

During Izuku's Internship.

Izuku was lying flat on his front his cheek pushed against the floor of the gravity chamber. He placed his hands against the ground as he began pushing up green lightning arcing from his body as he did so, but even then he was only able to get to his hands and knees. "75Gs is really something." He groaned as he looked at his arms straining under his own weight. He could see the sweat on his arms bubbling from his skin, but strangely it wasn't rushing down his arms being forced to the floor. "I must be hallucinating." He thought to himself as he was pushed back to the floor his vision swimming. Sure he could turn off the gravity with a simple vocal command, but he refused to do so.

It wasn't the fact that even attempting to speak took a herculean effort, but Izuku saw that giving that command would be quitting and he couldn't do that, no he had too much riding on this. He only had a few more days to use this chamber if he couldn't get to 100Gs by then who knows when he'd have another chance. Izuku's vision steadily started to darken as he shouted to himself. Get up, get up, GET UP!

Suddenly Izuku was in a familiar place the black landscape that he'd met the past users of One for All. He looked around in the darkness as a brilliant yellow light lit the space blazing quickly through the darkness. A man walked towards him his every step bringing light with it until finally the man stood before him. He had short cut blonde hair with a pair of fox ears sticking out from it. His eyes were sky blue and seemed to emit joy. His face was adorned with three horizontal lines one above the other on either cheek which crinkled in a smile. From behind the man wafted nine equally blond tails as he stood in a long sleeve orange shirt and black pants with sandals.

"You really are a hard worker Izuku I'm impressed you got here so fast, and a gravity chamber the modern world is crazy!" The man said smiling as he rubbed his nose with a bandaged right hand. Izuku recognized this voice.

"You're the man from back at the Sports Festival and the one I talked to last time." The man nodded as he stood tall.

"Yep I am the sixth user of One for All Naruto Uzumaki, though most people knew me by my hero name; Kyuubi no Kitsune." Naruto said looking proud of the name. "I didn't think I'd meet you so soon, but I hoped for it, and now it's here. Your body is ready to receive my quirk." Naruto said as Izuku looked at him.

"I have so many questions, but you probably don't have a lot of time. Luffy was only with me for a minute or two I think, a lot was going on." Naruto nodded as he looked Izuku over.

"Well you're right I won't be like this for long, but I will be here longer than Luffy. Back then your body wasn't ready to receive Luffy's power so it was a rush job which is why it was so hard for you to control his power without him in your head to walk you through it. I was supposed to be the first aspect you met." Naruto said seemingly pouting at the mishap. "You see with the training you received it would have been easier for you to use my power." Naruto explained as Izuku cocked his head.

"You mean…?" He was about to ask before Naruto cut him off.

"That's right I was trained as a ninja too!" The man shouted pressing his thumb to his chest. "Back in my day, wow can't believe I said that, but anyway when I was a hero it wasn't as "legal" as it is now it required stealth to do what we did and I was trained for that at a young age, so the others and I thought I'd be the perfect starter for you, but Luffy did what he does best, whatever he wants." Naruto said with a shrug.

"I see so what is your quirk?" Izuku asked as Naruto held up his bandaged hand and slowly a blue sphere came to life growing until it was the size of a baseball.

"My quirk is called Rasengan I can pull energy into my palm spinning it at high speed to tear through anything, of course like Luffy One for All has powered it up quite a bit so who knows what you might be able to do with it now." Naruto said clenching his fist as the ball burst apart in a torrent of wind similar to what happened at the Sports Festival to break Izuku from Shinso's hold.

"So that's what that was. I always wondered what happened back then." Izuku stated as Naruto nodded.

"You weren't ready then, but you are now and we are all looking forward to where you go with our powers. I don't think it was a coincidence that you were the person One for All opened up to. I think like us One for All saw your potential and wanted to help you go beyond us, and finish what we couldn't. You will beat All for One Izuku Midoriya, believe it!" Naruto said pushing his fist toward Izuku who after a moment pressed his own fist against Naruto's and watched his light flow into him.

In the gravity chamber a red light could be seen as Izuku got to his feet wrapped in a red energy shaped like a fox complete with the ears, but only a single tail. "Thank you Naruto I won't waste this power or your trust in me!"

Muscular looked at the bright form of Izuku his body glowing like the sun as nine tails fluttered behind him. Muscular had fought and killed a lot of powerful people in his time, but none had caused him to second guess himself like this boy did. For the first time Muscular thought about running from a fight, but that thought was swept away as the villain smiled happily his face splitting in a manic grin. "Well look at that you fucking evolved like a goddamn Pokémon! I hope this transformation comes with a whole lot of power!" He shouted as his entire body was bound in his muscle fibers enlarging the villain as he leapt forward the force of his movement shattering the edge of the cliff as he punched forward slamming his fist into Izuku.

Muscular smiled until the dust cleared and saw he had only hit one of Izuku's tails, despite its translucent state the tail seemed harder than steel. "What the?!" Muscular said shocked before narrowly avoiding a blow from one of Izuku's tails feeling it slice open his cheek as he leapt over the boy landing on the mountainside as he looked down at Izuku who's once green eyes were orange with a vertical pupil centered on Muscular. "That's some tough shit there kid." He growled before diving towards Izuku slamming both fists down on the boy who blocked with another tail before swatting Muscular into the air the villain coughed having actually felt the blow even through his muscle fibers.

Muscular looked down seeing Izuku was gone only for him to turn around and find Izuku there above him. He growled punching forward only to find all four of his limbs bound by Izuku's tail as the two reached the apex of their height in the spare seconds of zero G Muscular looked at Izuku as he raised his hand palm open and in it appeared a green ball of swirling energy. Izuku's eyes looked from the sphere in his hand then to Muscular. "Rasengan Smash!" He shouted as he forced the ball into Muscular's abdomen and to the villain's horror watched the ball tear through his muscle fibers like a drill before it impacted his stomach causing him to hack up blood onto Izuku's face and blew him spiraling down towards the cliff smashing into and down through the stone causing the entire cliff to collapse.

Mandalay looked to the sound of an earth shattering explosion and saw something bright shining in the night sky like a sun at midnight and not knowing how, she was sure that Kota was safe now as she smiled turning to the two villains before her. "Pixiebob get the students out of here me and Tiger will handle these two." Mandalay said as Pixiebob looked at the massive plume of dust and nodded before ushering the students to follow her.

Dabi looked at the clearing smoke and then turned his head up and smirked. "Wow you really are the real deal aren't you Eraser?" He said as Aizawa's scarf shot out wrapping around him before the hero fell towards him pulling Dabi's head against his knee knocking the villain backwards until Aizawa's scarf pulled taut.

"Why are you here, what is your objective!?" Aizawa shouted. He was worried about his students, but he had to prioritize for the moment if he figured out what the villains were after then he'd know how best to react.

Dabi shook his head as he looked at Aizawa. "You're pretty good at defending yourself. I wonder if the same can be said for your precious students." Dabi retorted causing Aizawa to glare before yanking his scarf towards him only to tear through Dabi as he collapsed into mud. Aizawa looked at the mass of dirt on the ground before seeing a light erupt in the sky and a plume of dust rise from the ground.

"They're after the students I need to find them." He said rushing off to the clearing where the students had last been gathered hoping to meet the students on their way to the lodge

Kota covered his face as dust screamed past him pricking his skin as it did so. He slowly withdrew his arms from his face and opened his eyes to see a glowing Izuku in front of him. "I told you to run Kota." He said as the boy looked at him.

"S-sorry, but I wanted to see you win, and you did. You protected me even though I was awful to you." Kota said starting to cry as he felt Izuku's hand on his head.

"How could I be a hero if I couldn't save you?" He asked smiling as he lifted Kota with one of his tails keeping him against his back. "Now then let's find out where everybody else is." He said closing his eyes and once more calling up the forest imagery from before watching it light up with lights eight of them being red and the others being white. He focused on one in particular zeroing in on it and found he was looking at Mr. Aizawa. "Good he's ok." Izuku said wrapping his tail tightly around Kota and pressing him against his back.

"Kota I'm going to be moving really fast so keep your face pressed against my back and hold on tight." Izuku instructed as Kota did as he said before feeling a jerking motion as Izuku began running his arms behind him as he tore through the forest.

Aizawa stopped his run as he heard something rushing towards him and a light getting steadily brighter. It wasn't the blue light of Dabi's fire, but he couldn't be sure if this was a villain or not. He turned his eyes glowing red as the light suddenly disappeared. "Mr. Aizawa it's me don't use your quirk!" Izuku shouted Aizawa disengaging his quirk as he turned around seeing Midoriya standing right behind him robed in bright energy and in his arms was Kota. How, when did he get behind me? Aizawa thought before Kota was pushed into his arms.

"Here's Kota he's not injured, but I need to tell Mandalay he's ok, so would you look after him for me. I also know who the villains are after hopefully Mandalay can put the word out, for whatever reason they're here for Katsuki." Izuku explained as Aizawa nodded.

"Fine go tell Mandalay all you know and when you do give her this message." Aizawa said before Izuku tore off into the forest his brilliant light receding from the pro and his charge. "I-is he going to be ok Mr. Aizawa?" Kota asked as the pro looked down to the boy and sighed.

"I think so, but he's going to have a lot of explaining to do later." He said before taking Kota back to the lodge.

Tiger was trading blows with Magne slamming his fists against Magne's arms. "Geez you're pushy! You could at least let me pick up my weapon!" Magne shouted dodging away from Tiger to reach for her weapon only to have Tiger nearly uppercut her.

"You don't have the right to complain Kenji Hikiishi, you're a criminal wanted for multiple murders! How many lives have you treaded upon with no consideration for their feelings? That is why I will see to it you are brought down!" Tiger shouted going after Magne once again.

Mandalay dodged back from Spinner's collection of blades looking at the lizard male and his makeshift weapon. "What's wrong hero you can't beat me by dodging!" Spinner growled swinging his sword again only for it to be broken in half by what appeared to be a glowing tail "What the?!" Spinner shouted seeing someone standing behind Mandalay. It was the boy who'd saved Pixiebob.

"Mandalay Kota's ok I got him to Mr. Aizawa who should be heading back to the lodge now." Izuku said looking at the two villains. "I need you to use your quirk to tell Katsuki Bakugou that the villains are after him and should be guarded. He won't like it but at least he'll know, also Mr. Aizawa told me to give you this message. The Pro Hero Eraserhead is granting all students permission to fight." Mandalay's eyes widened at the load of information she'd been given but nodded.

"Alright I'll let everyone know." Mandalay said as Izuku nodded.

"Good I'm going to try and help out where I can." Izuku said rushing off as Mandalay activated her quirk.

Katsuki dodged back landing next to Todoroki as the two looked at this freak of nature using his teeth to slice and maneuver around the forest. "What the fuck is this shit!?" Bakugou shouted as Shoto created a wall of ice to block a tooth attack. As the two then heard Mandalay's voice in their heads.

Attention all students Katsuki Bakugou is being targeted by the villains he needs to be protected! At this Bakugou's eye twitched with a vein pulsing in his right temple. "THE FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY!?" He shouted launching an explosion to propel him out of the way from another attack. Also from Eraserhead all students are permitted to fight the villains. At this Bakugou smiled.

"Like I wasn't going to do that already!" He shouted launching himself towards the revealed Moonfish only to have an ice wall appear between the two blocking both attacks.

"Didn't you hear what Mandalay said? You need to be protected." Shoto said calmly as Bakugou rounded on him.

"Like hell I do!" Katsuki argued.

Ragdoll crouched against a tree clutching her right arm as she stared at the monstrosity before her. It had to be one of those Nomu things Eraserhead told them about. She hissed as she got to her feet and activated her quirk looking the monster over she could discern no weaknesses from it as the thing raised its hands which shot out to grab hold of Ragdoll who dodged to the side as one hand smashed the tree she'd been leaning against. I need to get back to the others; I can't take this thing on my own! She thought to herself before feeling something grab her leg and drag her along the ground before slamming her onto a stone slab. She felt her ribs break as blood gushed from her mouth.

She lifted her head as the Nomu stood above her and horrifyingly opened its chest like a mouth drawing her into it only for something to shine in the sky. It looked like a large ball of green light which slammed down on the Nomu driving it into the ground. The las thing Ragdoll saw was a man of light before passing out.

Izuku looked at Ragdoll lying there and bleeding as he gently hefted her with his tails holding her gingerly against his back. "Don't worry Ragdoll I'll get you help." He said before he began to run through the forest using his new perception ability he looked through the forest seeing two white forms close by only one was a massive white. "What is that?" He asked himself before focusing and to his shock seeing the massive white form was Tokoyami and he was chasing after Shoji.

"I have to stop him without hurting him." Izuku said before remembering what he knew of Tokoyami's quirk and smiled. "I'm coming to help Tokoyami!" Izuku said running faster before bursting through the trees seeing one of Dark Shadow's claws coming at Shoji. "Stoooop!" He shouted landing in front of Shoji and blocking with four of his tails being forced backwards as his feet were forced into the dirt.

"Tokoyami don't do this!" Izuku growled throwing Dark Shadow's claw backwards as he flared eight his tails like a peacock letting the glow from his Kyuubi cowl shine into the shadow beast dispersing it as Tokoyami was dropped to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't control Dark Shadow please forgive me." Tokoyami pleaded as Shoji and Izuku stood next to him.

"Thanks for the help Midoriya I don't know how I was going to get him to calm down." Shoji said seeing Izuku's glowing form.

"No problem Shoji, what happened here?" Izuku asked as Shoji knelt down to help Tokoyami to his feet.

"We were walking the path when I heard something and pushed Tokoyami out of the way with a dupliarm, but it was severed while doing so. It's not permanent or anything, but it does hurt." Shoji explained as Tokoyami took over from there.

"I couldn't help, but feel angry that Shoji had been hurt saving me so I called out Dark shadow, but my anger was too much and Dark Shadow went out of control. Thank you for saving me from hurting anyone Midoriya I am in your debt." Tokoyami said bowing only for Izuku to shake his head.

"You can repay me by taking Ragdoll back to the lodge. She's hurt pretty bad, so be careful. I'll find Katsuki." Izuku said preparing to leave only for Shoji to stop him.

"He should be further down the path they were ahead of us in order of taking the test of courage." Shoji explained grabbing hold of Ragdoll and wrapping her in the webbing of his arms against his back.

"Thanks Shoji get back safe." Izuku said jumping off once again towards the direction Shoji had pointed him in.

Izuku came out of the treetops seeing the fight between Todoroki and Bakugou versus Moonfish. He took stock of the situation before leaping in just as Katsuki shot an explosion forcing the villain to jump into the air right in line for Izuku's punch slamming into the Villain's mouth shattering his teeth and splattering blood across his arm as he flew down crashing through a tree. Izuku landed next to Todoroki who took in Izuku's new form. "You have another new power?" He asked as Izuku shrugged and smirked.

"Just a new aspect of it." He responded before Shoto was shoved aside by Katsuki.

"Why'd you come here Izuku I could have taken him out I didn't need your help!" He shouted as Izuku sighed.

"I know you heard Mandalay's orders Katsuki that you need to be guarded the villains are after you." A vein pulsed in Katsuki's forehead as he looked at Izuku.

"Say that again Izuku, I dare you!" He shouted as Izuku shook his head.

"We don't have time for this the others might be in danger." Izuku said moving past Katsuki as he shut his eyes seeking out his fellow students. He found them scattered about, but for the most part seemed to be out of immediate danger. He turned seeing the white outlines of Ochaco and Tsu with an unknown red individual. "Let's go that way." He said beginning to run off, making sure to slow down enough to keep pace with Shoto and Katsuki.

"How can you tell where they are?" Shoto asked as Katsuki grumbled in the back.

Izuku cast an eye to Shoto before speaking. "I've been focusing on my perception training since after the mall incident, so I think that my power has augmented my senses to the point where I can sense people from a distance. It's not perfect. I can't tell who's who unless I really focus, but I do know friend from foe." He said as the trio ran.

Tsu and Ochaco looked at the girl before them in the tooth mask and a knife in one hand. "Hi my names Himiko Toga want to be friends?" She asked the two girls as Tsu stepped forward.

"Ochaco you should run I'll hold her off. At this distance I can keep her distracted while not putting myself in any danger." Tsu said only for Ochaco to look at her.

"Tsu you can't be serious, I'm not leaving youuuu!" Ochaco shouted as Tsu grabbed her with her tongue and tossed the brown haired girl back as Toga rushed forward clipping Tsu' tongue with her knife as the frog hero jumped back.

"So your name is Tsu how cute!" Toga said as Tsu frowned.

"Only my friends call me that." She responded jumping away only for her hair to be pinned to a tree by Toga's syringe.

"Yay that means we're friends!" She shouted happily as she moved closer to Tsu stroking her bloodstained lips only for Ochaco to approach punching towards Toga who dodged to the side.

"Keep away from her!" Ochaco glared at Toga who smiled.

"There's no need to be jealous you can be my friend too." Toga said happily stabbing towards Ochaco. Ochaco kept her eyes on Toga just like she'd been taught by Gunhead before stepping to the side and grabbing Toga's wrist like she'd been taught, but then remembered what Izuku had taught her during their training sessions and threw her elbow into the side of Toga's head before slamming her to the ground and jerking her arm behind her back and kneeling on her spine.

"Wow that…was pretty good." Toga said her vision spinning some as she lay there. "Did your boyfriend teach you that?" Toga asked making Ochaco blush and Toga smiled wide. "I can see it all over your face. You have someone you like, someone you love and want to be like right?" She asked Ochaco stared her down. "But after a while it's not enough to just be like them you want to be them!" Toga said taking the opportunity to stab her syringe into Ochaco's thigh drawing her blood right before footsteps were heard.

Ochaco looked up her grip loosening as she locked eyes with a glowing nine tailed Izuku. Toga thrashed from underneath Ochaco knocking her off her back as she jumped to her feet. "Sorry I don't feel like getting killed tonight." She said before locking eyes with Izuku, rather than his glowing form she took notice of the blood splatter across his face, arm and chest. She felt her heart throb in her chest before racing off.

"Ochaco are you ok?" Izuku said kneeling down to her as he then looked at Tsu who walked away from the tree she'd been pinned to. "Oh good you're both ok." He said smiling before hugging the two girls who blushed as Todoroki and Katsuki stared on.

"Izuku now might not be the time for that we need to get Bakugou to a safe place." Todoroki said having expected to be interrupted by the blonde only to look back and find he wasn't there.

"Oh do you mean him?" A masked man said from the treetop holding a marble. "Sleight of hand always has been my best talent." He said before bowing. "You've all been a great audience au revoir!" The man said leaping away from the children. Todoroki turned back to tell Izuku only to see him with a look he'd never seen on the boy's face; rage.

"Izuku?" Todoroki asked only for Izuku to launch himself into the air after the man cratering the earth as he did so Todoroki, Tsu, and Ochaco covered their faces from the explosion of dust.

Mr. Compress jumped from tree to tree before a chill ran down his back he turned around seeing the glowing boy hurtling toward him. "Give Katsuki Back!" He shouted slamming into the villain and driving both of them to the ground.

Dabi stood in the clearing with Twice as the two watched Toga appear. "So, how many people's blood did you get?" Dabi asked as Toga clutched her face with a smile replied.

"Only one." She said with a giggle as Dabi quirked his eyebrow.

"You were supposed to get at least three, why are you so happy about failing?" Dabi questioned.

"Yeah you failure! Hey take it easy on her Dabi!" Twice shouted from behind the flame villain.

"Oh I just met a really cute boy! I think I might be in love!" She shouted happily.

"Wait is it me? Sorry you're not my type!" Twice said before something crashed in between the three of them as the dust settled they saw Mr. Compress on the ground with Izuku standing atop him.

"Hey I know you! Wait who are you?" Twice said as Dabi launched a swath of flame towards Izuku who lifted his tails blocking the attack, but being forced off his captive. Mr. Compress stood up clutching his back.

"That boy ruined my exit!" Mr. Compress complained as he stood behind Dabi who cut off his flame attack only to see Izuku still standing there his tails hardly scorched as they pulled away revealing Izuku's glare.

"We need to go now!" Dabi shouted right before a brilliant beam of light blasted from the left catching part of Mr. Compress' mask and from his mouth popped another marble in an instant Izuku's tail shot out snatching the marble and bringing it back to him.

"You idiot which is which?!" Shouted Dabi only for Compress to smile.

"I told you didn't I sleight of hand is my best skill." He said showing the marble he had in his hand and deactivated his quirk. The marble in Izuku's hand burst into leaves while the one in Dabi's returned to Bakugou.

"Good let's go Kurogiri." Dabi said retreating into the portal as Izuku rocketed forward towards him.

"Stay back Izuku." Bakugou growled right as Izuku's form broke apart the boy falling to the ground inches away from his friend as he was withdrawn into the portal and disappeared with the villains. Izuku got to his knees shakily looking at where Katsuki had disappeared and slammed his fist into the ground as Aoyama came out from the bushes to console the boy before Todoroki along with Tsu and Ochaco appeared out of the forest and saw no sign of the explosion user.

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