

At the Shie Hassaikai mansion Yakuza were being led out in handcuffs one right after the other by police. After the parade of Yakuza ended Nighteye along with the other heroes could be seen coming out of the door. All the heroes were covered in filth from having to destroy so many clones. In addition to the smears and gunk on their suits they were covered in wounds from light scratches to bruises. Kirishima in particular was very rough with the skin on his arms torn open and bleeding.

Fatgum was in his skinny form having burned through all his fat. His jacket was torn open revealing his bruised abs. At his side Aizawa was leaning against Shinso his eyes were bloodshot to the point the sclera of his eye were more red than white. He was panting as he dropped numerous eyedrops into his eyes. At his side Shinso's suit was torn open and the voice modulator around his neck was cracked and dented.

Nighteye was breathing heavily as he supported himself against the doorjamb. The jacket of his suit was nothing more than rags revealing a messy dress shirt underneath. Nighteye took off his cracked glasses and put them in his pocket before pulling a sturdy looking case from what remained of his coat pocket and produced a flawless replica of his now ruined glasses and put them on. The case containing these glasses was made of an incredibly hard plastic while the inside was insulated with Kevlar and gel. Needless to say any glasses contained within were safe from harm.

As Nighteye put on his glasses a pillar of green light shot up into the sky. He along with everyone else stared at it. From where Kirishima was getting patched up he found himself smiling. He wasn't sure how, but he knew without a shadow of a doubt that light had something to do with Izuku and everything was alright.

Nighteye looked to the heroes around him. "Everyone don't get complacent. This was only the first phase of the operation. Any uninjured heroes or officers head to the hospital we need to make sure both phases were successful. Move out!" Nighteye said as he headed for a squad car followed by Bubble Girl.

"Sir don't you think you should rest and let the others go on ahead?" Bubble Girl asked as Nighteye shook his head.

"This was my operation Kaoruko. I can't rest until I know everyone is safe. It's the least I can do as a leader. I asked these people to put their lives on the line it's only natural for me to push myself harder. A Leader should always be at the front of the line." Nighteye said as Bubble Girl sighed. There was no changing Nighteye's mind, so the most she could do was make sure he didn't pass out and fall on his face.

At the hospital the pillar of green flame had dispersed sending heat in all directions as smoke and dust began to settle. All the heroes moved from their places of cover and looked at what had happened. Surprisingly there was little wide range damage most of the damage was in and centered around the crater in the middle of the hospital parking lot. Everything metal in the vicinity was now drooping down in its molten form steadily cooling as the glow grew dim. Even the police cars around were definitely too hot to go near some even had melted tires as they sat on their bellies. As the smoke and dust began to clear the pros began to approach the crater.

Inside the crater they saw two figures one was hunched over the other before suddenly standing up straight. This figure was revealed to be Izuku Midoriya and at his feet was Overhaul. The villain was unconscious and his entire body was burned. The skin was red and charred with blisters appearing on his skin. Blood oozed from Chisaki's crisp flesh steaming as it fell to the heated pavement giving off random hisses. There was a slight rise and fall of Chisaki's chest, which was nearly imperceptible. It was like watching a candle guttering in the wind just knowing it was going to go out at any second.

Izuku looked up at the heroes gathered at the edge of the crater. "We should get him help." Izuku said as he fell against the side of the crater. He was completely drained. He hadn't needed to use one hundred percent of his strength since his fight with All for One even though he wasn't really in control then. His body hurt and his right arm stung, but other than being completely exhausted he was fine. He coughed feeling his dry throat. He needed something to drink.

As Izuku sat there he looked at Overhaul's unconscious form. He'd gone full power against him, and yet Overhaul had survived. He didn't know how exactly maybe he'd unconciously dialed the power back at the last second or since Chisaki was basically covered in a stone suit his power hadn't hit him as hard as it would have or maybe it just spoke to Chisaki's determination to see his dreams through to the end.

As Izuku sat there pondering he watched as the earth began to move lifting Chisaki up to the edge of the crater where he was quickly put onto a stretcher. Izuku watched him go before he felt himself being lifted up. He looked around to see the Pussycats, Miruko, as well as Ochaco and Tsu. As he stepped off the earth platform that Pixiebob had lifted him with he felt something thud into his waist and lock him in a death grip.

Izuku looked down and saw a mess of silver hair and a little horn picking out from it. He smiled as he rubbed that silken hair as he felt something dampen his pantleg as Eri Shuddered against him. Izuku pushed her back so he could kneel in front of her and look her in the eye. Eri repeatedly wiped her eyes of tears only for more to immediately replace them. The little girl was fighting a battle against a storm of emotions and she was not winning.

"Eri you're safe now. I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." He said as Eri once again wrapped him in a hug using every ounce of strength her body could muster. Izuku picked her up and smiled at everyone there. "Before you guys say anything I just want to thank you so much for helping me. I know without a doubt that I wouldn't have been able to do this without you." He said as everyone there smiled at him. Tiger gave a thumbs up.

"I told you we'd pay you back for everything kid." He said pounding his chest proudly.

"Yup, yup now I can say this with no worry. Thanks for saving me in the forest back then." Ragdoll said with a bow.

"I'm just glad we could help you're very special to me, I mean to all of us Kota especially!" Mandalay said waving off her slip up. From her side Pixiebob smiled and gave a V for victory.

"Yeah you call and I'll come running Izuku." Pixiebob said with a wink that made the young hero blush. Miruko cast an eye from the Pussycats to Izuku something was going on behind those ruby eyes, but Izuku wasn't sure what it was.

"This was probably one of my best workouts so I'll call us even." Miruko said stretching a little emphasizing her bust as she did so before her ears flicked. "Oh here comes the cavalry." She said as sirens could be heard in the distance. Izuku just smiled as he took a seat on the ground. Truth be told he could hardly stand anymore his legs felt like jelly and his arms were like two bars of lead at his side. He just wanted to get somewhere and sleep for a week.

From their perch several buildings away Twice, and Toga looked at the crowd of heroes and saw Overhaul's crispy body be taken away. Toga flipped out her phone and dialed a number. "Hey boss man it's over." She said before pausing and then speaking again. "Yeah he's being taken away right now. I think he's still alive, but Izuku did a number on him. He looks like charcoal!" Toga said with a bright laugh. She paused her giggling to listen to Shigaraki and nodded again.

"Aye-aye sir we'll be heading there right now! Bye-bye!" She said in a chipper voice as she hung up and stood up dusting off her skirt as she turned to Twice. "Shigi says we should head back to base." She said as Twice stretched.

"Yup sounds good to me. Fuck that let's paint the town red!" He shouted contradicting his earlier sentiment as the two villains ducked into the stairwell. "Do you think we should have gotten the girl when we had the chance?" Twice asked as Toga shrugged.

"Nah it wasn't worth it besides Shigaraki never said anything about it so he's probably not too interested in her." Toga said with a shrug as she skipped down the stairs followed by Twice.

Nighteye and the other heroes arrived to see the result of the hospital battle and seeing that Eri was still in their custody as well as no casualties along with the capture of the Shie Hassaikai boss the operation was dubbed an overwhelming success. Everyone was debriefed and released while Eri was moved to another hospital accompanied by Izuku. There would be a meeting as to what should be done with the young girl. Her only living relative was in a coma that he may never wake from, not to mention her quirk was incredibly dangerous and she had little control over it. This would all lead to a very long discussion at a later date.

It was during this time that Overhaul was being taken to a prison hospital ward. He was being transported in a SWAT van and accompanied by several squad cars. There was nowhere for him to escape to not that he could. He had barely regained consciousness not too long ago. He was heavily drugged not only to deter any escape, but to keep the pain from his severe burns at bay. Even through all the drugs Overhaul's eyes were clear and present when they should have been staring off into space scratch that he should be unconscious.

As the caravan continued onto the highway that had been shut down to only allow the caravan through. They weren't taking any risks with this. Overhaul may be out of commission right now, but that isn't to say that he might not have other forces to stage a rescue of their boss. As this thought hung over the collective heads of the officers involved the driver of the police car directly in front of the armored van spotted figures on the road in front of them.

"Heads up everybody we might have some trouble at twelve o clock." The driver said over the radio as he began to slow down only to have another voice come over the radio.

"Whoever they are doesn't matter. You heard our orders no stop no matter what. No one is supposed to be on this route so they will either get out of the way or be run down. Do. Not. Stop!" was shouted over the radio as the driver at the wheel looked at his partner sitting in the passenger seat and nodded as he sped back up. Every officer braced themselves as they moved steadily towards the three figures. Each cop was tense as they knew what would happen if these people didn't move.

"They're not slowing down." Dabi said as he stood to the right of Shigaraki who smiled.

"Guess we should give them a reason to." Shigaraki said holding out his hand before looking at Dabi. "Care to lend me a hand?" He asked as Dabi shrugged not really sure what Shigaraki had planned but did as asked blasting forth a gout of flame that was then blasted by Shigaraki's Air cannon. The flames swirled around the cavern of air as they were snatched forward and slammed into the first police car.

From Shigaraki's left Mr. Compress clapped his hands as a dull ring of metal hung in the air. Mr. Compress wasn't used to his prosthetic in fact every time he looked at it anger rose inside him like magma bubbling up a volcano ready to erupt. Compress didn't think of himself as an angry man not every performance was perfect it was nothing to get upset about or hold a grudge over, but this. This arm was a constant reminder of that pain. Mr. Compress clenched his robotic hand in thought.

In the lead squad car there was no time to react as the car was engulfed in brilliant blue flames before exploding backwards into the armored van cracking the bullet proof windshield and denting the metal, but even an explosion like that at such close range could not stop the van as it plowed through the fireball and kept moving. In the back of the van everything was jostled around by the impact, but after a quick look they made sure that Overhaul was still secure. "That's it!" A man said as the passenger window was opened and sand flowed out of it becoming a man standing on the roof of the car. "This is the end for you villains!" The Sand Hero: Snatch shouted as he created small bullets of sand and shot them out at the three figures standing there.

The sand was enveloped by a wall of blue flame as Shigaraki walked forward towards the incoming cars. Dabi's blue flames dispersed revealing Snatch right there as he slammed a fist into Dabi's gut. The young man coughed flying back as he drug his fingers across Snatch's punching arm heating the sand there and turning it into glass. Snatch hissed as he looked at his burned arm. Dabi stumbled backwards as he looked at Snatch.

"Looks like I'm just the wrong opponent for you old man. Heat turns sand to glass." Dabi stated as he blasted a massive wave of fire towards Snatch engulfing the hero in it. As the fire passed a glass statue of Snatch with a horrified looks on its face stood there.

"Now that my good Dabi is quite the magic trick turning a man into a statue after a wave of flame." Mr. Compress said before taking his cane and slamming it into the stomach of the statue shattering it upon impact and spraying the dead hero's corpse across the roadway. "And now I've made him…disappear!" Mr. Compress said bowing.

Shigaraki stopped as the armored car barreled towards him. He raised his arm and spoke. "Springlike Limbs, Impact Recoil." At that moment the armored van slammed into Shigaraki's palm everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. The Van pressed against his palm before it caved in and was forced backwards. The cruiser behind the armored vehicle slammed into the back of the van before the van was thrust backwards caving in the front of the car and crushing the two cops within as the two vehicles flew backwards.

The police cars that had been on the sides of the van slammed on the brakes skidding across the asphalt before rolling down their windows and opening fire on Shigaraki. The bullets much like the van barely touched Shigaraki before bouncing off and scattering everywhere some of them bouncing off and killing the person who fired them. The officers ducked down behind their doors as the bullets they fired peppered their vehicles.

"No more hide and seek." Shigaraki said as he held out both his hands and suddenly two of the officers appeared in masses of gray liquid their necks falling into Shigaraki's palms. Their partners watched as the officers' necks began to crack and turn gray pieces of flesh fell from them like shale as the skin fell away revealing muscles which in turn fell to reveal bone that crumbled and broke apart. Shigaraki had decapitated the two officers with his bare hands. Their bodies fell to the ground leaking blood onto the street.

"You monster!" Shouted one cop as he got out of the car only to fall to the ground seeing that his leg was now gone courtesy of Mr. Compress as he rolled a blue marble across the back of his fingers..

"Please stay put there's no audience participation necessary." He said as he raised his cane and slammed it down on the man's head spraying blood and brain across the pavement. "Oh dear I honestly only meant to knock him out. I still have to get used to this prosthetic." Mr. Compress said working the shoulder of his robotic arm as Dabi walked past him casting a blue eye to the final officer who was hunched down against the inside of the car door.

He was a young man and visibly frightened as he shook on the floorboards of the car. He then locked eyes with Dabi and seeing no other option than a brutal death at the hands of these mad men he took the easier way out and jammed his gun under his chin and pulled the trigger.

Dabi watched this impassively as the blood and viscera painted the inside of the car before turning to Shigaraki. "I hope you didn't want any of them alive." He said as Shigaraki shrugged.

"Not really. Alive or dead they're not what we're here for." He said as he moved to the armored van. The metal of the front and back of the van was gnarled and impacted. The back doors of the van were far too mangled to be opened normally, but that was not a hindrance to Shigaraki as he placed his hand against them where they joined at the lock and activated his quirk.

Dabi and Mr. Compress expected to be there for a few minutes at least this wasn't your average metal. This van was meant to be able to take anything short of tank fire, but the moment Shigaraki activated his quirk the entire thing fell apart in a shower of rust depositing everyone within onto the street in a pile of rust.

Overhaul was still strapped to his gurney and an officer after having gained his bearings grabbed hold of the gurney and stood above it with his gun aimed right at Overhaul's head. "Don't you take another fucking step! If you do your boss' head is going to be splattered all over the road!" The other cops who had been guarding Overhaul were lying in the pile of. The two impacts at the front and back of the van had killed some of them the others were unconscious. This man was skilled, lucky or rather unlucky because he was now in opposition to the villains who stood in front of him.

Shigaraki stared at the man blankly as Dabi slowly raised his hand. The cop spotted this and cocked his gun before pressing it against Overhaul's temple. "Just try it you freak. You think you can kill me before I blow his brains out!?" He asked heatedly before feeling something pierce his chest. From Shigaraki's coat pocket a red and black finger had pierced the officer's chest. From his left Mr. Compress openly clapped.

"Magic is simply misdirection my dear boy and you fell for it perfectly." Mr. Compress said before Shigaraki flung the man from the van and over the side of the street. A sickening thud could be faintly heard. Shigaraki grabbed hold of Overhaul's gurney making sure to keep his thumb away from it lest he corrode the entire bed.

Overhaul hissed as sunlight pierced his eyes and the jostling of his freshly burned body. "Oh I'm sorry did that hurt?" Shigaraki said before rifling through Overhaul's coat and finding a charred and empty case. "So you don't have them anymore. Well that's alright they would have only been a bonus. You're the real catch." Shigaraki said and flicked Overhaul's head.

"You look like a burnt piece of bacon. Izuku Midoriya did this to you? What do you think Dabi? You're our resident Pyro." Shigaraki said as Dabi crossed his arms and hissed annoyed.

"His fire's not as hot as mine. He would have been ashes if I'd done it." Dabi said as Shigaraki chuckled.

"Is that a hint of pride I see. Color me impressed." Shigaraki said before roughly grabbing Overhaul's left shoulder. The former Yakuza boss growled in pain at having his burned flesh grabbed, but then he started moaning and hissing as he watched his flesh begin to decay, but even more than that. He felt as if something was being drawn out of him.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Overhaul asked twisting and shifting trying to get away from Shigaraki's grip, but to no avail as his flesh died before his eyes.

"Oh nothing much just taking your quirk." Shigaraki said blandly as if he was doing nothing more than taking Overhaul's temperature. "You see I don't think its right for someone who wants all quirks gone to keep his. It's a bit hypocritical wouldn't you say?" Shigaraki said having finally taken Overhaul's as well as the two other quirks from the people he'd combined with. "Wow a three for one special. Lucky!" Shigaraki said before standing up and turning to Mr. Compress. "Take off your arm." He said.

Compress looked at Shigaraki for a moment before doing as he was asked. Shigaraki undid the straps holding Overhaul's arm and lifted it up before taking out a knife and severing the arm from Overhaul's decayed shoulder. The Yakuza made no sound even as pain ripped through him. It was muted by the shock that he was now quirkless and Shigaraki had done this to him. The person he thought as a simple man child had out maneuvered and now destroyed him.

Shigaraki grabbed hold of Mr. Compress' shoulder and the severed arm before activating the Overhaul quirk. Overhaul's arm burst into a swarm of red mist and chunks of flesh that then flew towards Mr. Compress' stump reforming into a perfectly fine left arm. Behind his mask Mr. Compress' eyes widened as he looked at the perfectly functioning arm. It felt like his own arm, but it was clearly Overhaul's. Still the soreness from his stump was gone and he could feel the air and the sunlight on his arm again.

"I told you I'd have you pay us back for Compress' arm. Consider that debt paid in full. Sorry no receipt. Now I want you sit there until the cops come and when they throw you in jail make sure to watch the news, because you'll have a front row seat to how the League of Villains will turn this world on its head. The dream you worked so hard for will never come true, and you'll be forced to watch as my dreams become your reality. How does that feel false King Overhaul?! I hope you enjoy the show as you cradle your paper crown!" Shigaraki shouted as he, Dabi, and Mr. Compress walked through a portal.

Left alone and bleeding on the street all Overhaul could do was let the tears flow down his face as he released a painful wail into the sky.

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