

A Secret

"Kukuku… I must say, you are leaving me quite surprised, Naruto-kun…" The Sannin commented as if he was having the time of his life.

Naruto glared down at his opponent. "You shouldn't have underestimated me…" He said. "I'm strong… Stronger than you could ever imagine!" The Uzumaki exclaimed as he activated the Sora Sharingan and looked straight into Orochimaru's eyes.

It was as if time had suddenly stopped for the Sannin as all of the thoughts in his head were wiped out, leaving space only for the pair of navy blue eyes with white comas that were firmly starting into his serpent-like eyes.

Too lost in his own pondering, the pale man almost missed when the young blond opened his mouth and muttered the word. "Amaterasu." Acting out of instinct more than anything else, the snake summoner immediately jumped onto another tree. The next second, the branch where he had been standing on burst into black flames that consumed it in a matter of seconds.

Orochimaru's eyes quickly shifted back and forth between Naruto's eyes and the black flames he had conjured. "Impossible…" He whispered, holding his gaze on the flames before starting at the genin again. "How can you have a Sharingan?" The Sannin asked in a low vice, the mirth he had when he was mocking the young man was completely gone.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he looked down at his hand for a couple of seconds before answering. "You ask how I can have it?" The spiky haired boy repeated before suddenly closing his hand in a tight fist. "I would have thought it would be obvious… This is the Sora Sharingan, this is my bloodline!" The Uzumaki firmly stated.

The genin's answer failed to satisfy the older shinobi as his face changed from shock to anger. Taking a few seconds, Orochimaru composed himself. "I always did find it odd how my spies could not get any information about your heritages…" The black man commented. "I could guess who your father was due to your physical characteristics and the circumstances regarding your birth, but… Your mother…?" The Sannin wondered out loud.

The blonde's Sharingan eyes narrowed at the man's words.

"Kukuku…" A low chuckle escaped Orochimaru. "I see now… So this is the result of combining the Uchiha and Namikaze bloodlines." He said. "But to be able to use techniques unique to the Mangekyou Sharingan… Now that is impressive." The snake summoner commented with a smirk.

Having heard enough, the blond jumped forward and immediately appeared in front of Orochimaru.

The Jinchuuriki drove his fist into the Sannin's stomach, sending the older man flying into a tree. "Having the Sharingan helps me regulate the chakra throughout my body… Giving me almost perfect chakra control." He revealed. "Plus it allows me to see when my opponents are gathering chakra to attack or flexing their muscles when they are about to defend themselves."

Orochimaru glared at the genin. "Yes… I know how the Sharingan works…" The Sannin commented as the young man started advancing towards him, forcing the man to put some distance continue putting distance between them.

The older shinobi was in a bit of a conundrum. One part of him was dying to know what the spiky haired boy and his strange Sharingan could do, but the other was aware that in his restricted state he might not be able to beat the Jinchuuriki, and going all out was out of the question because, if the Third became aware of his presence, his whole plan would be ruined.

Taking advantage that his opponent's mind seemed to be distracted, Naruto quickly performed a series of hand seals. "Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" Immediately, another enormous fireball came out of the Leaf nin's mouth and shot towards the black haired man.

Orochimaru had foreseen the incoming attack and easily jumped out of the way. Unfortunately, the spiky haired boy had jumped even higher than him and proceeded to drive his hell right to the top of the missing nin's head, sending him crashing down to the ground.

The Sannin was able to able to land on his feet, but before he could straighten himself up, he felt another punch dig into his stomach.

As the snake summoner's body was pushed back by the punch, Naruto quickly delivered a powerful kick into his ribcage, sending his body flying sideways onto a tree.

Immediately, the Sharingan user chased after his opponent. Orochimaru was able to stop two of the Jinchuuriki's fists, but the third one connected with his chin. The black haired man's body was actually raised a couple of inches into the air by the genin's uppercut.

The Uzumaki proceeded to drive a powerful kick into the Sannin's airborne body, brutally slamming it back into the tree behind them.

"I told you… I'm strong." Naruto muttered.

Orochimaru growled under his breath. "Cheeky brat…But if I use anymore power I would risk the chance of being discover here." He thought. "And any jutsu I could be copy by him… And adding to his firepower would be counterproductive to my plans." The snake summoner reasoned. The older shinobi suddenly took out a pair of kunai and hurled them at the blond.

Naruto was able to dodge the incoming blades with ease and dashed towards the missing nin.

The Sannin blocked the Jinchuuriki's punch and tried to connect one of his own, but instead his fist was stopped by the blond.

Having a clear opening, the Uzumaki delivered a powerful punch on Orochimaru's stomach, leaving the pale man gasping for air as the Sharingan user continued his attack by driving another fist to the side of the missing nin's face.

Orochimaru was sent flying to the side, his body bouncing off the ground as his momentum died out.

"I guess I had my fun for the day…" The older shinobi thought as he immediately stood back up and jumped onto a tree with the intention of making his escape.

Seeing his opponent trying to get away, Naruto immediately took out a kunai and threw it at the Sannin's direction.

The snake summoner saw the weapon flying towards him and moved his body safely out of the way. It was not until the kunai flew passed him that the pale man realized that there was an explosive tag tied to it.

"Amaterasu." The young Jinchuuriki said.

Immediately, the small blade and the piece of paper were engulfed nin black flames. The explosion that ensued sent the Sannin crashing back down onto the ground once again.

By the time that the black haired man's body hit the ground, Naruto had already finished the hand seals he needed for his next move. "Kakougan Kangoku no Jutsu!" Naruto called out. Immediately, four stone walls bust out of the ground around the Sannin, encasing him.

Orochimaru looked up at the only exit in his prison to find the blond already standing on its age.

Naruto looked down at the former Leaf nin with his Sora Sharingan. "Amaterasu…" The Uzumaki repeated, conjuring more black flames that immediately filled the inside of the prison.

A second later, the whole stone construct exploded as the body of a giant snake fell lifelessly into the ground. Moments later, Orochimaru burst out of the serpent's body completely unharmed by the flames. "Kukuku… That was a very clever strategy, Naruto-kun, I applaud you." The older shinobi commented in an amused tone. "It is a true shame that I cannot have your body instead… Between you and Sasuke-kun, it is clear that you are the better vessel, but I guess he would have to do." He said with a thoughtful look.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at those words. "So that's your plan?" He questioned in disgust. "Why do you want his body?" The Jinchuuriki demanded.

A chuckle escaped the pale man. "For the Sharingan, of course, with it I will be one step closer to my ultimate goal." He announced. "Make sure to nurture your, Naruto-kun, I really want to find out what those eyes of yours are capable of seen." Orochimaru added before leafs suddenly started swirling around him.

Before the genin could react, the Sannin had disappeared.

The blond continued looking around for a couple of seconds and tried to sense the missing nin's chakra. Not finding anything, the spiky haired boy finally lowered his guard and deactivated his Sharingan.

Still holding on to Sasuke's body, Sakura was hyperventilating as she watched her blond teammate finally turned towards them and dropped down to the ground. The kunoichi's mind raged as the Uzumaki approached. "Naruto… Sharingan… Orochimaru… Sasuke-kun… Just what the hell is going on?!" The Haruno's thoughts were a complete mess as she had to concentrate not to start shaking.

It was not long before Naruto was already standing over the two other members of Team Seven. Without saying anything to the pink haired girl, the Uzumaki crouched down, picked the Uchiha's body, and proceeded to prop him over his shoulder and start walking away. "We have to find some place save for him to recuperate." The spiky haired boy finally said.

Her teammate's sudden words finally snapped Sakura out of her stupor. "Naruto… What… What was that all about…?" She tripped over her words as she tried to get the question out. "A Sharingan… You have a blue Sharingan?" She finally asked.

The Uzumaki stopped in his tracks and remained silent for a few seconds. "You cannot tell anyone… Got it, Sakura?" Naruto declared without even looking back before starting to walk again.

In the back of her mind, the young woman noted the lack of the "-chan" suffix after her name. "But… But… How…?" The girl stammered.

"Sakura!" The blond barked out her name, causing the pink haired girl to flinch. "I am not playing here… You have to keep what you saw a secret, do you understand?" Naruto asked as he finally looked back at his teammate.

The Haruno was barely able to suppress a gasp. The blonde's eyes, that that had been dull and lifeless when she saw them just an hour before were stormy and chaotic. There were so many emotions reflected in those sapphire eyes that the kunoichi could not even begin to discern one from the other. "Na… Naruto…" She called out softly after him.

If the spiky haired boy heard her, he chose to ignore her. Instead, he continued walking with Sasuke's unconscious body still on his shoulder.

"I understand…" Sakura answered, letting a few tears fall silently to the ground before following her teammates.

Kakougan Kangoku no Jutsu – Granite Prison Jutsu

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