

Mina swallowed the pit in her stomach as she looked at her phone. Neither of her partners had answered her yet. She was in a Commission transport vehicle along with Xeno King and all his sidekicks and several other heroes. They were en route to one of the five cities that were falling to the chaos of the prison breaks.


Xeno squeezed her should. "Focus up, Queen; this isn't the time to get distracted."


Mina put her phone away and nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry."


"It'll be ok. I'm sure they're both fine." Xeno said as the vehicle rolled to stop and the doors opened.


Mina focused her mind on what was in front of her. She needed to follow Xeno and get integrated into the situation. As they found the command center, the hero in charge quickly sent the more combat focus heroes to the front lines. The woman looked over a map of the city as she asked Mina. "what's your quirk, newbie?"


"Acid. I can secrete it from my whole body, and I can control the viscosity and the acidity of it." Mina said quickly, and the woman smiled.


"Fuck yeah. See that lady in the blue jumpsuit. Follow her; we need you to clear paths and help us get to trapped civilians."


Mina nodded and quickly ran off to introduce herself. The woman smiled and started to move as she talked, giving Mina a rundown of where they were headed. As they moved, they picked up a few other heroes. Some of them were taking breaks while others were just arriving.




Toru double-checked her costume as she, Flare, and StarBurst headed out of the agency. They were going to start making their way to one of the cities, but a flap of wings and red feathers made them pause.


Hawks landed in front of them and said. "Hagakure, you need to come with me right now."


"What?" Toru asked as StarBurst stepped up.


"Hawks, what are you doing? We need to get to the crisis now. You aren't a hero, so please go find shelter and stay safe."


Hawks ignored her and looked at Toru as he said. "It's about your power. The nomu that caused all this are coming for you."


"The nomu are coming for Prism? Why?" Flare asked as Hawks stepped around StarBurst.


"I can't say, but Nezu is certain they're coming for her. You two go help the situation. I'll get her to safety."


Star clicked her tongue and grabbed Hawks by his shirt collar. "Keep her safe, get it."


Hawks grinned. "I'm her teacher; of course, I will."


Once Flare and Star were out of earshot, Hawks said. "Look, don't ask how I know, but the nomu are coming for you because you got All Might's quirk, so grab on. We're getting you back to UA."


Toru couldn't even feel shocked by his words. Everything had been going fine today, and then suddenly, boom, shit hit the fan, and everyone's scrambling. "Wait, why UA? If all those nomu go there, so many people will be in danger."


Hawks grabbed her as he started to rise in the air. "Nezu is so proud of his security system; let's see him use it for once."


"No!" Toru shouted as they took off. "Take me somewhere abandoned. Somewhere far away from anyone!"


"What? That sounds like a really fucking stupid idea, kid." Hawks said as they flew over the city.


"I've been working on a move. If I can do it on a big scale, then I can deal with the nomu." Toru gripped Hawk's jacket as she said. "We can't put the other students in danger. If there's even a chance that UA's defenses won't hold the nomu back, then innocent people will get hurt and die!"


Hawks stared at her before groaning loudly. "Ugh fucking... I swear to god if this doesn't work!"


Toru took a shaky breath as she thought about what she was going to do. She had been training for so long to control her quirk and the power that One for All brought to it. "I hope this works."




Izuku gasped a bit as he woke up and looked around quickly, trying to take in his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was getting hit by the nomu. He realized he was in a hospital room fairly quickly and that it was somewhat crowded with injured civilians and heroes.


Izuku winced as he moved his left arm and saw that it was bound up in a cast. "At least I still have it."




Izuku jumped at Silence's sudden appearance. They looked tired as they sat down next to him. "You and Shatter were hurt. Both of you will live. Shade is helping around the hospital, and so am I. Rail went out to quell the villains and escaped convicts."


Izuku sighed a bit and winced. "If you can, I recommend staying here or getting back to UA. You're injured and shouldn't fight."


Izuku grunted as he got out of bed, making Silence sigh. "No. If things are bad here, it's going to spread. Other villains will take the opportunity to stir up trouble where the heroes aren't looking. I need to go out and fight. I can still take down punks even if my arm is broken."


As if on queue Izuku's phone rang. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and saw it was Nezu. "Sir."


"Ah, wonderful to hear your voice Midoriya. Send me your location. There's an operation that requires you and your mother."


Izuku smiled and walked off as Silence shook their head. "Of course, sir. What is it?"




"No," Midnight said firmly as she looked at Izuku, who was standing outside the hospital.


 She had arrived by helicopter along with several other heroes. Izuku huffed. "It's a broken arm. I can still use my quirk, and if we don't stop that big guy, he'll let the worst of the worst out of Tartarus."


"Don't care." Midnight said as she crossed her arms. "You are injured. You'll be a liability."


Izuku took a deep breath and stared his mother in the eyes. "Mom, I am fine. I promise I know my limits and will play it safe, but if I just sit here and do nothing while everyone else fights, I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself. We can't let people like All for One get free. I'm a hero; it's my job to protect people."


Midnight scowled before closing her eyes and scratching at her head. "Ugh fucking... fine, but I will be sticking close to you. Come on."


Izuku smiled. "Yes, ma'am."




"Prominence Burn!" Endeavor yelled as he fired off his biggest attack. The monster that is Gigantomachia didn't even slow down his charge. This was bad. He was heading straight for a city. "Gah, where the hell is Jeanist?!"


"He's putting down villains trying to incite a riot elsewhere," Nezu said. "The news coverage of the various crises have inspired villains to start running amok. I've got some more heroes headed your way, including Midnight and Hypno. Majestic's team should be arriving soon as well."


Endeavor growled as he fired off another blast of flames. The beast attempted to swat him out of the sky but Endeavor dodged it easily. "What is Ryukyu or the newbie Mt.Lady doing?"


"Ryukyu is busy taking down several flying villains. As for Mt.Lady, she and Kamui Woods are with Majestic."


Endeavor spotted the first chopper approaching. The doors opened, and Majestic jumped out and made several rings that the other heroes all boarded. As the helicopter peeled off, the heroes pushed forward. Mt.Lady was positioned right above the beast just out of his line of sight.


Endeavor quickly fell back to join the others as she jumped up and yelled. "Meteor Impact!"


Mt.Lady exploded in size as she brought her elbow down on Gigantomachia's head, driving it into the dirt. As the two giants slid to a stop, they tore up the forest and kicked up mounds of dirt. Majestic adjusted the course of his disk, and the heroes kept their distance waiting.


Gigantomachia roared as he tried to shove Mt.Lady off him as she attempted to pin him. "Kamui, get your wooden ass over here!"


Kamui quickly descended as he produced more and more branches to restrict the monster's movements. As he worked, Lizardly split off one of her eyes and had it start circling the area keeping an eye out for backup or would be third parties.


"Creati, we need something to subdue him!" Majestic said as Gigantomachia started to break through Kamui's quirk and push Mt.Lady off him.


Mt.Lady cried out as Gigantomachia's elbow connected with her face and split the skin above her eye. The moment Mt.Lady loosened her grip, the giant broke free and started running.


As Creati racked her brain for something to make, Endeavor tried to distract the beast while Mt.Lady sprinted after Giagantomachia. The sound of an approaching helicopter got Creati's attention, and when she saw Midnight and Hypno step onto one of Majestic's rings, an idea struck her. An anesthetic. If she made enough of it and they used it in conjunction with Midnight and Hypno's quirks, then maybe they could put the monster to sleep long enough for him to be secured.




The earpiece Hawks was wearing beeped as they flew, and Nezu's chipper voice came in. "Hawks, I have good news and bad news."


"Uh, what's the bad news?" Hawks asked, causing Toru to look up at him, not that he could tell.


"The bad news is that the satellite just confirmed that five of the twenty-two nomu split off from the pack and are headed towards the giant."


"Fuck, that's not good. What's the good news then?"


"The good news is that there are fewer nomu chasing you now. Though I have to wonder where you are going."


Hawks grumbled. "Hagakure said she can take care of the nomu. We're going somewhere abandoned."


Nezu hummed before saying. "I'll see if I can send some heroes your way though it will take some time. Please prioritize the survival of our student over the killing of nomu."


"I know, sir, but... with what All Might said and from what I've seen, I think she can take care of them, especially if they aren't trying to kill her." Hawks said before diving down towards a quarry. As he did, he sent his feathers out to confirm that no one was there.


As Hawks set Toru down, she looked around the high walls and said. "Get out of here, or you'll get hit by it."


Hawks didn't need to be told twice. He wasn't sure what his student was up to, but he'd have to trust her. Silently he hoped that Toru pulled it off flawlessly because if she didn't, and she got hurt, Himiko would probably kill him in his sleep.




Acid Queen panted as several other heroes pulled free the part of the wall she had cut up with her acid. They were on a street that was blocked off with rubble from a collapsed building. Civilians had been trapped inside, and the building was close to giving in completely.


Once free, the civilians cheered and thanked the heroes before following their escort back to safety. After resting for a moment, one of the heroes asked if Acid Queen could keep going.


As Acid Queen was about to nod, a voice cut through the air. "You!"


Acid Queen looked over to see a group of men and women blocking their exit, and right in the middle, a man stood with a scarred face and a spear of light in his hand. She recognized him as the fucker that scarred her arm and stabbed her. Acid Queen scoffed. "Oh great, the old folks got out of their home."


The man growled and threw the spear at Acid Queen, but it was intercepted by another hero whose hand glowed with faint blue energy. She crushed the spear, making it dissipate. "I'm guessing these are villains you've faced before."


Acid Queen nodded. "Members of a mutant hate group."


One of the heroes groaned but stepped up, and he said. "Alright, folks, let's calm down. If you surrender, your punishments won't get any worse. Just come quietly and-"


The man jumped back and avoided the razor-sharp blades that shot from one woman's finger. The man grunted and said. "Guess we're not ending this peacefully."




"Sir, we have incoming!" Lizardly shouted as Midnight, Creati, and Hypno flew in close to Gigantomachia's face on Majestic's rings.


"Endeavor!" Majestic shouted as the flaming hero shot past them, followed shortly by the six other heroes who had arrived with Midnight and Hypno.


As Endeavor and the others engaged, the nomu Creati and Kamui tried to pry Gigantomachia's mouth open while Mt.Lady held the beast in place.


Hypno directed some of his gas up and into one of Gigantomachia's eyes in an attempt to get him to scream or something. The beast closed his eye, and a deep roar seemed to billow from him, but the armor plate covering his mouth didn't move. Hypno cursed and did his best to help. Mt.Lady was losing ground slowly, and eventually, the monster would break past, and they were getting dangerously close to the outskirts of the city.


The evacuation was slow going due to all the chaos across Japan, and so they needed to stop Machia here and now. Nezu took that moment to come back to the comms as he said. "Sorry for the delay in reinforcements. It took longer than anticipated to quell the various villains up north. Miruko should be arriving shortly. I apologize that she is all we could bring to your aid."


A woman barked with laughter on the comms, and Hypno recognized it immediately as Miruko's usual laughter whenever she gave the rare interview. "You fucking kidding me, rat? I'm all they need!"


Hypno saw an explosion of dust and tree as Miruko bounded towards the nomu. Miruko jumped and spun faster and faster as she came down while shouting, "Luna Fall!"


Miruko's foot connected with the exposed brain of the nomu that was about to crush one of the other heroes. The momentum carried the nomu's head back and to the ground, where the force of impact from Miruko's foot caused its head to explode into a mess of brain matter and blood.


"Miruko help them with the giant. We can finish these monsters off." Endeavor ordered as he blasted the remaining nomu with fire so the other heroes could regroup.


The rabbit hero clicked her tongue. "Fine, these things are weak sauce anyways."


It took four powerful kicks for Miruko to end up right under Gigantomachia. She grinned and said. "The talking rat said you needed him to open up."


Miruko flexed her legs and bent low. "Well then. Let's see him keep his mouth shut when his stomach's about to shoot out of it."


Miruko shot up with her powerful legs, and as she ascended, she twisted her body and pointed her feet up. They connected with Giagantomachia's stomach, and a satisfying and horrifying crunching noise echoed through the forest.


The beast grunted and roared in pain as his armored faceplate dropped. Seeing their moment, Creati shouted. "Now!"


Kamui did his best to jam as much wood into Gigantomacia's jaw as he could to keep him from shutting his mouth again while Creati half formed a nozzle and directed the aesthetic she was producing through it and straight into the beast mouth.


Right next to her, Hypno swirled his gas around himself and Midnight before firing a column of their mixed quirks down the monster's throat. As Giagntomachia tried to push Mt.Lady off him, his leg gave out as Mirkuo delivered a volley of kicks to the side of his knee.


Majestic pulled the heroes back as Mt. Lady pinned Gigantomachia to the ground. The monster snapped the wood keeping his mouth open and closed it, but it was too late. His movements were slowing, and as he started to lose power in his struggle, Miruko ran back to assist with the remaining nomu.




 Acid Queen grunted as she decked the last prisoner across the face, knocking them out. She looked over, and her heart ached, seeing the still body of one of the other heroes they had died taking a hit aimed at someone else. It was Acid Queen's first time seeing a dead body, but the exhaustion and tension of the day seemed to mute the experience. She couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.


Several of the heroes were injured and tending to their wounds. Those who weren't injured were restraining the villains and keeping watch for any other attacks while they waited for transport and replacement forces. The hero that Acid Queen had joined up with initially walked up and put her hand on Queen's shoulder. "Acid Queen, head back to command and take a break when the replacement forces get here."


Acid Queen took a deep breath and said. "I can keep going."


The woman smiled. "You're what in your second year of school? Don't overestimate yourself. Go take a breather and once you've got some energy back, get back out there. There will still be plenty of work for you, and besides, you've seen the other heroes taking breaks. Learn from their example and don't overextend."


Acid Queen sighed and felt her strength start to leave her. She was feeling kinda exhausted from melting so much rubble and fighting. "Understood, ma'am."


"Good." the woman said before squeezing her shoulder and walking off to make sure the others were ok.




Prism took a shaky breath as she looked around the opening of the quarry. Seventeen nomu surrounded her and started to make their way into the quarry. She needed them as close as possible before she activated her quirk. The less time they had to react, the better.


As the nomu crept closer and closer, Prism started to power up. She fluctuated the light around her and through her body as she built energy. She had done this on a small scale during training, sure, and simply upping the scale was such a simple thing to say, but often it turned out to be harder to pull off than one thought.


The nomu seemed to sense the shift in Prism as she built up more and more energy. They shifted from foot to foot and let out low growls. She clicked her tongue as she thought. 'When did they get smart? They're supposed to be stupid monsters that rush at anything and everything that's alive.'


The nomu seemed to silently come to a decision as they suddenly rushed Prism, hoping to overwhelm her before she could fire off whatever it was that she was planning. Too bad for them; she had already reached the power she needed.


As the nomu closed in and their shadows were cast over Prism, she whispered to herself. "One for All one hundred percent. Supernova."


Hawks' feathers twitched, and at the last second, he dived straight down. As he descended, he saw several of his feathers were on fire and had been cut in half. Hawks quickly scanned the skies and saw nothing but his feathers twitched and vibrated. He could feel it.


Hawks looked at the edge of the quarry, and his breath caught as he watched the stone start to turn red with heat. At that moment, he remembered reading in Toru's file that she purposely mixed colored light into her lasers for the benefit of her own aim and others' safety.


Whatever she was doing was on an entirely different level from what she showed off during class, and the sixth sense Hawks had developed from years of training and experience was the only thing that kept him from being caught in the initial blast. He could feel that it was still going, and as the seconds dragged on, he wondered why she hadn't stopped yet.


Prism bit back a curse as her entire body felt like it was on fire. Supernova was a move where she would fire a laser out in every direction from her whole body. It took her total concentration and exhausted her even at lower levels. On top of that, this was her first attempt at using one hundred percent, and it felt like every part of her body was sunburned and dipped in lemon juice.


She could feel her consciousness slipping as she watched nomu scramble back and scream in agony as their bodies disintegrated and burned. They were regenerating, but it was losing battle. Prism just needed to outlast them. She was going to be the future number one hero. If she couldn't kill a few nomu, then what kinda future would Japan have?


Prism screamed as she poured every last ounce of energy into killing the monsters. With a final pitiful scream, the nomu were reduced to ash which was burned away by the sheer force of Prism's power. Once she was reasonably sure they were all dead, Prism cut the attack and started to fall. Her power was spent, and her body was suffering the blowback. The darkness of unconsciousness took her quickly.


Hawks felt the tingle in his wings stop and quickly flew over to the quarry and shielded his face from the heat. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. All the buildings and equipment were slag, the piles of sand and gravel had been reduced to molten piles of glass, and the quarry walls glowed with heat. Thanks to his training, he was able to tell where Prism was lying. He quickly swooped down to grab her and swore when he felt how hot her body was.


 "Damn it, kid. Hold on, alright. I'll get you some help." Hawks muttered as he ignored the searing pain in his feet and arms. His wings flapped, and he flew as gently and as quickly as he could towards the best hospital in Japan as he prayed that his student would be ok.


ok, so usually when I write I feel like I need to take a break for a day or two between posting a chapter and starting a new one. then it usually takes me a few days to write up a chapter. these last three chapters though I have just felt the urge and drive to keep writing one after another. it's been really fun and I've been waiting a good while to write the supernova part. it's one of the more minor reasons for me continuing Hypno past the cultural festival.

I have a question for you all. I would love your participation. what do you like most about my work? what about my writing do you think has improved the most since Hypno started and what do you think I need to work on?

thank you for reading and to those who comment thank you for your help.

we're nearing the end. a few more chapters to go.

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