

Bakugou and Todoroki walked into the gym seeing Cementoss' handiwork recently refreshed and up for a beating. Bakugou began stretching drawing one arm across the other as Todoroki did the same. "You've been spending a lot of time here recently. Nearly every day, I hope you haven't lapsed on your homework." Todoroki said as Bakugou popped his head and looked at the dual quirk user.

"Why the fuck do you care? Why are you asking about my goddamn homework mind your business Icy Hot!" Bakugou fired back as Todoroki looked at him impassively not even remotely fazed by Bakugou's outburst.

"The gap between Izuku and us is growing. You must be anxious." Todoroki said as Bakugou stood up straight.

"Listen Icy Hot the only gap between me and Izuku is the one I'm making!" Bakugou shouted as he cracked his knuckles.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of us feel that way. Izuku's out there right now helping people while we're here. It gnaws at me knowing that." Todoroki continued on as if Bakugou hadn't spoken.

"Shut up I'm not here to have some fucking heart to heart with you. I'm here to beat you to a pulp!" Bakugou shouted as he exploded towards Todoroki hand outstretched to blast Todoroki in the face only to have to use that explosion to narrowly avoid a pillar of ice to the face. Bakugou landed on his feet to the side of Todoroki before drawing his hand across the ground and creating an explosion of shrapnel and smoke that Todoroki blocked with ice. This proved to be a mistake since the shield blocked Todoroki's vision Bakugou came from above and blasted downward blowing Todoroki's ice shield away as the two tone boy was thrown back sliding across the floor as Bakugou blasted through the air towards him.

"I know you've got more than this Icy Hot don't fucking hold back on me! I want everything you gave Izuku at the sports festival!" Bakugou shouted as he got in range and threw out a kick that Todoroki ducked under and created a pillar of ice slamming Bakugou into the air. The blonde boy coughed as the wind was knocked from him before blasting through the ice pillar shattering the top. "Still using only Ice that's not good enou-!" Bakugou's eyes widened as a spiral of flame shot towards him.

"Be careful what you ask for Bakugou." Todoroki said with a smirk. Bakugou held his left hand to his other forming a tight ring on his right palm that he forced an explosion through.

"AP Shot!" Shouted the blonde as his focused explosion punched through Todoroki's fire opening a hole straight to the boy of ice and fire. Bakugou smiled as he blasted himself towards Todoroki flying through the air towards him and released a large explosion that the ice user avoided by traveling across an ice slide and circled the blonde shooting off gouts of flame periodically that Bakugou blocked with his explosions. Todoroki's ice spiraled around the room until he reached the top of the gym.

"I've been thinking of a new Super Move Bakugou I hope you don't mind me testing it out on you." Shoto said as Bakugou looked up at him from the ground and the massive spiral of ice he was surrounded by.

"Bring it Icy Hot I can take whatever you've got!" Bakugou shouted as he spun on his heel propelling himself with explosions upwards in a large spiraling explosion straight at Todoroki. "HOWITZER IMPACT!" Bakugou shouted while in direct contrast Shoto spoke the name of his super move calmly.

"Flash Freeze Heatwave." Todoroki sent a massive blast of fire down into the spiral of ice. The cold air exploded with brilliant intensity as the two moves impacted.

At Heights Alliance class 1-A was talking about Izuku's reappearance when the dorm was rocked by a heavy tremor. "Is that an earthquake?" Kirishima asked as Mineta clung onto the red haired boy.

"Kirishima protect me with your rock hard body! No homo obviously!" Mineta shouted as Kirishima looked from the purple haired teen to the window and saw a rising pillar of smoke coming from the gym

"Dammit Bakugou." Kirishima said before taking off quickly followed by the rest of the class.

The teens arrived to see a massive hole blown in the roof of the gym as well as all the windows bwing shattered. Several staff members were standing at the entrance and kneeling before them was Todoroki and Bakugou freshly healed by Recovery girl as Eraserhead's red glowing eyes stared down at the two boys. "Does either of you want to tell me how exactly a simple sparring match led to this!" Growled Eraserhead as he glared at the two boys.

"I didn't think to restrain my power. I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa." Shoto said as Bakugou's eye twitched.

"Hold the fuck up are you saying your attack was stronger than mine and you did all this? Fuck that! I blew everything up. I'm just too strong!" Shouted Bakugou as Eraserhead's scarf wrapped around the two.

"You two are to remain at the dorm until school starts. You're not even allowed to go to the cafeteria. Iida, Yaoyorozu have their meals brought to them." Aizawa said as Iida saluted.

"Yes sir Mr. Aizawa sir!" Momo sighed holding a hand to her head.

"Yes sensei." She said resigning herself to the task Iida would have it no other way she was sure. Aizawa turned back to the two boys.

"Also you two are banned from all gyms for a month starting when this gym is repaired. Is that clear?" Aizawa said as both boys nodded.

"Yes sir Mr. Aizwa." The two said in unison.

Izuku stood next to Gran Torino and Tsukauchi as they looked over the large footprint he'd found. "I'm no expert, but this looks like a human foot." Gran Torino said as Tsukauchi nodded. He'd called all his men in and they were currently making a mold of the print.

"It's huge though. I have a hard time thinking that a man this large could hide out here without a single person spotting it." Izuku rubbed his chin.

"Maybe it was spotted, but chalked up to something else. An Oni perhaps, or Sasquatch?" Izuku asked looking at the two older males and then blushed. "I-I mean it could be right?" Izuku questioned as Gran Torino sighed.

"Cryptids aside do you think this is what Kurogiri might be after? Something this large would definitely be a threat, and in the hands of Shigaraki that makes it even worse." Gran Torino said as Tsukauchi clutched his head.

"You're right we can't let something like that roam free let alone fall into the hands of the League of Villains. I hope you two didn't have any plans for the next few days. Now that we know at least some of what Kurogiri might be hunting for I think it best if we pour all our time into combing these woods. Time is of the essence." Tsukauchi said as Gran Torino and Izuku nodded.

"I've never been camping before." Izuku said with a smile as Gran Torino rolled his eyes.

"Seen one forest you've seen them all, and don't think you can slack off out here boy. I've got my eye on you." Gran Torino said shaking his fist at Izuku who smiled at the reprimand. After spending some time with Gran Torino Izuku was able to see that the man's gruff exterior was a cover for his caring nature.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Gran Torino." Izuku said as the older man crossed his arms and huffed.

Kurogiri came back to the hideout with a disappointed Toga. For the past few days he'd been taking Toga to various places near Gran Torino's last known location, but the elderly hero was nowhere around and if he wasn't there that meant that the object of Toga's obsession wasn't there either. The blonde was in a fit about this Kurogiri had to stop her several times from just murdering some random person to vent her anger.

This arrangement was part of the deal he'd struck with Toga. After her adamant refusal to do as Kurogiri said the gaseous villain had compromised. He would give Toga four days' time in which he'd take her wherever she wanted to go in search of Izuku Midoriya, but once that time was up she would no longer pursue the boy until after Shigaraki's return. The blonde had agreed readily, but that haste had gotten her into this predicament. "No fair Kurogiri NO FAIR!" She shouted as Kurogiri sighed.

"I did as we agreed Toga that was the deal now abide by it." Personally Kurogiri was relieved they hadn't found Midoriya that meant they didn't run into Gran Torino. Kurogiri didn't know much about the aged hero, but if All for One said the man was a threat comparable to All Might then that was good enough for Kurogiri. "Now that our little field trip is over I have important business to attend to." Kurogiri said preparing to warp away.

"And what exactly is this important business?" Spinner said walking in with crossed arms. Kurogiri turned to face the lizard man.

"All you need to know is that it is important and will help us achieve Shigaraki's goal." Kurogiri said as Spinner stepped closer.

"We've been sitting here for more than a month with our thumbs up our asses. Our boss is gone to who knows where, and you're in and out of here like a revolving door. I came here to realize Stain's ideals not sit on my ass." Spinner said. He'd been patient long enough in his opinion. He'd done as Kurogiri said for over a month enough was enough.

Kurogiri closed his eyes for a moment as the image of slicing Spinner in half with one of his portals crossed his mind. "If you must know I am looking for a weapon hidden by All for One for Tomura. From what All for One told me this weapon could be the game changer we need. I just need you to be patient a little longer. Is that good enough for you?" Kurogiri asked. Spinner eyed the smoky villain for a moment before hissing.

"Fine but this weapon better be worth it." Spinner said as Kurogiri nodded and disappeared.

Kurogiri arrived once more in the woods the sound of the wind rustling in the leaves greeted him. After babysitting Toga and placating Spinner Kurogiri was about fed up with everything. "Let's hope I find this thing today." Kurogiri said as he began to walk through the underbrush as he did so he heard rustling nearby, but chalked it up to some woodland animal or an unfelt breeze. He was so far in the backwoods he doubted even the most experienced of woodsman would find him.

Kurogiri made his way to a tree that looked like it had been gripped by a giant. Looking it over he could see that the tree was still oozing sap. If he had a mouth he'd be smiling right now. I've found him finally! This sense of relief is what blinded Kurogiri to the ambush he'd walked right into. The tree behind Kurogiri rustled as Gran Torino blasted through the branches and slammed into Kurogiri's back ramming the smoke villain's face into the tree he'd been expecting smearing sap across his face as he stumbled. I need to escape! Was the only thought on his mind as he began to collapse in on himself.

"Oh no you don't!" Gran Torino said blasting into Kurogiri again catching his neck in a lariat as the jet hero blasted into the clearing slamming Kurogiri into the ground as Gran Torino gripped the armor on his neck. There was a series of rustling as Tsukauchi and his team popped up with guns drawn.

"Don't move Villain you're under arrest!" Shouted Tsukauchi as Kurogiri looked up from the dirt. What this is impossible! How did they know? Have they been monitoring me? When did they spot me, and how long have they been tailing me? Kurogiri's mind filled with questions, but amongst the many queries he couldn't help but notice the irony of the situation he had found himself in. For the past few days he'd been chaperoning Toga to make sure she wasn't caught by Gran Torino. Little did the warp villain know that his biggest worry should have been for Torino looked down at Kurogiri and as if reading his mind the hero smirked and spoke.

"We've been onto you for a while villain, but now it's over. We know you're out here for some giant or something, but that's over. We'll throw you into Tartarus with your boss along with whatever monster All for One has out here in the woo-!" There was a massive thud nearby. Gran Torino looked out to the tree line scanning it for threats before his eyes were drawn to two discolored trees. The hero's eyes scaled up the trees only to find they connected to a much larger body and finally a large face with a mouth of sharp teeth two of which stuck up from his bottom jaw like a boars' tusks.

"Why don't you ask him for yourself?" Kurogiri said as Gigantomachia looked around at the gathered people before noticing the one pinned to the ground. Gigantomachia was larger than most trees in the area shaggy hair ran down his shoulders jostling as he moved his head. In his mind he remembered All for One showing him a picture of this man.

"This is Kurogiri he's my aide. If he ever comes to you help him Gigantomachia." Gigantomachia opened his mouth to speak. "Kurogiri needs my help." The giant said before moving his hand forward towards Gran Torino who grabbed Kurogiri and jetted away from the massive palm, but the resulting wind from the impact threw Gran Torino farther than expected. He slammed into a tree feeling his head smack against the rough bark. The world shuddered between his eyes as he fell to the ground. His grip on Kurogiri hadn't slackened thankfully as the villain was also out of sorts after being jerked by Gran Torino's Jet by his neck and then coming to such a sudden stop. Whiplash was the least of his worries right now as the world shook around him. Tsukauchi and his team had been thrown back as well from Gigantomachia's attack.

"Give me Kurogiri!" Gigantomachia shouted as he reached for Gran Torino and Kurogiri once more. That idiot he'll kill us both if he comes at us that fast! Gran Torino thought as he attempted to Jet, but the world was still out of sorts for him. He didn't know which way to move as the hand closed in. Right before impact Gigantomachia's hand was thrown to the side one of his claws catching the tree Gran Torino was up against. Bark was torn as his claw bit deep into the tree spattering bits of wood across the prone hero and villain. As the giant's hand passed by Gran Torino could see Izuku with both his legs on Gigantomachia's wrist pushing it further off track.

Minutes earlier

Izuku along with the rest of the search party had been at this for four days searching for the giant that had left that footprint. They'd come across other such markings, but they often proceeded or were directly after a large swath of the forest was destroyed. Whatever this thing was it was strong and destructive. Maybe it was some animal with a quirk that was just destroying things simply to destroy things. "Attention we have a sighting of Kurogiri in quadrant Q all members regroup!" These instructions came in over the radio and Izuku immediately summoned his Full Cowl and deployed his armor as he raced through the woods only to be stopped by Gran Torino.

"Hold on!" The older hero said as Izuku stopped.

"What's the matter Gran Torino?" Izuku asked as Gran Torino looked back to the direction they were to head in.

"I want you stay back and hide. I'll be the one to capture Kurogiri. I have more experience with this type of fighting. Also if he only thinks there's one hero here he's more likely to underestimate us. If by chance he does escape you'll be there to catch him without him suspecting a thing. So unless things go pear shaped stay concealed." Gran Torino said as Izuku nodded. He could see the genius of Gran Torino's plan, and was impressed with just how much the older hero had to offer as a mentor.


Izuku jumped off Gigantomachia's wrist and landed in front of Gran Torino and Kurogiri. When he'd seen this thing appear he'd wanted to intervene immediately, but had held his position, but with everything that had happened it was time to go on the offensive. "Gran Torino you should get Kurogiri out of here." Izuku said as his Full Cowl arced around him.

"What are you talking about boy? I'm fine the police can take him from here. That monster cannot be allowed to escape." Izuku shook his head.

"I don't think that's the best option Gran Torino. Kurogiri is the transport of the league. Without him they'll have to move much slower and much more cautiously. We cannot allow him to escape and the police are not equipped to hold him right now. They need you and your expertise. I'll keep him from following." Izuku said as Gigantomachia began to pick himself up off the ground. He'd been thrown off balance by Izuku's kick and fallen.

Gran Torino looked between Izuku and the giant his mind whirling to come up with an idea. A plan to get them all out of here safely with their prisoner, and the more he thought the more he knew that Izuku was right. This was the only way. "What about you, you can't win against that thing!" Gran Torino said as Izuku turned around with a smile.

"I don't have to win. I just have to buy you all enough time to get Kurogiri into custody. Once you're gone I'll hide from him and follow him wherever he goes. You can track my radio, but right now you need to go!" Shouted Izuku as dark wings spread from his back the lightning that arced around him that was once green now turned black as Izuku maintained both cowls to fly up at Gigantomachia. As he did so a memory flashed across Gran Torino's eyes.

Noelle Silva stood in front Sorahiko and an injured younger All Might. "Sorahiko get Toshi out of here! I'll take things from here." She said pushing Toshi into Gran Torino's arms.

"But what about you Noelle you can't win against him you don't have One for All anymore." Sorahiko said throwing Toshi over his shoulder. Noelle smiled at her friend and successor.

"I don't have to win Sorahiko I just have to make sure you two live." Those were the last words his best friend ever said to him.

Gran Torino clenched his fist and looked after Izuku. "You better be here when I get back boy! No excuses!" He shouted as Tsukauchi appeared gripping his arm next to Gran Torino.

"I-I heard everything. I promise Gran Torino we will come back for him. I couldn't help All Might, but I will not be helpless this time." Tsukauchi said as Gran Torino got to his feet. At his side Kurogiri chuckled.

"You're going to let that boy commit suicide in the most brutal way possible. You heroes are crueler than us villains." Kurogiri said laughing darkly before Gran Torino punched him in the back of the head.

"Shut your mouth villain. I have faith in JForce. Let's go Tsukauchi." Gran Torino said as Tsukauchi nodded and put the inhibitor cuffs on Kurogiri.

"Everyone we're moving out double time! I want a sound off as we go move, move, move!" The detective shouted as they all began radioing in as they retreated from the soon to be battlefield.

Gigantomachia looked at his wrist and rolled it a couple of times before seeing Kurogiri being carried off as a black object rose toward him. "Kurogiri!" Gigantomachia said as he rushed after the retreating figures. Izuku moved to the side as Gigantomachia ran after Kurogiri the wind from his passage nearly throwing Izuku into a tree. He's fast! Izuku thought before flying after him his wings flapping fast and hard being enhanced by One for All running through his body.

The sound barrier snapped around Izuku as he launched himself with a final flap of his dark wings before they disappeared as he switched out his Dark Shroud for his Kyuubi Cloak. The lightning around his body changed from black to gold as nine golden tails sprouted from his back signifying the combination of his Kyuubi Cloak and his Full Cowl. "Rasengan Smash!" Izuku shouted as he got in range and in his palm formed a ball of green energy that expanded to an absolutely massive size.

From behind Gran Torino and the police a bright light shone. The older hero looked back just in time to see a large green ball of energy slam into Gigantomachia's back and explode. The giant was engulfed in a dust cloud as a shockwave of wind ripped through the forest obliterating all the trees in the immediate vicinity of the blast while further out the trees were nearly bent in two from the wind pressure.

Izuku panted as he clutched onto Gigantomachia's back waiting for the smoke to clear. He'd felt the solid impact of his attack and then a shift from the giant, but as the smoke cleared Izuku's eyes widened seeing that apart from a series of scratches across the giants back he was hardly damaged at all. Not a single scratch drew blood. Gigantomachia was unharmed and the shift Izuku had felt was the giant being forced to step forward, but that was all.

Gigantomachia turned around and his eyes locked onto Izuku before he gave a beastly roar.

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