
Chapter 7

Year 273 

We were a Day away from Storms End, and the journey was smooth. My mother was fussing over Visenyas hair, as my little sister was a bit rebellious child but adorable nonetheless, my brother and I came into the carriage to have a family meeting. My father, dressed in our house colors with silk robes, was nursing his wine and my brother and I were making silly faces at my sister, my mother, dressed in a black and purple dress with her Valyrian steel necklace I gave her for her name day. dressing the part of a true Targaryen queen, clearing her throat to bring us to attention. "So, Daemon and Rhaegar what is on your minds, my sons?" she asked, still playing with Visenyas hair. 

"We were discussing things on the realm and wanted to know why the crownlands are so small, they are directly appointed to House Targaryen, but they are not enough, Harrenhall, the Gods Eye, and Maiden pool and the surrounding land should be directly apart of the crownlands along with some of the Storms End and we should grant charters to Duskendale and Driftmark and buy said lands." He went on about charter rights and granting merchant rights to better favor the merchants in King's Landing; he also hinted at making more lands apart of the crownlands to the crown because some of the river Lords try to bully the Tullys anyway 

His father thought for a moment and then spoke, "You have high ambitions, my son but how would you propose in acquiring these lands without causing major backlash from the other lords, I agree with you on Charters for Driftmark and perhaps Duskendale in a few years, your policies will work in ensuring Kings landing gets the first chance to buy and trade goods for the first three years But tell me, how about the other Lords, There is no doubt they will have something to say? he asked, his brows furrowed. 

"Rhaegar pointed out that Uncle Steffon sent his Heir Robert and Lord Stark sent his second son Eddard to foster in the Vale with Lord Arryn, and he does not have any children so no doubt he will come to care for them, Lord Stark's heir Brandon and Lord Tully has a daughter; no doubt here's a match to be made soon, that's four kingdoms that will no doubt have close ties either by marriage or friendship," he said, meeting his father's eyes. 

Both his mother and father shared a look and had a silent conversation. Before long, they nodded, and my father turned towards us. "You suspect treason, my sons," he asked, anger briefly showing on his face. 

"I suspect a loose noose around our necks and the moment we do something that displeases them, then the noose will tighten, however, Lord Tywin will not go against us and Dorne will not because of how I healed the prince and princess, The Tyrells are secured, although Lady Olenna dislikes our house due to the broken betrothal to Daeron in the past but she's not stupid; they owe us there position but there is still cause for worry." He spoke. 

His mother spoke up, "But why start these alliances in the first place, Lord Steffon is kin and the North do not typically mingle well with the South," she asked with a hint of worry. 

His father spoke up, "It appears Lord Stark has southern ambitions and as for my cousin, well, he's always been brash and quick to joke but he's cunning so perhaps he just wishes to have Lord Arryn straighten his son out, We should not let this trouble our minds no longer, As for you, Daemon and Rhaegar, its time to speak about betrothals," he said. I merely raised a brow but my brother looked tense by the remark. 

"EW Mariage, boys are stupid!" he heard his sister shout. Her face scrunched up in disgust as she broke free from my mother's grasp. Rhaegar chuckled and brought visenya onto his lap, pinching her cheeks. 

My mother added her thoughts on the matter, "Well, my sons, there are quite a few appropriate young ladies that are fit to marry into our house, there have been talks with all the seven kingdoms and more so about offering to host both of you." She spoke with a hint of sadness, not wanting to part with either of her boys. 

Rhaegar knew he would have to marry for duty, he was the heir to the Iron throne, but it hurt his soul to marry another when his heart belonged to his brother. Daemon was taller than most men and stronger than the majority of the men he trained with, Ser Tygett was a great swordsman and worthy of wearing the white cloak, but Daemon bullied him whenever they sparred, and he would do the same with most of the Kings Guard. It was a sight to see when he sparred with Ser Barristan, they were tied three to three, but he knew it would change in his brother's favor soon. 

"I should be the one to marry you, my sweet little brother; none of these harlots are worthy of marrying you, let alone speaking with you, I let the Dayne girl obsess over you because you didn't seem bothered," he muttered to himself. 

"Did you say something, brother?" Daemon asked, his head tilted in confusion. 

Rhaegar's face morphed into a smile as he faced his brother. "Oh, nothing, just thinking about who would offer the most for a Valyrian steel sword. Some of the lords might offer their own lands," he joked. 

His brother laughed at the joke; it made his heart soar with happiness, and his father joined in the laughter, "HA, yes, well, we gave them time to gather the coin or whatever they wish to offer for a weapon made by a dragon prince; also, daemon, did you bring your Warhammer?" he asked with a grin. 

His mother shook her head at this because he didn't go anywhere without his trusty hammer. 

"Of course I did, it's in its case with my things," he grinned at his father, and they both let out a boisterous laugh as Visenya jumped on Daemon's lap to join in the fun. 


Sorry for the delay, School has been hectic but i will be updating faster from now on.

I'm thinking of having a war kick off in the near future with MC crushing people with his Warhammer but I'm not quite sure how to kick it off.

As for pairings, I'm leaning towards Lyanna and Ashara, perhaps Elia as well, but it's not set in stone right now, ill play around with it.

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