
A meeting of six families.

When she was going to respond, Mantis pulled the phone away from her and ended the call.

"Sister, a few hours away from your husband will not kill you. This whole day is for you to relax, not think about children and your man or what they are up to. After you give birth, he will sometimes have to babysit on his own. Will you require him to give you a minute by minute update on what they are doing?"

A masseuse put two cool cucumbers over Alix's eyes and facial mask. When she was finished, Alix responded to her friend's question.

"It's hard for me to relax when they are alone all day and i don't know what they are up to. Last time it was a fight with monkeys, Xiaobo came home with a rash and...."

Mantis half groaned and half moaned, from the frustration of her friends very not so relaxed manner and the enjoyment of the deep tissue oil massage.

Alix removed the cucumber slices on her eyes and peeked at her friend.

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