung. So tell me, Kaiser, why shouldn't I?"

Kaiser, wisely or not, stayed silent. The only outward manifestation of the tension he was feeling was the way how he'd clenched the fingers of his right hand into a fist.

Suddenly, Taylor raised her gauntlet in a blurring motion to aim directly at the Nazi cape. To her surprise, he didn't flinch, although his hand spasmed open and stayed that way. Then she slowly lowered her hand to her side. In a voice of iron, Taylor stated, "I accept your challenge and your capes. They will become part of the Human Defense Initiative, but they won't be called Steel Curtain. No, they will join with the former members of New Wave in the group called Next Wave. There, they will become the heroes that they were always meant to be. In the end, they will owe me their allegiance and will risk their lives for the ideas which I espouse and which they will grow to believe in."

Taylor paused, inviting the other to speak. After a few seconds, Kaiser quietly asked, "So all of this was for show? Your words, your threats? Your posturing needs work, if so. Because you have made of me an enemy for the rest of your days."

Slowly, Taylor shook her head. "For show? No. Until I made my decision, just now, I wasn't sure I would lower my hand. It would have been so damn easy to finish you all off. Too easy, really. The only reason I didn't is because as evil as the rest of you are, there are still vestiges of decency in a few of your members. Excuse me, your former members. So count your blessings, Max. Your son, Theo, the one that you think of as weak, is one of the only reasons you and the others are still alive."

With that, Taylor canceled the anti-eavesdropping and power blocking effects. Then she walked over to meet the newest members of the Human Defense Initiative.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Theo stood, increasingly uncomfortable, as the meeting continued. The two leaders stood alone near the tall metal throne, their voices low and murmuring, apparently as thick as thieves. What the fuck could the two of them be talking about for so long, he wondered? How could a hero like Iron Man allow a man like his father to play him like this?

Because that was exactly what was happening. Theo had not the slightest doubt that when his father wanted something, he would get it. He'd seen it time and time again among the members of Empire 88, most recently with Kayden.

The closest thing to a mother he had, Theo knew that she didn't really care about him like a real member of her family. But she had the decency to want to rescue him from his father, her ex-husband, knowing the kind of man he was. But that decency had not stood up to Max's manipulations and in the end, he had been left defenseless to face the tests that James had created for him to bring out his 'best'.

Theo had triggered under the threat of a painful death that he had barely avoided. That Kayden, who had only found out what Max wanted her to know after the fact, was horrified and incredibly apologetic, didn't make it better. It broke the tiny bonds of trust that had formed between the two of them and left him without a place that he could feel safe.

Rage and hate festered within him and even now he longed to use his new power upon his own father. But Theo was under no illusion that he would succeed. Or that he would survive the attempt, bracketed as he was by both Jess and Nessa. Loyal followers of Kaiser, his father's alias within the Empire, they would move Heaven and Earth to keep him safe.

To be honest, Theo still didn't understand why they had agreed to his father's plan, as it would separate them from the man who they owed their complete loyalty. All he could think was that Max was even more convincing than he would have believed possible.

All too soon, the meeting in front of him broke up and Iron Man walked over to welcome them into the Human Defense Initiative. Theo registered the armored cape's words, but looked for the nuances and manipulations that he had dealt with all of his life.

Oddly, they were absent. Theo also noted that Max appeared surprising discomforted, at least to someone who had spent as much time studying him as he had. He would also wager that the man was utterly furious, despite the faint smile that graced his lips, just visible beneath his helm's visor. It was something in the man's stance, his body language just the tiniest bit off.

Iron Man, on the other hand, stood easily, appearing a pinnacle of strength as he spoke to them. He was also examining them, stopping in front of each of them to ask a question or two.

When he stopped in front of Theo, there was almost a feeling of understanding radiating from the other cape. Understanding of what, he wondered? He stood, thinking furiously, as Iron Man asked, "Faust, why do you want to join the Human Defense Initiative?"

Theo, like all of the others, had practiced an answer to what had been an expected question. But now that the question had been posed to him, the words stuck in his throat. They would not come out. Instead, what emerged was the unpalatable truth. "I want to be a better man than my father."

Theo could feel the tension in the two dangerous women at his sides. Not that they would act without Kaiser's consent, but it made him aware of just how vulnerable he was, sandwiched between them.

In front of him, Iron Man seemed to be considering his answer. The silence went on long enough that Theo actually began to feel nervous, while the tension of the women at his sides ratcheted up a notch. Finally, Iron Man nodded. "That'll do. I accept you into the Human Defense Initiative. Remember, you are now the last line of defense between mankind and those who would do try to harm them. Think about that for now. There will be an official swearing in ceremony later where you'll hear those words again."

Theo nodded, feeling strange. Because for just a moment, something had stirred within him. Something that felt suspiciously like hope. Was it the other cape's words? His manner? What the hell had the bastard done that allowed him to manipulate Theo into feeling this way?

It was Iron Man that Theo watched now, his father almost forgotten. Iron Man, whose body language he studied as best he could while the armored Tinker spoke first to Nessa, and then Heather. Iron Man, who had somehow eclipsed Max Anders as the most dangerous and important person in Theo Ander's life.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Trish stared at the recorded footage that Taylor had filmed of her confrontation with Kaiser. Looking up from the monitor, she exchanged a look with Danny, who appeared shocked and angry.

Can't believe his daughter would react like that. Believes it is the influence of Tony Stark's memories upon her. Fears for her sanity, short-term and long-term. Believes-

She shook her head, forcing her power down. Then she waited for Danny to speak as she didn't want to be the bad guy here. Someone who Taylor trusted needed to maintain their equanimity in this situation.

"What the hell were you thinking, Taylor?"

Danny's voice was almost a bellow, then he seemed to realize just how loud and angry he sounded. In a far more composed manner, he asked, "What's going on, kiddo?"

Taylor, who had been silent the entire time that the video played, just shook her head. When Danny opened his mouth to ask again, she spoke in a tense voice, "Look, I don't know. I don't know why I got so angry that I did what I did. It was like I was a different person."

"Like Tony."

Both of the others turned toward her at her words. Trish silently looked back, the shrugged. "I'm just saying what we're all thinking. Taylor's been fighting Tony Stark's memories for months now, trying and sometimes failing. I mean, I caught her flirting with that cute PA the other day, which is just not Taylor. So pure Tony Stark."

Danny, whose face had gotten red at the idea of his daughter flirting with anyone, almost stuttered, "I don't think we need to talk about... that, Trish. Instead, let's focus upon what we need to do to get this under control."

Before Taylor could get a word in, Trish began again, "That is part of the problem. Taylor's sexuality, that is. Sorry, Taylor, no offense meant."

The girl in question quirked an eyebrow. "None taken. I think. Look, so Tony got his claws into me that one time. I was doing a great job of blocking him earlier. I just slipped up for a second and let his memories of past actions dictate my own. I'll be more on my guard from now on."

Danny looked worried, which he should be, Trish thought. This was dangerous ground. Finally, she said, "I don't know how to say this without maybe crossing some boundary, so I'm just going ahead and get it out there. I've been talking with JARVIS a lot lately about repressed memories and psychological case studies. We've come to the conclusion that what you're talking about won't work, Taylor."

For the first time, Taylor looked upset at her, rather than her dad, which wasn't what Trish had wanted. Her tone was challenging as she asked, "Why not?"

"Simple. Because you need Tony Stark, memories and all. You can't do this without him. He has insights that we all benefit from far too often. When you try to cut him out, you're cutting off one of your strengths. Today happened at least partially because you tried to ignore Tony. What his memories were suggesting as ways to force Kaiser onto his heels. What he was suggesting might be Kaiser's possible reasons for doing what he did. What he knew about what Kaiser was going to say. Or are you going to tell me that Tony's memories didn't at least suggest what was about to happen?"

Taylor, to her credit, didn't explode, instead, she looked... apologetic. Tense, but sorry, would be the way that Trish would describe her at that moment. "No. You're right. I went back and reviewed the situation while I was flying the round trip back here. Tony had already encountered a similar situation when he was head of SHIELD. So if I had listened to his memories I'd have been ready for what he said, with a couple of ways other than the one I ended up choosing to deal with him. Shit, I hate this."

Danny got up from where he was sitting and walked around the table, sitting back down next to his daughter. He slid an arm around her slim shoulders and hugged her. "It's going to be okay, Taylor. We'll figure this out."

Almost, Trish corrected him. Because it wasn't going to be okay. Not, at least, until Taylor could learn to trust herself and to try not to suppress the memories that filled her mind. Aloud, Trish merely said, "Agreed. We'll figure this out. For now, just trust yourself, Taylor. No punk ass wannabe Tinker from another Earth is man enough to overwhelm you. Got it?"

Both Taylor and Danny started laughing, so her words worked as intended. Trish couldn't help the grin that pulled up the corners of her mouth as well at the relief in the other's mirth. Then she brought them back to earth.

"But you're going to have to be the one that tells Next Wave that they're going to be on a team with a bunch of Nazis."

Just like that, the laughter ended. Danny looked grim, while Taylor looked... introspective. She nodded, though, and said, "I'll tell them tomorrow during the BBQ. You're coming, right?"

"Of course." As if there was anyway that Trish would miss the fireworks involved. Plus, she needed additional information on some of the personalities involved. She'd drawn some weird conclusions on Amy Dallon's motivations for her admiration of Taylor's alter ego. Plus the Dallon family dynamic just seemed... warped. Hopefully, she'd be able to figure out what the deal was if she observed them together firsthand.

Danny said, "Shouldn't we address how Taylor's going to be handling Accord? I mean, with how her meeting with Kaiser went?"

The two girls looked at one another and started giggling. Danny looked momentarily upset, then an answering grin crept over his mouth.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Accord stood behind an exact replica of the desk at his office in his downtown headquarters waiting for Iron Man to arrive. He carefully scrutinized each of his office's appointments, from the fresh flowers that he had so carefully arranged, to the utterly beautiful and delicious hors de oeuvres along with an appropriate selection of beverages that occupied a sideboard.

Not that he thought Iron Man would choose to eat or drink while there, but it was always a good idea to cover all of the bases when such a meeting was taking place lest hospitality become merely a show.

He lightly stroked the perfect crease of his immaculate white suit as he considered the various traps he'd laid for Iron Man should the meeting go awry. Not that he believed for one second that any of them would work. He'd gone over videos of the other's armor quite carefully and had found only one thing that he believed to be a vulnerability.

While that had gone into Accord's planning, he wasn't entirely sure that it would succeed. So more than the traps he'd laid, he'd focused a great deal of planning into various escape routes, all of which would deposit him unharmed and unwrinkled at a location from which he could direct his Ambassadors in yet another counterattack.

It was his fervent belief that he and Iron Man would come to some form of... agreement. Accord had studied the other, and his plan played to all of the visual cues that he had received from the armored cape. There were many things that a Tinker of Iron Man's distinction would desire, and he could provide several of them through a series of plans that would work perfectly so long as the other carried them out without deviation.

Although it remained to be seen whether the other could work with him, not allowing distracting and annoying habits and peccadilloes to dominate their relationship. Such as whether he would be on time for their meeting, arriving neither late nor early. A great deal could be told about how a person deal with punctuality, which was the most base of the elements of order.

As the second hand of the clock ticked up toward twelve, which would bring it to precisely three thirty pm, Accord heard his desk chime. Touching a spot upon it, he spoke, "Yes, Citrine?"

The smooth contralto voice of one of his most favored Ambassadors sounded. "Sir, Iron Man is here to see you."

"Send him in."

"Yes, sir."

The doors opened and a figure in black and silver armor walked through them just as the second hand hit twelve. A shiver of almost erotic pleasure slid down his spine at the other's perfect punctuality. There could be no more fortuitous manner to begin such a meeting.

Accord allowed his eyes to drink in all of the details of the other's armored form. Gleaming and perfect, no flaw marred his armor's finish. Everywhere that Accord looked, were the lethal tools of his trade, which was certainly not that of a hero. Almost sighing, he pulled his eyes from the sleek, armored form.

Stepping out from around his desk, Accord gave the tiniest bow and said, "Welcome, Iron Man, to my base. I have so looked forward to meeting you."

The armored cape bowed back, his form perfect, no hint of stiffness marring the motions. Even the synthesized voice suited the occasion. "Accord. It is an honor."

Accord made a subtle gesture toward the sideboard. "May I offer you refreshments? I can offer you privacy while you partake."

Iron Man shook his head, the motion as lifelike as if he were not wearing armor. "No, thank you, Accord. I am not hungry or thirsty. Although, may I compliment you on your taste. The food looks delicious and isn't that a fifty-three Rothschild? A truly impeccable vintage."

Accord nodded. It truly was, even if he, himself, refused on all but the rarest occasions to partake of alcohol as the loss of impulse control abhorred him. It also frightened his people, something which he had to give at least the appearance of caring about. Frightened people made far too many mistakes, creating a self-sustaining problem, one which he would not allow.

"Yes, it is. You appear to be a man of some refinement, Iron Man. Would you perhaps be open to a discussion of opportunities that would work to our mutual benefit."

"Of course, Accord."

He noted with pleasure the way that Iron Man sat without hesitation in the delicate appearing chair in front of his desk. Despite its appearance, it was designed to hold a load equal to the weight of Iron Man's armor with a ten percent redundancy. Noting that it worked exactly as it should, Accord took a seat behind his desk.

Not allowing the pause in their discussion to go too long, Accord started with, "I suppose that you are curious as to why I contacted you, Iron Man."

However, instead of a nod of assent, Iron Man said, "Actually, Accord, I understand exactly why you contacted me. You found my plan for dealing with the Slaughterhouse Nine appealing."

How could he know that? Accord thought furiously, discarding scenario after scenario, before finally settling upon an answer. "I did. Although I would question why you believe that to be the reason above other possible scenarios."

"The answer is actually simple, Accord. You are well known for the meticulous plans with which you engage your enemies as well as others that you create to solve problems. You only contacted me after news footage of the plan which I used to engage the Slaughterhouse Nine went public after my press conference. So, logic dictated that you saw it and found appealing the manner in which I planned, and carried out, their elimination."

Iron Man's answer was elegant and logical, something which Accord found soothing. Still, it indicated that he was predictable at a level that was beyond what mere order dictated. Challenging, he asked, "Is it beyond the pale that I would offer my services as a planner for an up and coming Tinker with sufficient assets to be able to afford me?"

Iron Man shook his head. "No, but as I said, it was the timing that supported my reasoning. After all, there are no coincidences."

Accord kept his countenance even by an effort of will. How could the other know that he believed that more than anything else in the world? All that occurred, no matter how unlikely or unexpected upon the surface, was a consequence of other, earlier, actions. With sufficient thought, all could be planned and order would win out.

It was something that suffused his plans from beginning to end, which was why they were so meticulous and detailed. Accord truly believed that so long as he had sufficient time and sufficiently detailed information, he could create a plan that could accomplish any task. After all, hadn't he already written a plan to eliminate world hunger, as well to create order over the entire globe?

Somehow Iron Man had discovered this fact about himself. It... irked Accord in a way he couldn't understand. Was it that the other cape dwelled at a social level that refused to be quantified? Or was it something else?

For the first time, Accord allowed his mind to roam further than just his infatuation with the other cape's talents. He had invited Iron Man here, acting as host, to which the other had complied flawlessly, using societal rules which spoke of old money, of societal position that held no superiors. And now, he had placed Accord upon his back foot, off balance in a way that he never was in the absence of disorder.

Then again, this imbalance of social equity disturbed him in the same way that other methods of chaos did. Everything in its place and a place for everything was another part of Accord's mantra, something a tiny voice in the back of his mind whispered Iron Man would know as well.

Accord could destroy the other cape if he chose what would likely be the Pyrrhic solution he had come up with. The explosives located beneath the room, shaped and prepped for detonation in a pattern that would impale Iron Man's armor with tungsten penetrators, killing the passenger within.

However, based upon the level of the detonation which Iron Man had apparently used against the Simurgh using an earlier, far less advanced suit of armor, this suit would likely explode with sufficient force to destroy the entire city of Boston. As close to ground zero as Accord currently was, no ordinary escape attempt would succeed in ensuring his continued existence.

No, it was almost certain that he, too, would perish. Accord's desire for order was not such that he was willing to risk his life in such a pact, based as it was upon mutually assured destruction. Besides, just thinking about he had created here and what it could accomplish, soothed away much of the angst he'd felt at being read.

Feeling a bit more relaxed, he merely said, "Agreed. There are no coincidences. So, Iron Man, why did you agree to a meeting with me? As flattered as I am with your interest, nominally you claim to be a hero, while I am painted as a villain, vilified in the media and the internal memos of the PRT."

Iron Man slowly leaned forward and assumed a thinking pose, his hand supporting his chin, all the while glowing eyes stared into Accord's. After just the right pause, he said, "I am looking for someone who can create a plan that will help me in saving the human race. A plan that accounts for all possible scenarios that might occur. Endbringers as well as the entity behind them. For such plan, I need someone like yourself."

Accord harrumphed, his disappointment palpable. "I wrote such a plan years ago as an outgrowth of my plan to end world hunger. Other plans relating to world hunger were expanded upon. Each related to a major issue: disease, population, government, energy, climate. I could go on. Suffice it that it will all come to fruition at a time and place of my choosing. In this case, twenty-three years to see it all through. Twenty-three years to bring the world into order."

Iron Man sat back. "Yes, I've read your plan. The only problem is that it won't work. It is flawed."

Accord nearly pressed the button his desk to end this charade. No, he could create another plan that would deal with this poser who had just insulted him. Who had made light of his abilities when he claimed to need them. It was insufferable.

Instead, he stood up. "I believe this meeting is at an end."

Iron Man, instead of rising, waved him back to his seat. "Accord, I apologize. It was not my intention to insult you. I have access to information which you do not possess. It is this information that allows me to understand the whys and wherefores behind the flaws I have seen in your plan. Please, sit. Allow me a moment to explain."

Grudgingly, Accord sat. He touched his watch, then said, "You have five minutes to explain. After that, our meeting is finished."

Over the next few minutes, Iron Man did exactly that. Accord felt his heart beat faster as he learned of far higher potentials within the Endbringers than he had known about. Of a being of unimaginable power that lurked behind powers, using them to foster and augment combat, possibly as a way of species improvement. That there was far more behind the things occurring around the world than he had ever planned for in his worst case contingencies.

When Iron Man rose promptly at five minutes time, it was Accord who waved him back to his seat. This would require time and planning. And information. Already, he could see the possibilities unfold for obtaining that information.

Computer networks, monitoring people and situations, spread out globally. More networks to summarize and dispense the information in a format that would most benefit him.

Forty-five minutes to draw out the plans for a network that would most effectively monitor humanity and its actions. Another twenty-two to twenty-two and a half hours to write the program that would continue to write itself and that would be used across multiple networks to tie them together and best leverage his planning ability. He could estimate costs upward of fourteen million dollars, not counting salaries. None of the actual computers were that advanced, their power based upon numbers rather than individual output. He had any number of businesses in his pocket where he could acquire those computers at a significant discount.

Once acquired, the network would meld seamlessly into the existing infrastructure of communication and surveillance, allowing Accord enough input to expand upon and update his plan for humanity's future. Worst case scenario, it would add years to his plan, expanding it past twenty-three to perhaps twenty-six or twenty-seven. He'd know more once he had the information at hand.

Accord finally looked up. To his pleasure, Iron Man had been completely still and silent while he had thought. The armored Tinker's help and information had been invaluable and he was considering just how he might show his appreciation. Then Iron Man spoke.

"Accord, I want you to work for me. Become part of my Human Defense Initiative, assuming a role that works behind the scenes, creating plans that my other people will execute. You would be invaluable in creating well-ordered... strategies, if you please, that would benefit everyone involved. As a reward for your service, you would be well compensated; such a compensation package that we could work out together to ensure its fairness. Will you consider my offer?"

Accord allowed the other's insult to slide off of him despite the way it irked him. There would be no show of appreciation as Iron Man had just used up his good will with his offer. Still, he would give the other an answer.

"I think your offer is insulting and demeaning, lacking any true understanding of my motivations and intentions. Iron Man, why would you believe for one moment that I would accept your offer?"

Instead of replying directly to Accord, Iron Man looked off to one side. "JARVIS, what is currently happening in the office of Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown right at this moment?"

"Sir, Director Costa-Brown is currently alone, reading reports of a Parahuman conflict that occurred in New York between the Teeth and the Mage Corp on April second. She has a video appointment in nine minutes with Director Tagg of the Directorate North Midcentral located in Cleveland. Would you care for me to go on?"

Accord's mind whirled with the endless possibilities that were expanding before him. "You have access to an AI. How extensive is its network?"

"Go ahead and tell him, JARVIS."

"Sir, I have currently infiltrated seventy-nine percent of computers in North America, eighty-seven percent in South America, fifty-six percent in Asia and Australia, and sixty-four percent in Africa. I estimate optimal infiltration, which I rate at ninety-nine percent, to be completed within another sixty-one days."

Accord's mind immediately went to plans of how to use the information that the AI had reaped. Then he froze. In a frosty tone, he asked, "Have you infiltrated my networks, JARVIS?"

"Yes, sir, I have. Your networks were considered a priority target and optimal infiltration occurred twenty-one days ago."

Accord stared across his desk at Iron Man. "Then you are aware of the plans I put in place to deal with you, including the shaped explosives."

Iron Man nodded. "Of course I am. I am also aware of your escape routes and other traps and counterattacks as well."

Accord didn't allow his emotions to touch his features. He didn't want his mask to give away what he was about to do. He was quite certain of the result, but he had to know. So he reached out and pressed a certain button upon his desk.

Instead of the enormous explosion that would send him catapulting backward and down the chute built into the wall behind his desk with dozens of blast proof doors closing behind him, while Iron Man was riddled with hypervelocity tungsten penetrators, causing his armor to self-destruct and destroy Boston, nothing at all happened.

"Of course, I disarmed all of your traps. I am sorry, Accord, but I could not be one hundred percent certain that this meeting would go this well so needed to make sure to keep things on an even keel."

This was a meeting gone well? Accord gave his guest a narrowed-eyed stare that he knew would be mimicked by his mask. After a moment, the other cape answered the unspoken question. "I met with Kaiser of Empire 88 this morning. He was upset from the start because I had to reschedule his meeting so that you and I could meet at three thirty."

At least Iron Man understood which was the more important meeting. "Iron Man, I do not yet agree to work with you, but there is a chance something could be arranged. I would like to first speak further with JARVIS."

"Of course, Accord. Will two hundred and forty minutes suffice to give you sufficient knowledge of his capabilities?"

Accord nodded once. "Yes, that will suffice."

"JARVIS, please stay for two hundred and forty minutes from now and answer any questions Accord may have, as well as provide him whatever information he requires."

"Of course, sir. It would be my pleasure to assist."

Accord found himself quickly involved in an in depth discussion of some of the fundamental underlying tenets of his World Plan. He roused himself long enough to usher his guest out, and make sure Citrine cleared his schedule. Then he began again, with an emphasis upon how Leviathan had changed world shipping over the past decade.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Taylor flew back to Brockton Bay from Boston, her brain awhirl. "Okay, anyone have any immediate feedback for how I did with Accord?"

Trish immediately answered. "He's intrigued. He badly wants to be part of what you're doing, and have access to your resources, but isn't sure that he can trust you. The fact that Coil disappeared after being brought in can't be helping with that. I think with JARVIS coming in when he did, it's going to be enough to tip the balance in our favor."

Danny spoke next. "He's definitely hooked. Give him some line, then reel him in. He's going to join us. But he wants credit, not just to help with the knowledge that he's doing good."

"Okay, I can see that. It shouldn't be a problem. I can live with passing off some of the credit. There's more than enough to go around."

There was audible curiosity in Trish's voice as she asked, "Taylor, how did you know exactly how to act with Accord when you came in?"

"I treated him like Tony's memories suggested, based upon a cape in his own dimension, called the Mad Thinker. Both are very type-A personalities, although Accord might actually be worse. I also used your model for him, Tattletale."

There was satisfaction in Trish's voice as she said, "Good. Take that all of you people who believe that Thinker powers negate one another!"

"Yes, Miss Trish. Clearly you are at the top of your game. Bravo." Jarvis' voice was dry and full of an undertone of sarcasm.

"You're just jealous that you have to stay and talk to him. By the way, what's he asking you now?"

"Accord is asking about updated reports on wheat crops. He's also requesting additional information on your teleportation circles. Miss, might I suggest caution in allowing him too much access to such technology as he has shown a talent for creating traps so innovative that I fear he might succeed in getting one past me."

Taylor thought for a second, then said, "Don't worry about it, JARVIS. Even with his abilities, he won't be able to duplicate the technology with anything less than the lab facilities available at HTech. The required energy flows can only work as they do using certain exotic materials put together in a way that is anything but intuitive. Hell, if he can work out the math, he deserves to be able to use them for traps."

"Understood, Miss. Miss Trish, I'll see that you receive a complete report of what Accord requests from me by later today."

"Thanks, JARVIS. You're the best!"

"Yes. I'm a peach."

~~~Memories of Iron~~~


Taylor called out, "Dad, aren't you ready yet?"

She rolled her eyes at Trish, who looked amused. The newly blonde girl knew that she was nervous, more from having decided to present herself as Iron Man to her peers than having to tell Lady Photon that she was going to have to team up with some former Nazis. Hopefully, that is.

Her dad swept in, looking years younger now that the nannites had taken full effect. Even his hairline had stopped receding and had begun to fill back in, while any wrinkles on his face were a thing of the past. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he said, "I'm here, kiddo. Don't worry, we're not going to be late."

"Yeah? Tell that to Mr Clock over there."

Trish teased, "Well, you could always suit up and go on ahead. Personally, I think that's the only way Victoria Dallon is going to believe that you're Iron Man anyway."

Taylor laughed, then caught herself. "Be nice, Trish. Victoria's a sweet girl."

Sounding slightly cynical, Trish muttered, "I notice you didn't call her a sweet, smart girl."

"Now, children, no arguing. This is going to be a fun day for everyone. I don't want anything to mess this up, understood?"

Taylor nodded, while Trish grinned and said, "Very nice, Danny. Very dad-like."

Danny made a playful lunge, as if to ruffle both girls' hair, a move that was greeted with identical shrieks of dismay. Taylor noticed that the grin Trish now wore was so full of genuine good cheer that it made her earlier mood seem almost glum. It pinged something that she'd had at the back of her mind for some time now. She made a mental note to bring this up with Trish sooner rather than later.

"Okay, girls, let's go."

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Amy stood nervously chewing her lower lip. She'd cleared her entire day's schedule to be here, something which she would not have done for anything less than a visit from Iron Man in his civilian identity.

When her aunt had first brought up the BBQ as a possibility in order to get to know some people who worked with Iron Man, including Danny Hebert, the CEO of HTech, and his daughter, Taylor, Amy's reaction had been lackluster to say the least. Truthfully, she'd only planned to make a brief appearance before heading off to the hospital.

But finding out that Iron Man would be there for the first social occasion he'd yet to attend with all of them had been enough to change her mind about staying longer. Then to find out that he was actually attending in his civilian guise made it absolutely imperative she stay.

Not that Amy had any crazy ideas that she would be swept off her feet by the other. Despite her now vanquished feelings for her sister, she was still firmly in the girls' camp when it came to her likes. She was even considering coming out and telling her family about it. Only the thought of how Carol would react kept her from doing so. Somehow, she doubted it would be with open arms.

Off to one side, she saw Mark and Uncle Neil working the grill together in a companionable fashion. The steaks were sizzling on the grill, wonderful smells emanating from them. God, she hoped Mark got hers right, as she simply couldn't eat one with the slightest hint of red.

Mark, Amy had a hard time calling him her father, had been doing so much better the last few weeks. It almost seemed as if his depression had been completely cured. During one of the frequent check ups she gave him, she'd detected tiny machines in his body. They were present even in the deepest structures of his brain.

Somehow, the devices had straightened out Mark's brain chemistry, something which Amy refused to do, no matter the temptation. She had chosen to draw the line there, above all else. Or run the risk of becoming something more terrible and dangerous than anything the world had ever known.

Amy's introspection was interrupted by a stir inside where Aunt Sarah was waiting to welcome Iron Man. She'd refused to allow any of them inside with her as she didn't want anyone going fangirl, or fanboy in the case of her cousin Eric, over Iron Man.

She saw someone coming out the door with her aunt. The man, tall and slim and dressed in casual dockers and a button up shirt, had short brown hair and a warm smile. Two girls around her own age accompanied him, and Amy looked them over with a jaundiced eye.

The first was tall and slender with big eyes in a thin face. Her hair was a long curly brunette waterfall down her back. Lively brown eyes darted around, examining everything around her. She wore skinny jeans and a cute blue top that left part of her flat stomach bare.

The second had blonde hair in a golden shade that was unlikely to be natural reaching her shoulders. Shorter and curvier than the other girl, she was still very fit, something shown off by the skintight jeans and equally tight top she wore. Green eyes with a laser like focus checked her surroundings with a knowing look. Not her type, but without even thinking, Amy knew Eric would be talking to her later. Not that he'd likely get far.

Wait. What had Aunt Sarah just said?

"This is Danny Hebert and his daughter, Taylor, as well as their friend Trish. Well, I told you that Iron Man would come today in 'his' civilian identity. So, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Iron Man!"

What? Amy quickly pushed past her sister and cousins, and approached Danny Hebert. She immediately stuck out her hand. "Mr Hebert, Iron Man, I just wanted to say thank you for the use of your Psionic Dampener all those months ago in Canberra. That was amazing how you stood up to the Simurgh and drove her off. Thank you again."

Danny Hebert wore a look of bemusement as he shook Amy's hand, while the blonde girl, Trish, was quietly chuckling. What the hell? Amy sent her aunt a puzzled look, only to find her barely able to keep her laughter in, her eyes shining with mirth.

That was when the the skinny brunette girl, that Amy could now see was probably a year or two younger than herself, stepped forward, and quietly announced, "It's nice to meet you in my civilian identity. My name is Taylor Hebert, but you probably know me better as Iron Man."

The look she sent Amy was half-amused and half-apologetic. Then she stepped past her to say hello to the rest of the members of Next Wave.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Trish watched as Taylor met each and every one of the members of Next Wave, her manner easy and relaxed. It was clear to her that her friend was channeling Tony as she made what she was doing seem utterly effortless.

It was all Trish could do not to at least lightly needle Amy Dallon after the look she'd received that summed her up, then dismissed her. It was irritating to be dismissed so casually, whether because she wasn't attractive enough or another factor. But she'd promised Taylor to be on her best behavior. So needling Amy was out.

Besides, it was almost as fun just watching how the members of Next Wave reacted to finding out a fifteen-year-old girl was the heroic cape, Iron Man. Trish especially enjoyed the look on Carol Dallon's face as she struggled to contain her dismay, and utterly failed. The woman looked like she'd swallowed a lemon as she watched Taylor meet the others.

Both Mark Dallon and Neil Pelham reacted with a great deal more equanimity than did Carol, apparently taking her youthful appearance in stride. Still, it was the younger members of the group whose reactions were actually the most interesting.

Of course, there was Amy Dallon who had made the wrong, and utterly embarrassing assumption that Taylor's dad, Danny, was Iron Man. Next there was her sister, Victoria, who while not always doing the smart thing, seemed to understand the implications and crowded forward to shake Taylor's hand and welcome her.

Eric Pelham, who had been giving Trish the eye since she'd first walked in, and it hadn't taken use of her power to know exactly what he was thinking, was a bit more hesitant to come forward. He looked embarrassed, so add another to the Danny-Hebert-as-Iron-Man bandwagon.

Eric's sister, Crystal, on the other hand, seemed nice and likely a lot less impulsive than her cousin, Victoria, even if she shared the same good looks. Plus, the blue streaks in her blonde hair made her look both older and more edgy. She'd been polite and well-spoken when she'd shaken Taylor's hand.

Deciding that being on her best behavior meant that she should probably talk to Amy and reassure the other girl that her humorous mistake wouldn't offend Taylor, Trish walked over a few feet to stand next to the other girl.



Amy looked back at her, eyes questioning, then away. Trish didn't need her power to know that the other girl had issues. Deliberately, she pushed a little and got a flood of information.

Eyes downcast, body language negative. Doesn't believe that she is good enough to be a member of Next Wave. Doesn't believe she is a hero. Terrified of becoming a villain.

A villain? What the fuck? Trish probed further.

Mother, Carol Dallon, does not love her as her own child. Barely tolerates her. Rest of family considers her their own. Sister, Victoria, truly loves her. Person she trusts most. Was in love with her for years, until recently cured. Cured by Psionic Dampener.

Grateful to Iron Man. Believes he saved her from a fate worse than death. Terrified of what she might have done to sister in an effort to make her love her back.

Daughter of a villain. Adopted into Dallon family because her father was sent to the Birdcage. Her father is... Marquis. Cannot believe that the child of a villain can ever be anything else.

Is struggling to deal with healing others every day. Burning out very quickly. Borderline suicidal. Wants it to end.

Trish blinked slowly, not allowing any of the things she'd just read to register on her face. Amy Dallon's father was the villain known as Marquis. She was about to explode and no one had noticed. Not her family, not her friends, no one.

Well that was going to change, she decided. Call it a good deed. Call it redemption, remembering a boy with blonde hair and eyes as green as her own. Trish would do her damnedest to fix this. She glanced over at Carol Dallon, then grimaced. Fix them both.

Suddenly linking her arm in Amy's, Trish led her over to one side. Smiling gently at the other girl, who she now knew was on the ragged edge, she said, "You and I and Taylor are going to be the best of friends, Amy. Don't you worry a bit about anything from now on. You're among friends."

From the tremulous smile on the other girl's lips, she didn't really believe her. But she would. Trish would fix her and she knew that Taylor would help. And if it took helping Carol Dallon, too, for Amy to be truly well, she could do it. After all, wasn't that what they did?

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Carol felt her lips almost twist in a sneer, but somehow kept the expression from crossing her face. Her face might look a little wooden, but at least she wasn't allowing her true emotions out to scroll across her features. Or her tongue.

It seemed like she had spent the last twenty minutes since introductions began, biting her tongue. She'd bitten it when her sister had first introduced 'Iron Man', then again when Amy had gone up and repeated the same mistake that she'd already made in her own head, thinking that Danny Hebert was the armor wearing Tinker. Carol had bitten it yet again upon discovering that... child was actually the cape to whom her sister had tied the fortunes of the group that she had helped found.

How could Sarah had been so foolish, she wondered? Even if Taylor Hebert was every bit as smart as her reputation claimed, that didn't mean a girl that young was in any way qualified to lead a multinational team of Parahumans. That she had managed through some sleight of hand to eliminate Lung and the Slaughterhouse Nine didn't change Carol's mind one bit. Instead, it made her wonder even more if there was anything within the girl beyond a bloodthirsty sense for justice?

After all, the last thing that she wanted the group she'd founded a decade ago, made up of family members and predisposed to the ideals of cape responsibility, was for it to become some kind of hit squad. Carol would rather see it attached to the Protectorate than that. And her sister couldn't see it.

Nor, apparently, could her erstwhile daughter. Carol watched as Amy chatted with both Taylor Hebert and the other girl, someone named Trish, as if they were all the best of friends. The sight gnawed at her, making her feel raw, as if she'd lost a layer or two of skin, exposing her nerve endings.

She just wished there was a way to pull New Wave from the course that her sister and the others had set it upon. There had to be. Because if not, she wasn't sure she would make it.

In front of her, the blonde, Trish, had detached herself from Amy and Taylor Hebert and was making her way over toward her. Great, she thought, now I have to deal with this brat, too?

Once she arrived, Trish sat down across from her in one of the patio chairs. Smiling faintly, she asked, "So, Ms Dallon, why are you so against the idea of Next Wave?"

"What?" What the hell had this girl just asked her? Carol stared at Trish, wondering just what the girl was up to. Had Amy put her up to this? Or, perhaps, Taylor Hebert? It felt like a power play, and as an attorney, Carol had a great deal of experience with those.

"Would you like me to repeat the question?"

Carol stared at the girl through narrowed eyes. She consciously picked her words, "I am not against Next Wave."

"Huh. You could have fooled me. And after all of the arguments you made in your group meetings."

Carol started to rise, only to have Trish wave her back to her chair. "Relax, Amy didn't say anything about it. She didn't need to. It's written all over your face."

"So you what? Decided to just come over here, Miss..." Carol raised an interrogative brow.

There was an amused look in the blonde's eyes as she supplied, "Rogers. But you can call me Trish."

"So you just decided to come over here, Miss Rogers? Why would you do that? Worried that I might stop your boss' little take over?"

"No, I'm really not. There is so little chance that you could stop what is happening that it approaches zero. But just because you're powerless is no reason not to try to get you onboard. Every person has value."

"What?" What the fuck was this girl talking about, Carol wondered? She was just about to get up and go confront Taylor Hebert directly, when the girl answered her.

"It's something that a friend mentioned. Every person has value and deserves a second chance. Well, unless you're the Slaughterhouse Nine. But you're a good person. Mostly. I mean, you're a terrible mother, but that's not completely your fault."

Voice as cold as ice, Carol accused, "I suppose you are going to claim that Amy didn't say anything about that either?"

Trish shrugged. "She really didn't. She didn't need to. I can see it written on both of your faces. Every micro-expression. Every tiny shift of in your body language. You don't trust your adopted daughter. You certainly don't love her. Hell, you don't even like her much. You tolerate her for Victoria's sake, and because you promised your sister."

What the fuck? Then comprehension dawned. "You're a Thinker."

"Pretty much. I'm used to being the smartest person in any room that doesn't have Taylor in it. She's head and shoulders above me or anyone else. But I do okay. Especially in my specialty."

Her tone bitter, Carol asked, "What specialty? Causing problems for others?"

"Sometimes. Mostly not, these days. No, now I mostly try to fix problems. Take your daughter, Amy, for example."

"What about Amy?"

"She's on the ragged edge, so close to breaking that all it would take is just the right pressure to shatter her completely and remove an important piece from the board. One that we, humanity I mean, can't afford to lose. As her nominal parent, you're both oblivious and unconcerned with her welfare. After all, if she snapped, it would just prove that you were right from the beginning about taking her in. A kind of fuck you to the universe."

"I don't think I'm going to stay here and listen anymore." Carol started to get up, only to have the girl's smile turn truly nasty. She froze, wondering just what the other knew that she did not.

"I wouldn't, if I were you."

Slowly sinking back into her seat, ready to use her powers at a split second's notice, Carol asked, "Why not?"

"Because I could destroy your life with just a few well-placed words. I could pick your entire existence apart, pull every dirty little secret from the darkest corners of your psyche out into the light of day. When I was done even your real daughter, Victoria, wouldn't be able to look at you."

"What's to prevent me from stopping you from saying whatever would supposedly destroy my life?"

Trish shrugged, but there wasn't the slightest trace of fear in those cool green eyes. "Maybe nothing. Then again, maybe you'd be struck down by a cloaked drone before you could even begin to move. Regardless, you won't do it."

Carol was beginning to find the conversation surreal. One didn't expect to engage in a battle of wits with someone who acted like the worst of villains over what was supposed to be a lunch with new allies. Feeling a sense of almost despair, she asked, "Why not? If you're going to destroy my life, why shouldn't I take you down with me?"

Trish shook her head. "I didn't say I was going to destroy you. I said I could. But truthfully, I only want to help you. But it's going to be an uphill battle. Whatever thing you're holding onto from your past has fucked you up more than most of the people I talk with. Ahh, so you were kidnapped as a teenager. With your sister Sarah. Shit, you had to kill your abductor. You both did. That's crappy."

Carol hissed, "Stay the fuck out of my mind, you little bitch." Only the desire to maintain propriety in the face of almost any provocation kept her from screaming the words.

Far worse than the girl's words, was the calm empathy in those green eyes. The very lack of judgment slowly made Carol settle back into her chair, her pulse thundering. Trish quietly said, "My brother killed himself when I was fourteen. I never even knew something was wrong. But trying to find out caused me to trigger with a power that seeks answers, even to questions I haven't asked yet. My parents saw me as a meal ticket instead of their child, so I have some experience with shitty parenting."

The girl sighed. "I'd almost lost faith in people until I met Taylor and her dad. They're good people. Some of the best out there. Not perfect, but then who is?"

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Because we need you. We need everyone. And I find myself in the position of actually wanting to help people. It's a good feeling. So you can believe me when I say that I want to make things better for you."

"Why would I believe you? Iron Man controls this team now. I'm supposed to believe his puppet cares about bolstering his opposition?"

"You can believe what you want. But you're really no opposition. Taylor's beyond you. Beyond us both. She really is going to save the world. But something we've been talking about a lot is what is the point of saving the world if we don't save the people along the way? So I'm going to help you. Because as fucked up as Amy is, as brittle as she is, you're just as bad, or worse."

"I don't believe you. Or trust you."

Trish reached over and casually squeezed Carol's hand for just a moment, a move that pulled an unexpected surge of emotion from her. She's a Thinker, she planned it, was what her head said. But her heart took strength from the touch of another human being at a low moment in her life.

"That's fine. We'll just have to work on that."

For the rest of the BBQ, Carol had her own personal escort, one that she didn't really speak much to, but who refused to go away. Any time she tried to turn her attention to the real source of her problems, Taylor Hebert, Trish was there with gentle deflections and arguments that made her hesitate, then falter. It was the strangest family dinner she'd ever attended, and when it was over, she made her way home without even noticing what was happening around her.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

"So how did it go telling Sarah about the newest members of Next Wave?"

Taylor sighed. In a dry tone, she said, "Probably about as well as whatever you said to Carol."

"You noticed that?"

"Did I noticed that you were having a long, tense conversation with Amy's mother after you dropped her off with me after telling me to bolster her confidence? Why would I notice that?"

Trish grinned. "Brat."

Taylor replied, "Brattier."



They were both silent a moment, then Trish diffidently asked, "Taylor, when you first approached New Wave to ask them to join the HDI, did you know just how fucked up they all are?"

Taylor shrugged. "Not really. I mean, I knew there were issues in the Dallon household, JARVIS clued me into some of those, but I didn't know that they were as messed up as they turned out to be."

"Well, at least that's something."

"Besides, I had a pretty good idea that you would be both willing and able to help them."



"Kid Win's girlfriend."

Trish watched Taylor close her eyes. "That's a low blow."

"Truth hurts. Then you date a Ward."

Taylor called, "JARVIS, Trish is being mean to me. Can't you do something about that?"

"Miss, I prefer not to take sides on the issue of just how bitchy Miss Trish is versus your own aptitude for attracting the nerdier aspect of male Wards."

"I hate you both."

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Max sat upon an enormous throne made of razor sharp steel blades, many of them as thick as his thigh. All of them glittered in the lights from overhead. He wore a costume made of pieces of steel that he had created using his power. He was surrounded by the pomp and circumstance that was part and parcel of being the leader of Empire 88. On one side of his throne stood Brad, his arms crossed over his scarred chest, while on the other, Justin stood, his hands behind his back, his position almost one of parade rest.

Trusted men, but Max missed his Valkyries, more than even he had expected to. Not the least because as bed warmers, they were nothing less than spectacular. But the aching hole they left in Max's feelings of safety was far worse than any mere lack of sexual partners.

Staring out over the crowd, everything appeared as it should, as it had ever since the day he had vanquished the last pretender to the crown that Allfather had left up for grabs when he had perished. The vicious infighting back then had been far worse than any mere cape fight that Max had engaged in since.

He'd ruled Empire 88 ever since with an iron hand, and no matter how hard things had gotten, how near to the edge they'd come on certain occasions, he had never faltered. Never believed that he wouldn't, at some point, succeed in his quest for power.

Yesterday's events had shaken him. Not just Iron Man's threats and intimidations, or even the casual way in which he had countered all of Max's contingencies. No, it had been the way that the other cape had accepted the challenge, how convincing he had been in his absolute confidence that he would usurp the loyalty of Max's people. As if their long service with the Empire was merely a phase, one that they would outgrow to become something different and perhaps greater under the armored Tinker.

It was driving Max mad that he had yet to come up with a solid counter for the other Parahuman. More than anything else in the entire world, he wanted to grind Iron Man's face into the dirt and detritus upon the ground, after destroying every single thing the other cared about in the entire world. Because in far too many ways, the Tinker had already done it to him.

Max had depended upon his powers, his ability to extrude steel, for so long that the boy he'd once been seemed barely real to him anymore. He depended upon it for his self-image, for his personal authority, for the love and affection he'd received from those around him from his long dead father to his equally dead first wife. Even the men and women who followed him only did so because he played the strong, benevolent leader showing them a new tomorrow.

While Max prided himself on his self-control, something that all true men should have, it wasn't enough to lead his empire. Nor was the mind that saw past the surface of actions to the deeper motivations beneath. They were helpful, but in the end, simply not enough.

No, in the end, raw power, tempered by those other abilities, ruled Empire 88. It was at that aspect of himself that Iron Man had struck. He'd taken that strength, that safety, from Max, something that was an elemental aspect of who he was, and taunted him after doing so. It had ignited a fire within him that only the death of his first wife came close to equaling.

It was beyond ruthlessness. Beyond anger. It was nothing less that pure hatred that drove Max now. He wasn't even sure he'd choose his own survival over the death of the other, if he could only have one or the other. In some ways, that alarmed him, as he'd always been ruthlessly pragmatic throughout his entire life.

Was that true any longer? Perhaps. Perhaps not. There was a new world order happening and it was centered here in Brockton Bay. Somehow, Iron Man was at the epicenter of it, with his mad technology and utter ruthlessness. He had to be stopped. Even if it meant that Max paid the ultimate price.

Then the ruthless pragmatist once again resurfaced, pushing despair aside, something Max welcomed with open arms. There had to be a way to defeat the other. No one was so strong they were invincible. No man was an island. All had their vulnerabilities, if not within themselves, then with those that they loved. Momentarily, a picture of calm gray eyes in a heart-shaped face filled his mind, then he pushed it aside as the distraction it was.

To strike at Iron Man, one needed to first destroy those that he loved. Only then, when he was desolate, preoccupied by his own pain, could the death blow be struck. Perhaps, just perhaps, he would be able to depend upon his Trojan Horse to ferret out the other's secrets. If not, then he would need to do so himself, as the other had clearly ferreted out his own. Max frowned, remembering the other's casual use of his first name.

He would also need distractions, patsies through whom to work his will against the other cape. There were many potential enemies lurking nearby, other gangs that would see the elimination of Lung and the changes within the city as both a challenge and an opportunity. If Max made overtures to each as they approached his city, bringing them on board with information on the true nature of their enemy, he would be able to use them to strike the initial blows, while conserving his own pieces for later play.

Max's thoughts dwelt momentarily upon the Butcher and the Teeth, then upon the Fallen. Either or both would make effective distractions. Perhaps even the Dragonslayers might be persuaded to make an appearance. Or that group that called itself the Travelers that had been skirting the major population centers of the area as they eked out a threadbare living robbing the occasional bank.

Somehow, some way, Max would find a method to bring Iron Man down. Or he would die trying.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

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